Miami City Plan

Posted on: 30th June 2023



This case study assignment is designed to test your ability to conduct effective research, gain a nuanced understanding of complex concepts, synthesize the ideas reflected in your research with those reflected in your required readings, and to evaluate and apply these ideas to an issue of urban planning.


For this Case Study, you will first select one city, town, or county of your choice and read its comprehensive plan and process. From there you must describe the local government comprehensive planning process in detail. (How does the process work? Why is it used? What purpose does it serve? What are the impacts and second-order consequences?). Then describe the necessary elements in selected city, town, or county's local government comprehensive plan.

(How do the elements of a comprehensive plan work? Why are they used? What purpose do they serve? What are the effects and second order consequences?). Further, describe the necessary primary stakeholders to have a successful comprehensive plan. (What primary stakeholders are involved in a local government comprehensive plan? What do they contribute? What purpose do they serve? What are their influences and second order consequences of their involvement?).

Additionally, describe the factors that can influence comprehensive plan development. (How do the factors affect a local government comprehensive plan? What purpose do they serve? What are the impacts and second order consequences?). Finally, determine a biblical viewpoint concerning planning. Please use scripture to support the position. Integrate Biblical verses rather than at the end of the paper. Items to include are outlined as follows:

• Length of assignment is 2,000 – 2,500-words (8 – 10-pages)

o Not including title page, reference page, and any appendices.

• Format of assignment: APA format with 1-inch margins, 12-pt. Times New Roman font, and must include a title page and reference page.

• Number of citations: 8 – 10 scholarly sources (in addition to the course textbooks, assigned readings, and Biblical reference) to fully support your assertions and conclusions. These must be cited in accordance with APA guidelines.

• Acceptable sources: Use scholarly sources only. No websites, podcasts, dictionaries, encyclopedias, or magazines. Peer reviewed journal articles, dissertations, and textbooks only.

This assignment includes a template titled, Case Study: Local Government Planning &

Zoning Template. This template lays out for you the organization of your paper by providing all sections titles and format to which they need to be included. Use this template to accurately complete this assignment.

This research assignment designed to test your ability to conduct effective research, gain a nuanced understanding of complex concepts, synthesize the ideas reflected in your research with those reflected in your required readings, and to evaluate and apply these ideas to an issue of urban planning.

As with all doctoral-level assignments, you are expected to comport yourself with the highest writing, research, and ethical standards. To do well on this assignment, you must conduct high-quality research and offer a rich, well-supported analysis; mere opinion or conjecture will not suffice. A doctoral level course requires description and analysis. While descriptions certainly are the precursor to analyses, they are not the analyses. Analysis is not just opinion statements or a list of what authors have said. Each idea needs elaboration and explanation and, if possible, supported by data and/or credible sources. The analysis should demonstrate the ability to integrate theories with applications.

You must avoid careless or simple grammatical errors such as misspellings, incomplete sentences, comma splices, faulty noun/verb agreement, etc. Such errors will result in substantial point deductions. No slang, idioms, jargon, colloquialisms, and everyday language. Your writing must be scholarly.

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Miami City Plan

The City of Miami

Whenever you plan a trip to Florida, do not miss out on a visit to Miami. It is one of the most congested cities in the state of California. The Everglades and the Caribbean may be reached from here, as it is the starting point for many journeys. It is also a gorgeous spot with stunning beaches and a culturally diversified population. It was not always this way, though. It was not until Miami's lowly origins that it grew into what it is today (McGeehan, 2018). The Tequesta people were the dominant inhabitants of the area before the advent of the Europeans, maybe for thousands of years. During the 18th Century, regular encounters with Europeans became more commonplace. According to legend, Miami's name is derived from a Mayaimi tribe who inhabited the area around Lake Okeechobee. Many American cities have been named similarly. It was a tribute to the indigenous people of the area. Developments began to take place in the following decades. Miami is recognized for its beaches, skyscrapers, and pleasant weather in the modern era.

