Population Health Management

Posted on: 26th May 2023


Effective population health management must be undergirded by data from both the public health system and the health care system.  As rising healthcare administrators, it is increasingly imperative that each of you possesses the ability to communicate your findings from "big data" and "small data" alike in a manner that can be understood by your peer colleagues and the communities in which you serve.  Moreover, in an effort to afford each student enrolled in the course the added value and opportunity to be exposed to preloaded data and new data sets you must complete the following case study assignment:

1) Review each of the 4 web-based tools annotated in our course text on the bottom of page 304. 

2) Then complete/write a comparative analysis between each web-based tool utilizing the following criteria:

            - What is the identified purpose of each tool?

            - What constructs are similar versus dis-simular?

            - What type of data is embedded within each tool? 

            - What methodology is used to collect the data needed for each tool? 

            - How long is the tool?  i.e. how many questions, how much time does it take to complete the tool, etc?

            - Based on the information that you've reviewed in Chapter 13 do you believe that the feasibility of each tool highlighted is more relevant to the public health system, population healthcare or both.  Explain your answer.

 References to use:

 Gapminder. (n.d.). https://www.gapminder.org/

IHME. (n.d.). Interactive data visuals. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Retrieved April 9, 2023, from https://www.healthdata.org./data-tools-practices/interactive-data-visuals

PolicyMap. (2023, April 6). PolicyMap | Mapping, Analytics, and Data Visualization. https://www.policymap.com/

 Potter, D. (2023). Welcome to Tableau Public. Tableau Public. Retrieved April 9, 2023, from https://public.tableau.com/app/discover


 Caron, R. M. (2017). Population Health: Principles and Applications for Management: Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. ISBN: 9781567938647


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Population Health Management

Purpose of Each Tool

From the analysis of the web-based tools annotated, it is clear that each one have different purposes. First, the policy map tool mainly analyzes different aspects of life in various neighborhoods within the US (PolicyMap, 2023). The tool's analysis of the quality of life takes into account the incidence of various diseases in these areas as well as their accessibility. The gap minder tool examines how individuals spend their lives all across the world (Gapminder, n.d). In order to assess each community's quality of life, the tool compiles hundreds of towns from various economic brackets. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation compiles data on health problems brought on by microbes globally (IHME, n.d). It describes the growth of microbial-caused illnesses around the globe. Finally, tableau public, in its analysis, features relationships and activities people undertake daily (Potter, 2023). Most of the data it has focused on is from around the US.

What Constructs are Similar versus Dis-similar?

The four tools convey their data using both comparable and different characteristics. They are similar in that they all rely on carefully gathered information. Credible facts from the reliable scientific study can be utilized to draw conclusions. To get a conclusion, they solely rely on sources other than the media. Nevertheless, how the tools convey the data vary. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation presents its findings in brief articles. On the other hand, gap minder uses pictures of people and the environment around them to present their findings, while tableau uses graphical methods to represent informational findings (Potter, 2023).

What Type of Data is Embedded Within Each Tool?

The four separate web-based programs have each utilized a different type of data. Areas affected by various disasters are described using quantitative data in policy maps (PolicyMap, 2023). For instance, aggregated data displays a map of the city of Detroit along with several wealth deprivation indices. Quantitative data on the number of people living in poverty worldwide is another tool the gap minder uses. On the other hand, qualitative and quantitative data are used by the Institute for Health to show how different regions are affected by microbial. Finally, tableau public presents quantitative data in the graph using different variables affecting people in different regions (Potter, 2023).

What Methodology is used to Collect Data Needed for Each Tool?

The analysis of the four tools shows that they have used various methodologies to collect data for their research. Policy Map draws findings using data from several sources, including universities and government organizations (PolicyMap, 2023). The database also gathers information from the field to verify some claims made by different organizations. The gap minder bases its judgments on information from the United Nations about people's livelihoods worldwide (Gapminder, n.d). On the other hand, Institute for health metrics and Evaluation used analysis of the literature review to analyze health issues arising from microbial. Lastly, tableau uses data from government agencies to conduct various research activities. 

How Long is the Tool?

All tools used are short and precise. In fact, some of them include a paragraph and images to explain their statistics. There are no explanations provided in the public tableau. There are just graphs and keys that describe the graphs. As a result, using the four instruments to gather data takes some time for a researcher. It is also clear that the highlighted tool feasibility is relevant to population health, health system, or both because they provide credible and detailed data. More importantly, they have used scientifically proven methods to conduct their research, thus serving their roles best. 


Gapminder. (n.d.). https://www.gapminder.org/ 

IHME. (n.d.). Interactive data visuals. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Retrieved April 9, 2023, from https://www.healthdata.org./data-tools-practices/interactive-data-visuals

PolicyMap. (2023, April 6). PolicyMap | Mapping, Analytics, and Data Visualization. https://www.policymap.com/

Potter, D. (2023). Welcome to Tableau Public. Tableau Public. Retrieved April 9, 2023, from https://public.tableau.com/app/discover

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