ePortfolio Instructions
Describe yourself so that an employer who does not know you has a good sense of who you are as a person. Include information about your interests, skills, values, and/or personality.
· What are my fundamental values? Why are those important to me?
· What have I learned about myself thus far?
· What are my goals for my own personal development?
· What are my knowledge, skills, and abilities to date?
Describe your career or graduate school goals after graduation.
If you are a Professional Studies major you should document your knowledge/skills in your concentration (for example Information Technology or Organizational Communication or Healthcare Administration).
Insert the artifacts that demonstrate the Knowledge and/or Skill areas you would like to highlight, then answer the reflection questions below. Must include at least two Knowledge or Skill areas. Each knowledge skill area must have at least one artifact (evidence) uploaded as well as a reflection.
1. Knowledge/Skill Area 1
Insert one or more examples of your work that demonstrate your achievement in this knowledge skill area, and answer the reflection prompts below FOR EACH example of work you insert.
o Description: Write a reflection that includes a brief overview of the assignment (artifact). When was it collected? How does this artifact relate to the knowledge or skill area you have selected?
o Transfer: Discuss what specific skills, knowledge, or abilities were gained or necessary to complete this work. Discuss at least one way you will apply learning from this experience to life outside of school (career, community).
o Integration: How does this experience relate to other experiences you have had in other classes in your major? In other classes in general? To other experiences you have had outside the classroom?
o Lessons Learned: What did you learn about yourself during this experience? What difference has this learning made in your personal development? What would you do differently?
2. Knowledge/Skill Area 2
Insert one or more examples of your work that demonstrate your achievement in this knowledge skill area, and answer the reflection prompts below FOR EACH example of work you insert.
o Description: Write a reflection that includes a brief overview of the assignment (artifact). When was it collected? How does this artifact relate to the knowledge or skill area you have selected?
o Transfer: Discuss what specific skills, knowledge, or abilities were gained or necessary to complete this work. Discuss at least one way you will apply learning from this experience to life outside of school (career, community).
o Integration: How does this experience relate to other experiences you have had in other classes in your major? In other classes in general? To other experiences you have had outside the classroom?
o Lessons Learned: What did you learn about yourself during this experience? What difference has this learning made in your personal development? What would you do differently?
Answer the questions below:
- Describe what you found to be the easiest and most difficult parts of creating your ePortfolio pages.
- How do you think you could use an ePortfolio after graduation?
Each assignment uploaded and answer the reflection questions below:
1. Connection to Disciplines:
Answer the reflection prompts below for the Interdisciplinary Research Paper
o How has researching and writing about this topic from an interdisciplinary perspective challenged your bias and initial understanding of the problem?
o How has an interdisciplinary approach enlarged your understanding of the problem as a whole? What did you learn that surprised you?
o How is an interdisciplinary approach applicable beyond the classroom?
2. Connection to Experiences: connections between experiences outside the classroom and academic study.
Insert one artifact (photo, letter of reference, work produced, certificates, logs, etc.) from your experience outside the classroom and answer the reflection prompts below regarding your experience.
o Description: In this space write a reflection that includes a brief overview of the outside of the classroom experience. Explain the artifact you included.
o Transfer: Discuss what specific skills, knowledge, or abilities were gained or necessary for the completion of this experience. How might having this skill, knowledge, or ability affect you or be useful to you in your personal or professional life?
o Integration: How did you apply knowledge and skills gained through academic study in this outside the classroom experience (discuss specific knowledge and skills)? How does this experience relate to other experiences you have had in other classes in your major? In other classes in general? To other experiences you have had outside the classroom?
o Importance: Why is what you learned or demonstrated in this assignment important to you? How does this learning contribute to your educational and career goals?
3. Information Literacy:
Research Proposal and Literature Review answer the reflection prompts below for the work you insert.
o Description: In this space write a reflection that includes a brief overview of the assignment. How does this artifact relate to the learning outcome that students will be able to locate, evaluate, and synthesize sources?
o Transfer: Discuss what specific skills, knowledge, or abilities were gained or necessary for the completion of this work. How might having this skill, knowledge, or ability affect you or be useful to you in your personal or professional life?
o Integration: How does this experience relate to other experiences you have had in other classes in your major? In other classes in general? To other experiences you have had outside the classroom?
o Importance: Why is what you learned or demonstrated in this assignment important to you? How does this learning contribute to your educational and career goals?