According to F.S. Chapter 163, Part II, local governments in Florida have the control and accountability to plan for their future success and advancement and embrace and modify comprehensive plans or aspects of such initiatives to guide their future growth and development. Implement such plans utilizing land development legislation, set up aid, and preserve organizational tools to help them (Sealey et al., 2018). The main essence of comprehensive planning is that its outcomes are mainly geared towards developing the organization that uses it. For example, the comprehensive plan is the Comprehensive Plan's goal to guide public policy in land use, transportation, utility provision, and leisure time activities. The scope of a comprehensive plan includes a wide range of issues and a long-term perspective.

 Future Land Use in Miami

According to the comprehensive plan, zoning restrictions that allow the specific uses approved by this section and those less intensive than those permitted by this section are considered to be consistent. In addition to the provisions of this section, more restrictive zoning laws may also be consistent with the overall plan. This plan does not define the phrases "less intensive" and "more restrictive" as used in this section. Suppose a completed urban planning and development order has been rolled out according to the provisions. In that case, this plan does not limit or alter the ability of anybody to finish any planned development that has begun and is continuing in good faith, provided that all City-imposed rules and requirements are met (Cowen et al., 2019). Consistent with this plan will be any legal deviations provided by a development code rule that implements this plan, so long as those variants are legal. All aspects and sections of this plan will be subject to this variance clause.

However, nothing should be understood to affect legally recognized vested rights. The applicant's obligation is to show that they have the legally required vested rights. It is necessary to show to the Mayor and City Commission of South Miami that the applicant (1) relied on some act or omission of the government in good faith and (2) has changed their position significantly or has incurred such extensive obligations and expenses to the applicant's detriment as to create an undue hardship to establish their vested rights. Even if zoning is in place that conflicts with the South Miami Comprehensive Plan, that does not automatically imply ownership of property (Cowen et al., 2019). Before the official adoption of this Comprehensive Plan, all development activities that needed approvals, orders, or permits remain in effect, but are subject to all applicable zoning laws and regulations of the City. Principles for farmland should address these issues.

According to Ordinance No. 07-90-1448, on May 1, 1990, the City Commission voted to approve Amendment 90-1. On August 20, 1990, a Final Order stating that the embraced Comprehensive Plan and its revised language were under regulatory prerequisites found in Chapter 163, Part II of Florida Statutes. This amendment was made to the Traffic Circulation Element and the Capital Improvement Element by the language contained in the Specified Proposed Settlement, dated December 5, 1989, between the City of South Miami and the Florida Division of Community Activities. In addition, the Fernwood Subdivision's potential land use categorization was changed from LO (Low-Intensity Office) to GR (General Retail), and the embraced Prospective Land Use map was revised to reflect this land use redesignation.

What purpose does it serve?

The CDMP outlines Miami-Dade County's long-term goals and policies for land use and protection in the county for the next decade or two and how county services will be provided to help meet those goals in the coming years. A "sustainable development" policy allows for the land capacity to meet predicted demands, preserve wetlands and agricultural regions, and protect (drinking) groundwater well fields, all of which contribute to a healthy environment. Using the CDMP, federal agencies can organize and schedule services and infrastructure and land use and zoning operations in great detail (Park et al., 2020). To that end, it can be used as a starting point for creating additional long-term planning projects. Goals, objectives, and policies are included for each part of the master plan, as are metrics to be tracked and maps of upcoming planned amenities.

More than 2,000 square kilometers of land have been developed for urban use in Miami-Dade County. At 5 acres, the Land Use map's smallest identifiable area, the countywide land-use plan identifies land use classifications. A Land Use Map for 2015-2025 physically depicts the suggested land uses by primary classifications, each of which is defined locally through the zoning categories (which are not part of the map). Specifies an Urban Development Zone as part of the CDMP (UDB) (Park et al., 2020). As long as the level-of-service standards for public spaces are met, redevelopment orders for urban expansion within the boundaries will be granted till 2015.

