Effects of Artificial Intelligence in Society

Posted on: 15th May 2023


I plan to investigate if Artificial Intelligence will bring more goods than harm to our society. I plan to analyze how Artificial Intelligence impacts our society. I will also examine it from the perspective of proponents and anti-Artificial Intelligence groups. I plan to find out what causes such a great controversy between proponents and anti-Artificial Intelligence groups. Will Artificial Intelligence bring Us Convenience? Can Artificial Intelligence replace humans?


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-Include at least 8 academic sources.

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Effects of Artificial Intelligence in Society

Internet and Technology are changing the way organizations view efficiency in their operations. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is among the many transformations that have taken place in the world, shaping human activities (Panch, Szolovits, & Aatun, 2018). The manufacturing sector is among the greatest beneficiaries of AI technology. Using AI has significantly increased efficiency and reduced human error by producing goods and materials. Organizations can now use code-driven systems to improve their capabilities and production capacities (Agrawal, Gans, & Goldfarb, 2019). Every organization connected to information technology is gradually adopting AI in its production and operations. The rise of AI has exposed many companies to previously unimagined opportunities and unprecedented threats (Kanzode & Sarode, 2020). As some organizations benefit from the efficiency brought by AI employees, they remain on the verge of losing their jobs. Generally, the debate over the effects of AI systems has continued to elicit mixed reactions from various experts.

Companies depended on human expertise to operate and maintain their machines. Many companies hire the most competent people to oversee the operations of their systems. However, today, many companies’ systems are controlled by machines and computers that have been simulated. The use of computers to execute specific tasks in organizations seems to match and outdo human intelligence (Duan, Edwards, & Dwivedi, 2019). AI helps organizations in complex decisions where sophisticated algorithms are involved. The health care sector has also experienced definite transformation thanks to the development of AI systems. Some sections such as surgery and transplants have evolved to the extent that little human intervention is required (Von Krogh, 2018). Machines have been programmed to perform similar operations as humans could but with much greater efficiency. Code-driven operations and surgical services have made intensive care services faster and more effective.

Artificial intelligence has changed how computers and machines are used to perform particular operations in various sectors of the economy. Machines and computers receive instructions that program them to operate and think like humans (Vinuesa et al., 2020). AI exhibits traits that are associated with human minds as decision-making and problem-solving. Examples of AI used in everyday life include chatbots, autocorrect, google maps, face detection and recognition, robots, and e-payment systems (Thiebes, Lins, & Sunyaey, 2021). All types of AI systems operate under three broad categories of cognitive aspects: learning, reasoning, and self-correction processes. The continuous use of AI is gradually replacing human involvement in the day-to-day operations of various organizations (Panch et al., 2018). Therefore, the adoption of AI in business, manufacturing, and healthcare exhibit accrued benefits and pose some risks to human lives.

Positive Effects of AI in Society

The use of AI systems can make the lives of humans better than it has been for years. Humans are involved in designing AI to ensure that it solves their needs (Von Krogh, 2018). However, human minds and involvement in production and operations in various organizations have been associated with some errors that make it challenging to achieve perfection. The use of AI is geared towards eliminating errors and increasing efficiency. Generally, AI systems in society result in new inventions, unbiased decisions, reduction in human error, and digital assistance.

New Inventions

Life is full of complexities and challenges that require strategic approaches to establish solutions. The use of AI provides solutions to various sectors such as manufacturing, banking, and healthcare (Bhbosale, Pujari, & Multani, 2020). For example, the healthcare sector has struggled with predicting the early stages of breast cancer. The adoption of AI systems has made it easy for doctors to detect the early stages of breast tumors. AI has transformed the banking sector since most physical contacts that had been a few decades ago are no longer there. The development of e-payment systems has enabled customers to deposit funds in their accounts without patronizing the bank (Khanzode & Sarode, 2020). Customers’ queries can also be addressed online due to AI systems that facilitate a robotic form of communication.

Additionally, AI has contributed to new inventions in the manufacturing sector with the emergence of self-driven vehicles. Passengers can travel to destinations of their choice with a car without a driver yet have zero risks of accidents. Human lives have been made comfortable due to AI systems that have led to tremendous innovations (Theibes et al., 2021). Therefore, increased innovations due to AI adoption have made society a better place to live. Generally, solutions to various challenges that humans struggled with decades ago have been found with the emergence of AI systems. The future is expected to be better with the evolution of AI systems worldwide.

