Should college athletes be paid and provided with additional advantages?

Posted on: 27th May 2023


I chose the topic: Should College Athletes be Paid and Provided with Additional Advantages? as my research topic. If this is not a good topic, please advise.

Final Assignment

In this assignment, students will write a research proposal containing a summary of preliminary research, the research question, a working thesis, and the relevance of the project. Students will also create an annotated bibliography with a minimum of six entries. Students will turn in a single PDF of their written work.

Step 1: Proposal and Annotated Bibliography

This assignment will have two parts: a written research proposal and an annotated bibliography.

Part 1: The Topic

The topic should address current issues in the student’s major and advance his or her knowledge through research. Keep in mind that rehashing old questions or reviewing concepts other than as background information, or to show progress in a particular area of research, is not advancing knowledge and can produce misleading or wrong conclusions.

• Topic Should college athletes be paid and provided with additional advantages?

Part 2: Research Proposal

The research proposal will include a summary of preliminary research that has been done (e.g., areas of interest that have been explored and pursued or discarded, changes in focus of research, discoveries that have advanced the research, as well as dead ends); the research question (at this point in the project); the working thesis; and why it is relevant that this project and research should continue.

Part 3: Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography consists of bibliographical entries along with an annotation. An annotation is a note of explanation or comment added to a text, and may include a summary of the information contained in the cited work, an assessment or evaluation of the cited material, and a reflection on how this entry may be useful in the development of the research project. Each annotation does not need to include all three of these notes, but each does require the information necessary to remember why the entry is important. The annotation is for the student’s benefit!

Students must have a minimum of six current sources, of which at least three are from 1995 forward. These can include: journals in the student’s major, Internet sources, and interviews. Books (often outdated by the time they get published) are generally poor sources except for background information. Trade magazines or special interest group sources may have built-in biases. Check the source of all information for reliability. Is the Internet site sanctioned by a reputable institution or organization? Is the person interviewed experienced in the subject? Does he or she have a built-in bias which needs to be addressed in the paper? What personal biases should students be aware of to produce a scholarly look at this subject?

Research Proposal

• Should college athletes be paid and provided with additional advantages?

The research proposal is a two to three page word document, written in Times New Roman, 12-point font. The proposal should follow MLA formatting.

Suggested Outline for Research Proposal

I. Topic of interest that was the starting point of the research

II. Summary of preliminary research

III. The research question (at this point in the process)

IV. The working thesis

V. Relevance of the project

Annotated Bibliography

The annotated bibliography should have a minimum of six citation entries, but may include up to ten. The citation should be done in MLA format, followed by the annotation. The entire text, including the annotation beneath the citation, should be indented so that the author's last name is the only text that is flush left.


1. Do NOT put your name on the document. Your assignment will be anonymously graded.

2. Label your paragraphs by placing the paragraph numbers in brackets at the beginning of the paragraph like this:

Date the paper is submitted (month day, year)

Composition Title

[1] This is the first line of the first paragraph. It should be indented. Subsequent lines are not indented but the first line of any subsequent paragraph is indented.

[2] The start of paragraph two should be indented, as the first sentence to the paragraph. Subsequent lines are not indented.

In this assignment, students will create and submit a research paper based on the topic chosen when creating the annotated bibliography and outline. The final paper should be understood by a broader audience than scholars in their field. Students will have to explain concepts and not expect the audience to understand in-house jargon.

The Thesis

The introduction should include a thesis statement, generally at the end of the introductory material. The body of the paper should provide supporting evidence to support the thesis in a logical, fully developed, consistent manner. For each new subtopic supporting the overall thesis, provide a topic sentence or two. Each topic sentence is a thesis for that subtopic and supports the controlling thesis for the entire paper.


Use a minimum of six, varied, current sources, of which at least three are from 1995 forward. These can include: journals in the student’s major, Internet sources, and interviews. Books (often outdated by the time they get published) are generally poor sources except for background information. Trade magazines or special interest group sources may have built-in biases. Check the source of all information for reliability. Is the Internet site sanctioned by a reputable institution or organization? Is the person interviewed experienced in the subject? Does he or she have a built-in bias that needs to be addressed in the paper? What personal biases should the student be aware of to produce a scholarly look at this subject?