Ord. 04-96-1604, amending the Comprehensive Plan to create the Redevelopment & Infill District, was passed by the City Commission on April 1, 1996. (RID). We're here to alleviate the need for traffic impacts on the district's local, county, and regional transport systems to be coordinated. This exception to traffic congestion will allow for additional growth and renovation in the district, both intensity, and variety. Healthcare and office facilities are located west of South Dixie Highway (S.W. 72 Street) and include the business area around Progress Road, Commerce Lane, and Sunset Drive (S.W. 72 Street).

Second-order Consequences

Climate change is threatening Florida's 8,400-mile coastline and decimating the state's $1.2 trillion economies within the next two decades. "100-year floods" might occur every few years rather than once a century in many regions and put an additional 310,000 houses, 2,400 miles of roadways, 29 schools, and four hospitals at risk, according to new modeling by Resources in the Future, a nonpartisan economic think tank (Xiao et al., 2022). Hurricanes, storm surges, coastal floods, and sea-level rise will make Miami "the most susceptible major coastal metropolis on the planet," according to RFF, which estimates that hundreds of billions of dollars in assets will be at risk.

Daniel Raimi, a senior postdoctoral researcher at RFF and a lecturer at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan, said, "The sheer numbers of people who will feel direct climate impacts in their lifetimes are very, very significant, and it points to why public policies are necessary right now to start reducing the risks." According to the Climate Impact Lab, a group of scientists and economists striving to quantify the actual costs of global climate change, the findings are presented in a 70-page, visually appealing report. The three climate scenarios—"moderate," "higher," and "extreme"—associated with future greenhouse gas emissions are used to make effect estimations.

Then describe the necessary elements in the selected City, town, or county's local government comprehensive plan.

As the City's policy framework for current and future growth, the MCNP was developed by the City Council. Element policies and MCNP targets align with the City's long-term plans for its current and future infrastructure. It also assesses the City's ability to meet the demands of current and future residents, visitors, and growth as part of its mission (Backus & Bruhl, 2021). To ensure that MCNP is under state law and adapts to local and regional situations, the City of Miami is mandated by Florida Statute section 163.3191. Based on the Evaluation and Appraisal Review findings, the City of Miami will revise its comprehensive plans (EAR).

The City's EAR-based modifications are broken down into three sections: state statute requirements, public input, and staff suggestions. The EAR is a state-mandated assessment to ensure that the MCNP meets all current state statutory standards (Velarde, 2019). Along with meeting State obligations, the EAR process is a chance for the City to evaluate the MCNP and ensure that it reflects the City's long-term goals and achievements. The MCNP must be adjustable and versatile to be effective.

The City intends to revise the MCNP in two stages through the EAR process. Phase I includes updating the appendices and maps and preparing the EAR for the City's current MCNP under Florida statutes. To promote and incorporate input from our outreach sessions into MCNP, the City will conduct an update in Part II. Residents, businesses, and developers in Miami can rely on the City to supply them with the most current information possible.

The comprehensive plan includes data on past trends and estimations, the number of dependents, composition, features, educational achievement, trends in family income, and demographic data on race, gender, and age. A thorough planning process has a lot of value, and it's often just as enlightening as the final product (Burga, 2021). It is used in different ways, such as

1. Proactively enables a jurisdiction to manage its own future better.

2. Allows a city's authorities to take a step back from the daily grind and uncover elements that influence and shape the community.

3. In one of the few ways, it provides an opportunity to study a community and evaluate how competing interests might be balanced.

4. Ensures that the community grows and develops in an orderly fashion.

5. Ensures that elected and appointed officials, personnel, the general public, and other interested parties are all on the same page.

