Human Value and Bioethical Issues
1)According to your worldview, what value does a human person have?
2)How does your position affect your stance on controversial bioethical issues, such as abortion, designer babies, and stem cell research?
Human Value and Bioethical Issues
According to White. (2020, understanding the value of human beings is a concept that is attributed to varied descriptions and approaches that distinguish humans from other living things. For example, healthcare experts describe what it entails to be a person using unique treatment options and concepts. Some individuals possess a complex understanding of human recognition as further research and reasoning entail. Many take a person as a physical body with a dependent brain, while others attest to possession of the human body and soul. However, technological advancement in health care systems is substantial, though accompanied by bioethical issues.
Based on my global view, a person’s value and accomplishment of God’s will are intertwined since humankind was created in God’s likeness. According to Adams. (2018), the acquisition of ethical knowledge and skills renders individuals capable of deciding bio-ethical issues and accounting for their consequences. Therefore, serving the creator while advancing his creative works on earth turns out to be a major responsibility. Abortion is a controversial issue with practical and religious reasons that account for their practice. Religious leaders regard it unethical because it contradicts their value of life before the creator.
On the other hand, designer babies entail genetic modification by introducing preferred genetic components to the human embryo, egg cells or sperm through technology to deliver babies with such preferred genes (Dev, 2021). Even though God encourages the advancement of his creative works from a biblical viewpoint, I dismiss the idea of designer babies because the activity is contrary to God’s value to human life. We live in an ever-changing world encountering accelerated innovation and the emergence of new diseases; therefore, stem cell research will pave the way for medication and health development to sustain life.
Adams, D. M. (2018). Are hospital ethicists experts? Taking ethical expertise seriously. In Moral expertise (pp. 207-225). Springer, Cham.
Dev, S. I. (2021). Is it morally justified to create disabled designer babies? Jindal Global Law Review, 1-25.
White, H. Nathan. (2020). God, Humanity, and Human Dignity [PDF] (pp. 1-38).
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