Unbiased Decisions

Using machines and computers for decision-making is more effective than using humans. AI systems depend on code-driven instructions that direct their actions, unlike humans, that are driven by feelings and emotions. Decisions made by AI systems are void of affiliation and influence from any quarter like humans that can easily be manipulated (Agrawal et al., 2019). AI systems ensure accurate decisions since they do not have any biased views. Society benefits from AI systems when crucial decisions about problems people experience are concerned. When there is a need to decide on a practical solution, AI will ensure that its decisions meet everyone’s expectations. AI system for decision-making is practical and rational in its approach, unlike humans that depend on other people’s views and perceptions (Vinuesa et al., 2020). Generally, AI is the most effective tool for complex decision-making processes where accuracy and unbiasedness are required.

Reduced Human Errors

In most cases, many systems operated using human knowledge are found with errors that make them unreliable. Human activities must undergo several verification processes for their quality and standards to be approved (Bhbosale et al., 2020). AI system has been programmed for accuracy and precisions that most errors associated with human efforts get eliminated. Machines and computers used in AI systems have been fed with specific instructions that they must execute at every moment (Von Krogh, 2018). Decisions made by AI systems are predetermined and based on previous data. An AI system is a logical algorithm set to perform a specific task. For example, robotics designed for surgery only carry out commands about surgery without diverting to other activities. The precision with which AI systems perform the results of their operations is more effective and accurate than humans.

Generally, the AI system has been designed to reason like the human mind, but its outcomes are void of errors. The Healthcare sector is among areas in society that high level of accuracy is expected (Panch et al., 2018). For example, doctors screening cancer patients are expected to produce accurate results that will get used to initiating treatments for the patients. When there is an error in screening, the doctors could perform the wrong diagnosis that harms the patients’ health (Khanzode & Sarode, 2020). Therefore, AI systems guarantee effectiveness in the patients’ screening, leading to correct treatment. The use of AI systems has reduced human errors in the healthcare sector and other areas such as hotel service, e-payment, manufacturing, and banking.

Digital Assistance

In the past two decades, many organizations experienced crowding in their customer care areas where their clients lined up to inquire on one issue or the other (Duan et al., 2019). They required many staffs to handle many customers at their business premises. For example, before the advancement of Technology, most banks received customers in their numbers in their banking halls seeking various services. Many customers got disappointed since the queues were too long to behold. However, the development of AI systems has enabled banks to establish digital assistances to handle customers’ inquiries from the comfort of their homes. The emergence of the AI system has transformed customer services in many organizations more than how they used to be several years ago (Agrawal et al., 2019). Organizations have minimized the need for human resources since they can use chatbots to answer specific inquiries made by customers.

Digital assistants are tools that have replaced human involvement in some significant operations for some organizations. For example, Chatbots can answer specific questions customers ask at different times of the day. The adoption of AI systems has enabled people to get round-the-clock services from their key organizations (Agrawal et al., 2019). Before the invention of the AI system, many companies operated only during office hours. However, operations have changed significantly due to technological innovations. Organizations and society have benefited alike since they reduce physical interaction time and save time and resources through digital assistance.

Adverse Effects of AI in Society

Humans have been the masterminds of many operations in organizations. The need for human resources was driven by the number of services organizations required to provide for their customers (Duan et al., 2019). Hospitals employed more surgeons to handle various surgical issues per time. Manufacturing companies involve several employees in various departments of their organizations. Many people that acquired academic certifications got opportunities to explore their potential. However, the emergence of AI systems has changed various operations patterns to the extent that most organizations do not require human resources (Bhbosale et al., 2020). Generally, the emergence of AI intelligence has brought harm to society in equal measure as it has brought good.

The rise in Unemployment Rate

Before introducing the AI system, many organizations depended on human labor to succeed in their operations. Employees were a great pillar of any organization since their organization’s productivity depended on their skills and expertise (Agrawal et al., 2019). However, the emergence of the AI system in many organizations has rendered many people jobless. Some tasks that required human interference have been replaced with robotics. AI system is programmed to enable machines and computers to reason like humans (Vinuesa et al., 2020). For example, advanced manufacturing organizations no longer use human engineers to design and production operations. Instead, they use robots with specific instructions about every component of production. Employees have been reduced to mere spectators as their skills are no longer necessary for the company.

AI system works similarly to humans to imply that whatever a human could have done is performed by a machine. Society is struggling with unemployment due to inventions that have taken over human jobs (Duan et al., 2019). The unemployment rate is rising among the graduates, which is causing them frustration as some of them resort to crime for survival. Many companies have not allowed any room for humans to work alongside machines and computers as robots control everything (Thiebes et al., 2021). Therefore, as companies advance their course in AI systems for their operations, the unemployment rate will soon be a nightmare in society.

