Responding to a Post: Research Surveys
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With the new knowledge I have gained since conducting my survey, I would do some things differently. I was eager to have more participants, but I was only able to get a certain amount. I would try to have more of a diverse group of participants. I will try to gather more participants from all over the area to gain better insight, and determine what factors may contribute to a better shopping experience. In my future position as the owner of a residential construction company, I will gather insight from multiple backgrounds, levels of income, education and ethnicity to become more knowledgeable on all things construction related.
I would provide more open-ended survey questions to allow my participants to expand their answers and provide me with even more information. A way to analyze the survey results is to quantify the results. quantitative data, however, comes from close-ended questions which can be converted into a numeric value. Once data is quantified, it's much easier to compare results and identify trends in customer behavior (Hubspot,2021).
Responding to a Post: Research Surveys
I agree with your post that participating in research surveys has provided you with significant research expertise. Knowledge gained from research is crucial since it involves adhering to established rules and making efforts highlighted in the findings. In addition, understanding survey research helps improve both the standards of academic work and the quality of the work already being done. I agree that your knowledge of research surveys allowed you to analyze changes in researched learning and intellectual development. A research survey is a method that encourages a high level of instructional alignment. I believe that you can guarantee the application of standards in your course if you use them appropriately. Research surveys will not only make your course more useful, but they will also assist in developing your curriculum. This will allow you to more efficiently accomplish your goals, improve upon them, and document program performance by gaining more insight from a wider range of perspectives.
In the context of your explanation of survey research, the fact that you have highlighted the significance of posing more questions in an open-ended format is very impressive. The reason for this is that this method is an excellent strategy for getting readers to think analytically. Because of the open-ended nature of the questions, researchers can form educated guesses based on the participants’ rationale for their thoughts. In addition, the investigation of the study approach you conducted is reputable. The rationale for this is that defining the research outcomes is one method that can be used to evaluate those outcomes. Quantitative data, on the other hand, is obtained from responses to closed-ended questions that may be understood as a number value. In other words, quantitative data is a numerical representation of qualitative data. I find that after the data has been quantified, it is much simpler to compare the results and detect patterns in the behavior of customers since the patterns are easily discernible.
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