6. For future decision-making purposes

7. Getting a group of people ready for action

 Primary stakeholders to have a successful comprehensive plan

The Comprehensive Plan's Resilient Land Use and Development Component (RLU) provides a road-map for future land development and infrastructure in a manner compatible with the City's goal of a vibrant and resilient Miami Beach and the requirements of the Florida Statutes. All of the parts of this Comprehensive Plan are intertwined with the Principles, Goals, Targets, and Strategies of the Resilient Land Use and Development Element (Charbgoo et al., 2020). Upcoming land uses, and their locations are defined by the Comprehensive Plan's key concepts, which help to guarantee that expansion is directed in a robust, sustainable way, supported by vital services, and that improves the quality of life for inhabitants and visitors alike.

Stakeholders in municipal authorities can include citizens' affiliations, sports clubs, and local organizations, such as Scouts and Community Gardens, that use the municipality area's infrastructure and grounds for their activities.

The City must enact a concurrency management system as part of the land development ordinance. Unless the public facilities required by a development (to meet the level of service standards specified in the Infrastructure Policies) are in place concurrently with the development's impacts or the permit is conditional to ensure that they will be in place, no development permit shall be issued (Rouse & Piro, 2021). A development permit cannot be obtained until all public amenities required by the project have been constructed and are ready for use at the same time as the project's consequences are being felt.

 Biblical Viewpoint Concerning Planning.

In the story of creation, we see a plan. Each day there was a creation, and the next day built upon the former. There could be no light without first darkness, and there could be no day without night and separation between the two, which brought about evening and morning. There was sea and sky, bountiful earth, the lights of the day and night, fish and birds, living creatures, man and woman, and then rest. Even in the creation of man and woman, there was a plan for them to be in His image. Then God said, "Let us make human beings in our image, like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground" Genesis 1:26.


In conclusion, Miami has become a thriving metropolis. People still live in the area, despite the fact that it has been damaged by hurricanes numerous times. It's one of the most vibrant and interesting cities in the country, and a must-see for every American traveler. Miami's mild climate and proximity to adjacent islands are two of the city's primary draws for some residents. Whatever your reason for visiting or relocating to Miami, you now have the knowledge that the city was founded hundreds of years ago by European settlers. 


Backus, E. C., & Bruhl, J. C. (2021). The need for a comprehensive facility decision-making process. Facilities.

Burga, H. F. (2021). The Mariel Boatlift and comprehensive planning: humanitarian crisis, demographic data, and Cuban-American community development. Planning Perspectives, 36(3), 433-449.

Cowen, C., Louderback, E. R., & Roy, S. S. (2019). The role of land use and walkability in predicting crime patterns: A spatiotemporal analysis of Miami-Dade County neighborhoods, 2007–2015. Security Journal, 32(3), 264-286.

Charbgoo, N., & Mareggi, M. (2020). A framework for time studies in urban planning: Assessment of comprehensive planning in the case of Tehran. Environment and Planning B: Urban   Analytics and City Science, 47(6), 1098-1114.

McGeehan, D. (2018). Miami: Then & Now. University of Miami.

Park, Y., Kim, H. W., & Kim, Y. (2020). Reconciling New Urbanist plans: plan quality evaluation for cities in Florida, US. International Journal of Urban Sciences, 24(4), 462-484.

Rouse, D., & Piro, R. (2021). The Comprehensive Plan: Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Communities for the 21st Century. Routledge.

Sealey, K. S., Burch, R. K., & Binder, P. M. (2018). What Is Happening in Miami?. In Will Miami Survive? (pp. 1-11). Springer, Cham.

Velarde, C. (2019). Analyzing Affordable Housing Policy in Miami-Dade County (Doctoral dissertation, Florida Atlantic University).

Xiao, Y., Yang, H., Zhao, Y., Kong, G., Ma, L., Li, Z., & Ni, W. (2022). A Comprehensive Planning Method for Low-Carbon Energy Transition in Rapidly Growing Cities. Sustainability, 14(4), 2063.

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