Movie Twelve Years a Slave Analysis
Course Description
Covers the structure and function of the American government, the dynamics of political change and contemporary issues. Prerequisites: College level reading and writing skills are required.Course Intended Outcomes
· Discuss and explain the roots, history and evolution of the United States Constitution.
· Discuss and explain the roots, history and evolution of constitutionally-guaranteed liberties and rights of United States’ citizens.
· Discuss and explain the roots, history and evolution of “inputs” to the United States’ political system including but not limited to the role of public opinion, the media, elections, political parties, and interest groups.
· Discuss and explain the roots, history and evolution of the structure and functions of the formal branches of the national government (legislative, executive/bureaucratic, judicial).
· In regard to all the above objectives, be able to understand and explain the evolution of the United States’ political system through time in response to changing national needs.
· Follow and understand current domestic and global events involving the national government of the United States.
· Students will develop and demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles and practices of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government.
· Students will develop and demonstrate an understanding of the United States Constitution and its application.
· Students will develop and demonstrate knowledge of the founding documents and how they have shaped the nature and functions of our institutions of self-governance.
· Students will develop and demonstrate an understanding of landmark Supreme Court cases, landmark legislation, and landmark executive actions and their impact on law and society.
Attendance and participation
Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class session, and is the basis for participation, both of which are mandatory. Attendance is necessary, but not sufficient for class participation. Participation is more than just your physical presence in the classroom. During class time, you are expected to actively engage the material, in a joint learning process with the rest of the class. Also, throughout the semester, you will be given various assignments to be done in class. If you have a legitimate, college-approved reason to miss a session, such as jury duty, some other officially sanctioned campus activity, an emergency, or if you intend to leave class early, let me know in advance. Excused absences will only be given after the fact and under exceptional circumstances. Nonetheless, if you are absent, it is advisable to borrow and copy notes from a classmate. “Present” means being in the classroom for the entire class period, from beginning to end, except for bathroom breaks. Two points will be deducted from a maximum of 50, for each lateness, early departure, or absence. Note that for perfect attendance and punctuality, you will exceed the maximum possible class participation grade. Again, you will receive credit only for being both punctual and present for the entire class period. Other types of participation will also influence your final grade. For example, if a student’s cumulative score is one of the “cusp” grades (e.g. 224 is a borderline A/B) I will decide the grade based on participation.
Punctuality will also affect your final grade. You may wish to log into class several minutes before the session is scheduled to begin. Class begins on time, and your presence is expected until it ends. If you join the class after it has begun, please communicate with me at the end of class to make sure you are recorded as being late (not absent), and to find out what you missed.
Each student is responsible for studying this syllabus, then taking the associated quiz on Canvas on the indicated date, as indicated in SCHEDULE OF CLASS TOPICS READINGS AND ASSIGNMENTS. The ten-question multiple-choice Syllabus Quiz will be graded and thus contribute to your cumulative total.
Exams are cumulative and will be available only on the dates indicated. Each exam will consist of 50 multiple-choice questions. Each will be made available for a specified time-period, specifically from midnight (12:00am) to the following midnight (11:59pm) on the indicated dates. During this window, each student will have one-hour to complete one and only one attempt.
Each student will choose a project and develop a political science approach to it. Further details about the Project may be found at the end of this syllabus. On the indicated dates, as indicated in the SCHEDULE OF CLASS TOPICS, READINGS AND ASSIGNMENTS, the preplanning paragraph and project, respectively, are to be submitted on Canvas. Students are therefore expected to complete both prior to the indicated dates. If you are unable to submit the project that day, it will be accepted before the due date, not after. By due date of the preplanning paragraph, I will expect you to have selected a infotainment show, article, or movie. The Pre-Planning Paragraph and the Project will both contribute to your grade. It is therefore important to take them both seriously. No e-mailed projects will be accepted except in cases such as those indicated in STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. Late papers will be deducted twenty-points for every day the paper is late.
Pre-Planning Paragraph
The Pre-Planning Paragraph will articulate your choice of option for the project, and provide further details about how you intend to approach it (you may change your mind thereafter) in 200 to 250 words. Having reviewed your Pre-Planning Paragraph, I will provide suggestions that enable you to further develop the Project adequately, or, if need be, change topics. Late Pre-Planning Paragraphs will not be accepted. In addition, only those submitted by the indicated date will be reviewed.
Recording of Class Sessions
Students may, without prior notice, record video or audio of a class lecture for a class in which the student is enrolled for their own personal educational use. A class lecture is defined as a formal or methodical oral presentation as part of an HCC course intended to present information or teach enrolled students about a particular subject. Recording class activities other than class lectures, including but not limited to lab sessions, student presentations (whether individually or part of a group), class discussion (except when incidental to and incorporated within a class lecture), clinical presentations such as patient history, academic exercises involving student participation, test or examination administrations, field trips, private conversations between students in the class or between a student and the faculty member, and invited guest speakers is prohibited. Recordings may not be used as a substitute for class participation and class attendance and may not be published or shared without the written consent of the faculty member. Failure to adhere to these requirements may constitute a violation of the HCC Student Code of Conduct.
