Evidence 6
What general knowledge did you gain from this week’s content?
What were the three most critical takeaways you gathered?
How does this content inform your teaching?
How does it impact students?
Infant and Toddler Development and Responsive Program Planning: A Relationship-Based Approach
Infants and toddlers are in a sensitive period of life, a period where they are learning to interact with their environment, including other toddlers’ company. Parents and teachers have a starring role in ensuring toddlers make a smooth transition to learning by offering all required support. This week’s content focuses on how teachers can offer support, including emotional attachment, creating an environment that will support toddlers’ growth. The environment should be safe, clean, emotionally supported, and responsive. It should allow toddlers to experiment with new experiences, and it should comply with policies, laws, and systems that support quality in child care programs.
One of the takeaway points gathered in this week’s content is the description of quality group care for toddlers and infants. The quality environment in group care should warrant the child’s safety, allow smooth communication between family and the teacher on issues concerning the child, have a responsive, warm relationship between a child and the teacher, and be engaging and developmentally appropriate for learning. The next takeaway point is the role of the teacher in all the above. The teacher makes everything work. The teacher should be competent and responsible because the child’s development depends on them. The third takeaway point is the development of a responsive relationship-based program. This includes what a teacher in the program does, what is in the program, and how to make sure that the program is sensitive to your family and culture.
This week’s content explicitly explains the role of the teachers in group care and how their competency and responsibility are significant. The content informs my teaching by showing what will be asked of me to assist the toddler and infants learn in a new environment. This knowledge also has an impact on students. They know the importance of training and why every detail matters. There is no room for errors while raising the toddlers and infants. There are systems, policies, and laws to ensure that quality programs are serious and fair. Therefore, the standards they will set after training should comply with the already established standards
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