Use quotes judiciously—only when paraphrasing will make the statement unclear, or a kernel of an idea is so perfectly stated that trying to paraphrase will ruin the impact of the statement.

A research paper’s writer should synthesize the information gained from sources and weave them into a discourse by using the sources as evidence to support key points. A paper, which is just a string of quotes, shows that the author made no attempt to come to grips with the subject, but is just regurgitating information.

The Conclusion

The conclusion should not restate the whole paper, but should review or take a look back at the paper’s major points. The conclusion could project into the future of the technology or research, if appropriate, or provide a solution or suggestion to the problem

In this draft assignment, your will create and submit a research paper using your annotated bibliography and outline. You will turn in a single PDF of your written work.

The draft assignment’s purpose is to provide feedback and allow you to improve your final version. Please take time to review the rubric and turn in a completed assignment that meets all of the rubric criteria.

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Should college athletes be paid and provided with additional advantages?

Research proposal

Recently, there has been increased evidence of college students who have died due to injuries received during gaming activities. There has also been season-ending injury like the one experienced by the South Carolina football player Jadeveon. Further, there are also minor cases that have been witnessed among college athletes. Therefore, the athletes need to be paid to try and end the injury and other mysteries. One of the factors that lead to success in business is employee motivation. Like in business, motivation is also effective in sports. While in colleges, the athletes participate in sports, and payment can be the only way to show appreciation for their work. However, there has been an argument over whether they should be paid for a long time (Maryville University). One of the arguments claims is that college athletes are already paid for scholarships and other benefits and should not be paid any additional money. However, many believe college athletes should be paid for their performance on the field or court. Therefore, the proposal below presents some reasons athletes should be paid and offered additional advantages.

Summary of the preliminary research

The fact that college athletes bring in a considerable amount of money for their schools and the NCAA can be a justification for paying them. Previous researches reveal that the NCAA generated approximately $845 billion in 2012, and a more significant portion of the funding came from athletes’ activities in television merchandising and other contracts (Maryville University). Additionally, the NCAA makes money by selling apparel items like jerseys, caps, and t-shirts. Therefore, the consideration of the revenue earning ability of athletes in college is an explanation and a justification for why college athletes should be paid and accorded additional advantage.

The risks the college athletes put on their health while representing the institutions justify why the college students should be paid. There have been cases of college athletes suffering severe injuries during their sporting activities. The season-ending knee injury in 2014 by the South Carolina football player Jadeveon is typical evidence of the severe injuries experienced by the college student. Additionally, there is evidence of the college students who have died due to the injuries received during their engagement in gaming activities (Maryville University). The payment of the college athletes will add an advantage to their health as they can access medication with the funds efficiently. The risks college student subject their health to whenever they take time to play is, therefore, an explanation why the college athletes should be paid and accorded additional advantage.

Relevance of the project

Reducing the risks that come about the injuries received during the involvement in sports activities is one of the reasons for the advocacy of payment for the college athletes. The payment is due to an insinuation that the athletes can use the money received in payment of hospital and insurance covers that can accord them affordable care and hospitalization in case of injuries during sporting activities. The project will therefore assess the significance of the payment of the college athletes concerning the health concerns during their involvement in sporting activities.

The consideration that the college athletes bring a lot of revenue and earnings to the college is one of the arguments for the payment and accordance of additional advantage. Making a profit is an ultimate goal for any organization, and there is no doubt that the institutions are making profits from their athletes. Therefore, the research will provide a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the college’s revenue and assess the significance of the revenue earned through the college athlete activities.

Annotated Bibliography

Motivation is one of the critical strategies needed for the progress of the business activity. Motivation is the accord of an individual an added advantage over the others due to achieving some objectives or targets. Motivation can be done through the provision of funds and promotion of the individuals. Like the business, college athletes need motivation for sports involvement through payments (Maryville University). The review below presents some reasons for payment and accordance of an additional advantage of the college athletes.

Michael. “10 Pros and Cons of Student-Athlete Life in College.” Sportage, 2020, Accessed 5 Apr. 2022.