Loss of Creativity

AI systems depend on specific programs that predetermine data to operate. Every AI system gets designed to handle a specific task per time such that it cannot think outside the box (Vinuesa et al., 2020). Therefore, AI systems cannot be creative about approaching particular challenges when decision-making is required. Organizations may get forced to spend more than their budget when they need to use different AI systems when the current one fails to solve diverse challenges (Panch et al., 2018). In addition, employees that work along the AI system will be rendered dull since they cannot think without following the actions of robots or chatbots they are using. Therefore, AI systems undermine creativity since new ideas cannot be inserted within a predetermined program used by machines and computers.

Increased Costs

Creating a machine or a computer system that could simulate human minds might be an uphill task for many organizations. Developing an AI system requires plenty of time and resources that many organizations might not have at the moment (Von Krogh et al., 2018). The high cost of adopting an AI system is likely to leave some companies in disadvantaged positions. The companies will find it challenging to compete with technologically oriented companies dealing in the same line of products (Khanzode & Sarode, 2020). There will be unfair competition since some companies possess a competitive advantage over others. Society might challenge choosing goods produced by a techno-based company over others that use manual systems.

Additionally, the adoption of AI systems requires sophisticated software and hardware that many companies may not be able to afford. Technological advancements keep evolving to mean that organizations will continuously require new systems to stay afloat (Bhbosale et al., 2020). The need to stay updated with the latest technologies will require organizations to spend extra than what they have budgeted for in their financial estimations. Generally, adopting and implementing AI systems is costly and reflects the increased costs of goods and services in society.

Loss of Decision-making Role

Society is used to people deliberating on various challenges to get an amicable solution. Humans working in an organization can suggest various approaches to solving a particular challenge (Von Krogh, 2018). However, the AI system uses predetermined data for decision-making. The continuous use of AI systems for decision-making will imply that humans will lose control over their lives. Society will depend on code-driven decisions where people lack the opportunity to add their input (Duan et al., 2019). There will be many sacrifices over independence, authority, and privacy since humans have no control over any process (Bhbosale et al., 2020). The continuous use of AI systems for decision-making will erase the human existence as decision-makers about various issues facing their lives.

Therefore, the loss of decision-making roles will increase the chances of data abuse as AI systems do not incorporate values and ethics. Some decisions made by AI systems might further erosion of sociopolitical structures in society (Duan et al., 2019). In addition, there is potential for loss of lives due to increased automation of systems. For example, the accelerated growth of automated military applications is likely to destabilize human groups. Conclusively, the loss of decision-making roles will erode the ability of humans to think for themselves.


The emergence of AI systems in society has benefited human activities and harm in equal measures. Machines and computers used as tools of AI have been programmed to think and act like human minds. For example, many organizations use robots for surgery, and chatbots get used for customer service. The adoption of AI systems has reduced human errors in production, resulted in digital assistance, is suitable for new inventions, and helps in unbiased decision-making. However, AI is also associated with increased unemployment, eroding humans’ decision-making power, demeaning creativity, and the high cost of adoption. AI system is the future of society, but there is a need to align every system component to accommodate human involvement. If the harms posed by the AI system can be averted, society should embrace its full adoption to enjoy its benefits. Therefore, the AI system is beneficial to society, but it has some harm to human lives that can get eliminated. 


Agrawal, A., Gans, J. S., & Goldfarb, A. (2019). Artificial intelligence: the ambiguous labor market impact of automating prediction. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 33(2), 31-50.

Bhbosale, S., Pujari, V., & Multani, Z. (2020). Advantages And Disadvantages Of Artificial Intellegence. Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 227-230

Duan, Y., Edwards, J. S., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2019). Artificial intelligence for decision making in the era of Big Data–evolution, challenges and research agenda. International Journal of Information Management, 48, 63-71.

Khanzode, K. C. A., & Sarode, R. D. (2020). Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: A Literature Review. International Journal of Library & Information Science (IJLIS), 9(1), 3.

Panch, T., Szolovits, P., & Atun, R. (2018). Artificial intelligence, machine learning and health systems. Journal of global health, 8(2).

Thiebes, S., Lins, S., & Sunyaev, A. (2021). Trustworthy artificial intelligence. Electronic Markets, 31(2), 447-464.

Vinuesa, R., Azizpour, H., Leite, I., Balaam, M., Dignum, V., Domisch, S., ... & Fuso Nerini, F. (2020). The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Nature communications, 11(1), 1-10.

Von Krogh, G. (2018). Artificial intelligence in organizations: New opportunities for phenomenon-based theorizing. Academy of Management Discoveries.

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