Autum Cafe (The Road to my Heart)

Posted on: 11th May 2023


I would like a business plan outlining what it is that I want to do. I would like to open a Café', hire a Chief that can train Autistic Adults to serve and prepare meals. I wanted to give them a sense of being, studies show that Autistic Adults that are high functioning have less of a chance to find employment over another disability (Please talk about this in the business plan) Please highlight the benefits of hiring high functioning autistic adults. I also want to hire Physical Thearapist,OT and Speech and language therapist to give services to autistic children whose family work but do .not qualify for SSI benefits.

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Business Plan: Autum Cafe (The Road to my Heart)

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Executive summary

The initial purpose of my business is providing work environment to autistic adults. The business will focus mainly on training autistic adults to serve and prepare meals so that they can have a sense of being. I would like to give autistic adults a chance to have something to do since they have fewer chances of finding employment.

Description of Business

This is a catering business in the form of a café. The primary activity of this business is to provide food services to people. It is a start-up business, and it is a sole proprietorship where the enterprise belongs entirely to me. The services the business will offer are cooking food for my customers. The business will also be concerned with training autistic adults to become useful in the society. My primary customers will be people who will be consuming the food products from my café. The innovation will be successful because it will be uniquely deal with autistic adults and people will love to support the business by using our products. The business will be a special one because am seeking to mold autistic adults to become useful in their lives. These are people who find it hard getting employment from other areas because they are viewed to be highly functioning. The reason is due to their inability to read and difficulty in communicating. There are benefits of hiring high-functioning autistic people because their unique qualities enable them to become excellent employees. They pose traits like honesty, focused thinking and logical thinking.


The business will mostly deal with food stuff and drinks such as coffee. Most customers would like to buy from my café so as to provide moral support to the learning autistic adults. My business will be able to provide people who want to eat or drink something with what they want.

Market Analysis 

In the research I have carried out, I have found that autistic adults who are highly functioning do not get work opportunities. Due to this, my business will seek to solve this problem. My market will be people who would feel like they need to eat something away from home or people who are working. The catering business is a growing market, and I am assured of customers. Again, dealing with autistic adults makes my business unique, and people would like to come and enjoy meals made by these people.

 Marketing Plan

My business will be dealing with things people need and must consume such as food. The enterprise will take the initiative of delivering products to places like offices for the people who don’t get time to go and enjoy a meal. By doing this person will be motivated to keep using our products. The prices of my meals will be affordable because the primary purpose of the business is to help the autistic adults develop themselves.


My business will be located along a way where there is high traffic of people. By doing this, will help get more customers.  I will consider setting up the business in a busy town where there are many workers.


My competition will mainly come from other cafés. My business will be able to overcome the competition due to its uniqueness.

Management and Operations

I will be hiring a chef who will be responsible for training the autistic adults. Also, I will hire a Physical Therapist, OT and speech and language therapist who will give services to autistic children whose family work but do not qualify for SSI benefits.


My staff will consist of Autistic adults who are highly functioning.

Prof. Jordan

Prof. Jordan

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