Assignment Ten
Screenings (5%)
Screenings are performed on all students. The purpose is to detect a problem at its earliest stage, make the correction quickly thereby allowing every child to learn to his/her fullest potential.
This assignment is in preparation for the in-class equipment demonstration.
Reference the following before beginning this assignment:
· Review the School Health Guidelines, Chapter 3
· Review NJSA 18A:40-4
· Review NJAC 6A: 16-2.2 – Required Health Services
1. What level of prevention are screenings considered?
2. Which screenings are you required to perform annually?
3. List all the routine screenings done in schools.
4. How can you eliminate embarrassment for students during weight and scoliosis checks?
5. Identify three recommended short cuts so screenings can be done efficiently.
6. How often should equipment be calibrated?
7. Should notices be sent out prior to screening?
8. How should you handle a parent who refuses to follow-up with a referral?
9. What students should be screened first?
10. Discuss the pros and cons of doing all screenings on each child at one time vs. all hearing, vision, etc.
N.J. Admin. Code § 6A:16-2.2. (n.d.). Retrieved April 4, 2022, from
2013 New Jersey Revised Statutes :: Title 18A - EDUCATION :: Section 18A:40-4 - Health records; examinations for physical defects, hearing. (n.d.). Justia Law. Retrieved April 4, 2022, from
NJSSNA_Document_Final2.pdf. (n.d.).

Question 1
Screenings are regarded as the first line of defense in disease prevention. Primary prevention aims to reduce disease or injury before it occurs. It is achieved by avoiding illness- or injury-causing hazards and modifying unhealthy or unsafe situations that contribute to injury or disease.
Question 2
Health screenings are an important part of maintaining good health for people of all ages. When it comes to treating illnesses like cancer and managing chronic conditions, early detection is crucial. Among the other screenings are Weight and height, hypertension, cholesterol test, skin screening, chronic illness screenings, diabetic screenings, immunization, depression screenings, blood testing, cervical screening, HPV vaccine, breast exam, and sexually transmitted diseases
Question 3
Children in the school context are frequently screened for various common physical issues in most schools. Hearing and vision examinations are two of the most common assessments. They are also screened on dental examinations, spine assessments, blood pressure tests, tuberculosis and height and weight measurements.
Question 4
Although scoliosis does not affect a child's learning ability, using a brace or having physical constraints makes a student feel self-conscious or embarrassed. It is best to encourage students to participate in all their activities and be understanding when they are uncomfortable or tired. Students should also be encouraged to appreciate their bodies to avoid being embarrassed.
Question 5
The relative strength of existing scientific evidence in these criteria influences suggestions for or against population screening strategies. Above all, there should be enough direct data from well-conducted trials to show that early diagnosis improves health outcomes and that the advantages of screening exceed any potential hazards. There should be a latent or early symptomatic stage that can identify. There should be a simple test to administer and interpret and one that is appropriate, reliable, dependable, precise, and specific.
Question 6
When establishing the calibration time, it is wise to consider the criticality of the measurement. Before an essential measurement, the measurement instruments should be calibrated. It may also be calibrated after the measurement to ensure accuracy throughout the process. It should also be calibrated periodically and per manufacturer recommendations after several uses.
Question 7
Factors such as the patient's/health client's condition, age and cognitive ability, intellectual problems, and gender difficulties must be evaluated before and throughout the patient's/health client's assessment. Before the screening, it is crucial to send notices to determine the management expectations and responsibilities needed to process and deliver effective, tailored patient care.
Question 8
When parents refuse to follow up with the referral, it's best to let them understand the reason and promise them that their children are safe and will get better. It is also advisable to recognize their concern and show the desire to collaborate with them to reach a common understanding of the problem.
Question 9
At the onset of each academic year, screening is the first step toward getting to know a child. Hearing and vision affect a child's growth. Hearing and vision screening is advised for all children to detect problems early. In the early stages of a child's life, screening for social, emotional, and behavioral issues is critical. Young children are learning to interact with people and control their emotions. When a child participates in a program, the staff learns about the social and emotional skills that the child is working on.
Question 10
There are numerous screening tests available. Some tests offer benefits, whereas others have no benefits. Everyone should make health check-ups a priority to maintain their best health. Early disease identification leads to better disease diagnosis and management, which minimizes the possibility of symptoms and enhance the odds of better health outcomes. Annual hearing and vision examinations are the most effective ways to identify potential issues before they become life-long challenges. These assessments have several advantages, including identifying issues that may cause learning delays.

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