Diseases of The Skeletal System: Arthritis
Find and critique 4 different web sites that provide information for individuals living with diseases ( select 4 different diseases) of the skeletal system. Be sure to include the urls of the sites!

Diseases of The Skeletal System: Arthritis
The article has a title with subtitles that describes the condition. The author has mentioned the definition, mostly affected joints, causes, signs and symptoms. He also explains in detail the diagnosis and treatment, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological, along with the complications of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative synovial joint disease characterized by cartilage loss (Arthritis Foundation, 2018). The affected cartilages are softened and eroded. The most affected joints are the hands, knees, hips, and neck (Arthritis Foundation, 2018). The article describes the causes of osteoarthritis generally. However, the causes should have been classified as either primary or secondary causes.
Also, the predisposing factors, including age (advanced age), weight, obesity, genetic predisposition and gender, should have been clearly identified as the risk factors leading to osteoarthritis. The management of the condition includes pharmacological therapy such as the use of analgesics to reduce pains, NSAIDs and corticosteroids (Arthritis Foundation, 2018). In addition, non-pharmacological techniques, for instance, weight reduction, heat application and exercises, have been explained. The information is helpful to people living with osteoarthritis because they know about the condition, its management, causes, and risk factors. In addition, it facilitates the community to take the necessary measures such as living a healthy lifestyle to enhance the quality of life.
Rheumatoid arthritis
The site describes how it is to live with RA, especially after being diagnosed. RA is a systemic, symmetrical disease characterized by chronic recurrent inflammation of joints and surrounding tissues (Davidson, 2019). Most women are affected by RA, and mostly the cause is unknown. The clinical manifestations of Ra include fatigue, malaise, morning stiffness of joints, pain at rest and with movements, fever, weight loss, cognitive dysfunction, and anxiety (Davidson, 2019). Also, information on the management of arthritis, including NSAIDS to control symptoms and local inflammatory process. In addition, non-pharmacological therapy such as hot showers, gentle stretching, and exercises to relieve stiffness is used. Finally, the author emphasizes the role healthy diet choices play in enhancing our health.
The information is designed to help people with osteoporosis learn about the condition. Osteoporosis is the most prevalent bone disease globally, characterized by reduced bone density and quality. Also, low bone mass and density lead to enhanced bone fragility and increased risk of fractures (NHS.uk, 2018). The author discusses common osteoporosis-related injuries: broken wrists, broken hip and broken vertebrae. The disease pathogenesis enables the community to understand what they are going through. This facilitates them to seek treatments early, facilitating interventions to be carried out to avoid complications. Information on the site is valuable and beneficial; however, much medical jargon has been used. This can be difficult for a person without any medical background to understand and effectively apply the knowledge gained.
American academy of orthopaedic surgeons describes the definitions of fractures, classification, causes, treatment and prevention. The fractures are classified as closed/simple, open/compound, complete or incomplete, stable or unstable. They are also classified according to the direction of the fracture line, oblique, spiral, and lengthwise plane (OrthoInfo – AAOS, 2021). It also expounds on the common causes of osteoporosis and trauma fractures. In addition, the authors provide information on the medical management of fractures. They include cast immobilization, functional cast or brace, traction, external fixation, open reduction, and internal fixation (OrthoInfo – AAOS, 2021). The recovery process, which might take several weeks to months, is also explained. It allows the person with fractures to anticipate the time needed for the complete recovery.
Arthritis Foundation (2018).Osteoarthritis.| Symptoms Treatments | Prevention Tips | Pain Relief Advice. https://www.arthritis.org/diseases/osteoarthritis
E. Davidson. (2019, August 12). What’s a real day in the life with rheumatoid arthritis? Here’s a look at mine. CreakyJoints. https://creakyjoints.org/living-with-arthritis/day-in-life-with-rheumatoid-arthritis/
NHS.uk. (2018). Living with Osteoporosis. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/osteoporosis/living-with/
OrthoInfo - AAOS. (2021). Fractures (Broken bones) https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/fractures-broken-bones/

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