Strength-Based Leadership Categories
This assignment is to take the Clifton Strengths Assessment and refer to these slides and the Full Themes Description. Which category of leadership do you fall under (Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building, Strategic Thinking). Write a reflection on whether you agree or disagree with it. Perhaps talk about a past experience in which you demonstrated leadership and how that was the same or different from the one suggested in the guide.
The assessment should take a half-hour.
How do I get credit?
Write a 150-word minimum reflection on how the description compares to your own understanding of yourself. Reflect on these questions; does this description match or not match my self-perception of what are my strengths. Is it right, or wrong, or half right and half wrong? How is it right or wrong....?
Be sure to format this writing with indentations and paragraphs. Be sure to use correct spelling and grammar.
Strength-Based Leadership Categories
EXECUTING: Know how to make things happen. Implement solutions. Will work tirelessly to get it done. "Catch" an idea and make it a reality.
INFLUENCING: Help their team reach a broader audience. Always selling the teams ideas inside and outside of the organization. Take charge, speak up, and make sure the idea is heard.
RELATIONSHIP BUILDING: Essential glue that hold a team together. Brings a group of individuals to work as a team. Create groups and organizations that are much greater than the sum of its parts.
STRATEGIC THINKING: Keep us focused on "what could be". Constantly absorbing and analyzing information and helping the team make better decisions. Stretch our thinking into the future.
Strengths Domains
Teams should be well-rounded precisely because we, as individuals, are not.
Relationship Building
Adaptability, Connectedness, Developer, Empathy, Harmony, Includer, Individualization, Positivity, Relator
How a person builds connections with others, including interpersonal bonding, forming deeply meaningful and close personal relationships. In teams, these themes are the "essential glue that holds a team together," creating groups that are greater than the sum of their parts.
Activator, Command, Communication, Competition, Maximizer, Self-Assurance, Significance, WOO
How an individual moves others to action. Interpersonal strengths that enable a person to impact or influence others in powerful ways by taking charge, speaking up, and making sure ideas are heard, inside and outside a group.
Achiever, Arranger, Belief, Consistency, Deliberative, Discipline, Focus, Responsibility, Restorative
What pushes an individual towards results. Motivational strengths that generate and focus energy to achieve and accomplish a lot, for themselves and their teams.
Strategic Thinking
Analytical, Context, Futuristic, Ideation, Input, Intellection, Learner, Strategic
How a person analyzes the world. Strengths of perception, information organization, and processing that produce lifelong learners and help teams make better decisions. They by help ous focus on what could be. stretching our thinking for the future.
Strength-Based Leadership Categories
Strength-Based Leadership Categories
· More effective to have a team with a representation of strengths in each of the 4 domains instead of 1 dominant leader who does everything or individuals who have similar strengths
· The most effective leaders surround themselves with the right people and
· maximize their teams.
· The best leaders aren't well-rounded, the best teams are.
· Top performing teams have strengths in four specific domain
Strength-Based Leadership Categories
From the four-leadership category, the one I fall under is relationship building. Being a relationship builder helped me establish a trusting relationship among team members, enabling them to remain motivated for high performance at work and understand each other. I agree with this leadership because it helps bring people together to work successful and more effectively as a team. I found that when leadership is built on relationships, it helps people take risks, keep their workplace alive, and motivate individuals within the workplace to remain on achieving organizational goals. Also, as a leader, to get support successful support of your team, it is essential to build relationships that will enable people to trust you as the best leader who cares about their needs. I found that having this leadership skill helps build a strong team within the workplace focused on achieving meaningful goals and building a shared vision among them. It is also significant that building a relationship team allows members within the organization to support each thus making enabling them to perform various tasks more efficiently.
When I was working as a manager in one of the organizations in the United States, I used relationship-building skills, which I found to be important for the successful growth of the corporation. From my personal experience, demonstrating this leadership in business as a manager indeed helps manage the company brand reputation, retain current customers and attract new ones. Also, using it in the past taught me the importance of getting along with coworkers and building understanding between yourself and other employees within the organization. The experience I had with this leadership is the same as one demonstrated in the guide because it helped me build an effective team that was positive in working with each other.
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