Athletic activities sometimes put the athlete’s life and health at severe risk. The season-ending knee injury in 2014 by the South Carolina football player Jadeveon is typical evidence of the severe injuries experienced by college students. There is also evidence of the college students who have died due to the injuries received during their engagement in gaming activities. The payment should therefore be provided as it will act as leverage or compensation for the jeopardy in which the college athletes put their lives. The payment can also be used for additional medication for injuries obtained during the athletics activities.

Miller, Keith. “6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Paying College Athletes.”, 14 Jan. 2017, disadvantages-of-paying-college-athletes/.

Payment of the students will bring forth benefit to their families. Most athletes receive the majority of the support from their families during their pursuit of the college experience. The NCAA principles strictly state that college athletes must be compensated and paid and offered additional advantages. The future is never promised, and not all athletes can make it to be professional athletes in the future. The payment, therefore, acts as a motivation factor and an encouragement to their families.

The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. “National Collegiate Athletic Association | American Organization.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 19 May 2016, Accessed 29 May 2019.

The college athletes present a considerable revenue to the institutions. The National College Athletics Association (NCAA) organization within the United States contains the biography of the college students involved in athletic activities. The organization also carries out and conducts intercollege competitions and events. Additionally, the organization also contains servers that indicate the revenue contribution of the college athletes towards the revenue of the colleges. According to the reports presented in 2016 on the athletes’ contribution to the college revenue, the athletic revenue accounts for approximately 40% of the college’s revenue. Such a considerable contribution of the athletics revenue towards the college revenue, therefore, calls for payment and accordance of the college athletes an additional advantage.

Jonathan. “Florida Law Will Allow College Athletes to Profit from Name, Image, and Likeness Starting Summer 2021.”, 2020,  

The Florida law established in 2020 states that college athletes should be accorded the chance to profit from their name, image, and likeness. According to Florida Law, some college athletes have already established brands. Their endorsement of different businesses and companies does not benefit them but the institution they attend. The law states that the athletes should be given a share of their profit to the institution for their roles in acquiring the revenue. Previously, college athletes had a nil compensation for their revenue from the institutions. The law will therefore be an improvement of the previous systems.

Murphy, Dan. “NCAA Delays Vote on Athlete Compensation Rules.”, 11 Jan. 2021, Accessed 16 Mar. 2021.

College athletes deserve fair treatment and justice for the work they do. All along, college athletes have been marginalized for their rights. The delayed vote in the compensation rule ensures that the college athletes are compensated through payment rather than nil compensation without money. The college athletes should therefore be compensated through payment, Adhering to promoting their justice.

Maryville University. “Should College Athletes Be Paid? Reasons Why or Why Not.” Maryville Online, Maryville University, 3 Jan. 2022,

Following the decision made by the NCAA stating that the college athletes should be compensated. Federal legislation was formed to promote the athletes’ well-being and ensure they were paid. Through the newly formed regulations, the student-athletes could now sign endorsements and use social media for their excellence. Additionally, the legislation ensures that if the students transfer to institutions with the deals, the student is freely subjected to the nil legislation.


College athletes need to be an aid for the many advantages they accord to the institutions they learn. Firstly, the college athletes contribute significantly towards the general revenue of the schools and should therefore be paid. Secondly, college athletes put their lives at risk for the general good of the institutions in which they learn. The payment of the college athletes can promote the justice they have been denied for a very long time, can bring benefits to their families, and is a compensation for the massive revenue they present to the schools. 

Work Cited

Jonathan. “Florida Law Will Allow College Athletes to Profit from Name, Image, and Likeness Starting Summer 2021.”, 2020, Accessed 16 Feb. 2022.

Maryville University. “Should College Athletes Be Paid? Reasons Why or Why Not.” Maryville Online, Maryville University, 3 Jan. 2022,

Michael. “10 Pros and Cons of Student-Athlete Life in College.” Sportage, 2020, Accessed 5 Apr. 2022.

Miller, Keith. “6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Paying College Athletes.”, 14 Jan. 2017,

Murphy, Dan. “NCAA Delays Vote on Athlete Compensation Rules.”, 11 Jan. 2021, Accessed 16 Mar. 2021.

The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. “National Collegiate Athletic Association | American Organization.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 19 May 2016, Accessed 29 May 2019.

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