Format essay in MLA, three to five pages long (8.5”x11”), that is, at least three full pages (excluding heading and bibliography). Double-space with twelve-pitch font and one-inch margins all around. The heading would include course and section numbers, project option number, and date. |
Reflecting on coursework, choose one of the following options as the focus of your project. In addition to your object of analysis, use only course materials to complete your project. Also, use all those resources. This includes, for example, chapters in the textbook that may not have been assigned reading. |
I. |
In 2007, the Pew Research Center asked a representative sample of Americans how they learned about the then presidential campaign. One of the findings was that young people were more likely to say that they at least sometimes learned about the campaign from comedy or “infotainment” programs. Select a current or past such program and view at least a single episode that aired during the tenure of the current presidency. Examples of such shows might be: Real Time with Bill Maher, the Colbert Report, or the Daily Show. How much do these contribute to the viewer’s store of political information? How and how well do these programs cover substantive complex issues versus “horse race” aspects of politics? Why do younger people tend to depend more on infotainment for news information? Discuss with reference to traditional shows such as CBS Nightly News. |
II. |
Review the press, including newspapers, literary reviews and magazines of fact and opinion for an article about issues that concern national governance today. Political science issues about national government do arise in the press, even if they may not be explicitly identified as such. These articles, usually written by journalists instead of political scientists, prompt questions that they do not answer. Identify and state clearly a political science question arising in the news or other articles you have reviewed. Choose an article that was published during the tenure of the current presidency (attach a copy of the article). Develop a distinctly political science approach to this question. In other words, in framing your question and responding to it, use concepts and theories in regular use in the discipline. Include a bibliography and citations. Reflect on what makes your approach a political science one. |
III. |
American cinema, usually viewed as entertainment, often also engages politics. Movies offer, among other things, an alternative way to present arguments and project views. For example, Birth of a Nation, the story of the post-Civil War South from the perspective of the Klu Klux Klan, was propaganda for the system of racial segregation that had then recently been put into place. Movies such as To Kill a Mockingbird, Gone with the Wind, Twelve Years a Slave, and Jungle Fever, also address issues of race, sometimes in relation to national identity. Select, view, and critically analyze a film. Examples of suitable film would include American Hustle and Wall Street. How does the film represent Americans from the standpoint of, for instance, beliefs, values, opinions, norms, and identities? Relate to discussions about issues that concern government, such as policy making, today. Compare this to the political science discussion about Americans? Movies are sometimes touchstones for current debates about political concerns. How does this assertion relate to your film? Discuss your position on the issues and situate yourself in the debates. |
Syllabus Changes: This syllabus is for informational purposes only and may be altered or modified at the instructor’s discretion to provide a more effective learning experience for students. Students are responsible for all announced changes. This syllabus may be changed during the semester. A new written syllabus will be uploaded unto Canvas for all registered students in the class when such changes are made. |
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Movie Twelve Years a Slave Analysis
The issue of slavery has been a long-time problem in the United States of America for many different reasons. It is also a very important part of the events that took part in the history and growth of the nation. The sensitivity of this matter is addressed in a format that is aligned with abolitionists. The federal government and the social systems in the nation have all agreed that it is time to help with integration. Facilities and initiatives such as the Reconstruction have been implemented to improve the plans. The best way to solve the issue is by first acknowledging that the victims are also just important. Intentions in most of the policies and measures established by the government are the core systemic changes. They will revolutionize how the people operate and build changes around social diversity and integration. My approach is to evaluate the movie to identify the possible measures in governance that would be used. While there are delicate scenarios and some damage along the way, the focal point of this paper will be the greater good that can be attained if the system works as efficiently as it is set up. The government has numerous domains and approaches that can be used, but it also is a way that complicates things. In any case, it is also important to note that government should facilitate and simplify many others. Policies should be fair and just for them to work, and o should be the system in which they are set. The evaluation will be from the perspective of a political analyst and will take into account all the different aspects of government. This essay will explore how the film Twelve Years a Slave addresses issues of race and sometimes concerning national identity.
How the Film Represent Americans
The film Twelve Years a Slave has tackled the issue of slavery in a way that is both brutal and eye-opening. It does not hide the realities of what happened during those years and how it impacts people even today. The film starts with Solomon Northup, a free black man living in New York with his family. One day, he is approached by two white men who offer him a job as a musician for their circus. He agrees and goes with them, only to be drugged and wake up in chains. He is then sold into slavery and put to work on a plantation in Louisiana. We see Solomon being beaten, mistreated, and humiliated throughout the film. He is also witnessed to the same happening to other slaves around him. The film does not shy away from showing the brutality of slavery and how it affected those who were forced into it. It also shows how race played a role in slavery, with black people being seen as inferior to white people. This is still relevant today, as many people still believe that black people are inferior to white people. The film also shows how slavery affected the family unit, with families being torn apart and children being taken from their parents. This is still relevant today, as many families have been torn apart by racism and discrimination. It is a film that everyone should see in order to understand the reality of what slavery was like and how it still affects people today.
Relationship of the Film with the Issues in the Government Today
The film Twelve Years a Slave can be related to many issues that concern government today. One issue that it can be related to is policymaking. The film shows how policies can negatively impact people, with slavery being a perfect example. Another issue that the film can be related to is racism. The film discusses how racism is still a problem in America and how it can impact people's lives. The film is also relevant to the issue of national identity. It shows how America is still a country with many racial issues that need to be addressed. The film is an important film that addresses many relevant issues to the government today. For example, policymaking, racism, and national identity. The film is a powerful film that all Americans should see. It is a film that can help open people's eyes to the current issues in our country. When looking at the film from the standpoint of race, it is clear that racism is still a problem in America. The film shows how racism can negatively impact people's lives. The film also discusses how national identity can be affected by racism. The film is an important film that addresses many relevant issues to the government today. For example, policymaking, racism, and national identity. The film is a powerful film that all Americans should see. It is a film that can help open people's eyes to the current issues in our country. ## evaluate the cinematic choices made in the production of the film
The filmmakers made many choices to make the film more effective. For example, they chose to focus on the issue of racism. This was a good choice because it is an important issue still relevant today. The filmmakers also chose to make the film more graphic to show the reality of slavery. This was a good choice because it helped illustrate the horrors of slavery. Overall, the filmmakers made many good choices in terms of the film's content. They chose to focus on important issues that are still relevant today. They also chose to make the film more graphic to show the reality of slavery. These choices helped to make the film more effective overall.
Comparison of the Film with the Political Science Discussion about Americans
The film Twelve Years a Slave is relevant to the discussion about Americans because it addresses issues of race and national identity. The film tells the story of a black man who is abducted and sold into slavery. It is set in the antebellum South, when racial segregation was commonplace. The film portrays the brutal reality of slavery and the racism that was rampant at the time. It also highlights the strength and resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. The film is an important reminder of the history of racism in America and the fight for equality that black Americans have waged. It is a powerful film that will provoke thought and discussion about race, national identity, and what it means to be an American. For example, the main character is forced to wear a collar that says "slave" around his neck in the film. The film shows how slaves were often treated like animals, with no regard for their basic human rights. The film is an important reminder of the atrocities that were committed against black Americans during the time of slavery. It is also a reminder of the strength and resilience of the black community in the face of such adversity. The film Twelve Years a Slave is an important piece of American history that all Americans should see. It is a powerful film that will leave a lasting impression on those who see it.
How Assertion Relate To Your Film
The movie Twelve Years a Slave can be seen as a touchstone for current debates about political concerns because it addresses race and national identity issues. The film tells the story of a black man who is abducted and sold into slavery. It is set in the antebellum South, a time when racial segregation was commonplace. The film portrays the brutal reality of slavery and the inhumanity of those who practiced it. However, it also shows the strength and resilience of the human spirit, as the main character endures tremendous suffering but never gives up hope. The film has been praised for its unflinching portrayal of slavery and its exploration of the human capacity for both cruelty and compassion. It is an important work of American cinema and a powerful reminder of the atrocities committed against black Americans in the past. For example, a white slave owner rapes a black woman in one scene. This brutal act is not shown for entertainment value; it is meant to illustrate the horrific reality of slavery. However, the film also shows the strength of the human spirit, as the main character endures tremendous suffering but never gives up hope. The film is an important work of American cinema and a powerful reminder of the atrocities that were committed against black Americans in the past.
My Position
I believe that the film is an important work of American cinema and a powerful reminder of the atrocities that were committed against black Americans in the past. The film is unflinching in its portrayal of slavery and its exploration of the human capacity for both cruelty and compassion. It is an important work of American cinema and a powerful reminder of the atrocities that were committed against black Americans in the past. I believe that the film is an important work of American cinema and a powerful reminder of the atrocities that were committed against black Americans in the past. For instance, the scene in which a white slave owner rapes a black woman is brutal and harrowing, but it is important to see the reality of what slavery was like. However, the film also shows the strength of the human spirit, as the main character endures tremendous suffering but never gives up hope.
In conclusion, the film Twelve Years a Slave is an important work of American cinema that should be seen by all Americans. It is a powerful film that addresses issues of race and national identity in a frank and honest way. It is an important reminder of the atrocities that were committed against black Americans in the past, and it is also a reminder of the strength and resilience of the human spirit. I believe that this film is an important part of American history and should be required viewing for all Americans.
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