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In modern technology, there have been several advancements that have been made in terms of technology. The fact that technology is a field that is drastically developing each day has made it possible for new and fresh minds into the field and what they innovate. The different fields have also been seen advancing and incorporating the technology into their different endeavors to make work easier and remain relevant in the Various Uses and sectors. Most people are encouraged t make use of the e-portfolio, and many people use the portfolio. Some several advantages and disadvantages that come with the use of the e-portfolio. One of the advantages is that it helps one identify themselves in a way that they can present themselves to others. Through this, one can easily tell their differences, strengths, and weaknesses. The procedure to write a portfolio has several steps that need to be followed.
About me
By creating a portfolio, one can identify their different values, which also makes them understand what the values are and of what importance they are to the given individual. Some of the fundamental values that I identified include authenticity, Commitment, courage to face issues, consistencies, dependability, and concern for others, which I relate to personally. For example, Commitment is one value that whenever I am tasked to complete a certain activity have the quest and the dried to ensure that I get to the end of an activity or task in the required time. Consistency is the other value that I had perfected since it was important that, whenever you have a positive attitude towards any activity, the preparation of the activity will be easier and out of the will. On the other hand, concern for others is the other core value that I felt was important. I said so because I concur with that statement because of being considerate or rather having concern for other people.
The biggest lesson I have to learn t about myself this far is that I am someone who lives to prosper in or rather complete anything that I begin or put my mind to. I also have the quest and try to bring to an end anything that I begin regardless of its complexity. Regardless of any situation, my health comes first since it will be hard for me to do anything in life without that. Plans fail, and it is up to me to endure that work on myself until I can make the best out of it. I have to live for something greater than myself, and it is also okay to stand up for something that no one agrees with it, or no one likes it because each person has a perspective in which they view things from, and that might differ from what you a believe in, and it is normal. The more I am caught up comparing some options or solutions, the more choices keep crippling in my mind.
My Goals
The goals that I have in life that will help me in my personal development include setting a goal to become fitter and healthier. The second goal that I have in place is that I want to find my purpose in life. I also want to perfect the skills I have as I acquire more skills, making my road to success easier and more bearable. The next goal is to improve on the personal relationships that I create. Finally, I also want to develop a deeper level of Commitment and personal drive, which will be important in challenging myself.
My knowledge, skills, and abilities list
Some of the skills that I possess include problem-solving skills, adaptability, teamwork spirit, motivation, organizing, planning, and interpersonal skills.
Career and Education Goal/Plan
Having a career goal plan has been one of the most important things in modern-day society and having a personal career goal is one of the best solutions and a road map to getting to one objective in life. Therefore, I can understand why and how well I can fit into a given institution and what needs to be adjusted with a goal plan. However, it is obvious that everyone has that one goal to succeed and prospers in life and their careers, but only a few make it to their planned destination. Therefore, all that I require is a plan and consistency.
Work and Academic Showcase
The artifact that interests me is that I took part in the completion of a project concerning a hospital management system as my final project in a public hospital.
Knowledge/skill Area 1
The main skill in the project was problem-solving. The assignment was collected on the 22 of February 2022. The assignment entailed new technology or a system proposed to help the hospital organize its operations and the different improvements in the security of the patients' information. The system's main aim was to ensure that the organization gave the patients quality services. The artifact relates to the skill that I selected because there is a problem that was identified. Through the development and implementation of the system, I was able to create a solution.
In the development of the system, there were several skills that I gained and perfected other skills, which included the planning of my work, the timing, resource management, the ability to identify and rectify an error. The skills I gained in the development of the system can also be utilized to solve real-life situation problems in other sectors such as business in terms of developing sales and inventory management systems.
The experience has been great and directly related to an experience I had in a different project of an organization that was changing from its old system of operating and changing the institution's operation and applying of rather adopting the digital record-keeping methods and duty schedule.
Seasons Learned
Technology is changing each day, ad every institution needs to adapt and remain updated on the changes of technology that they are experiencing in their different sectors to avoid the adversities that come with the downside of failure to adopt the new systems.
Knowledge and skill Area 2
Adaptability and tea work is the other skill that I have, and I have gained over time.
The assignment was collected on 1 of march 2022. The project was about developing a website that can integrate the different departments in a given institution so that any activity they are conducting individually can be tracked. That is through identifying who conducted the task, when, and how.
In the development and implementation of the system, the skills gained include teamwork since the systems incorporated several individuals with different skills working together to ensure the systems were complete. In addition, the aspect of accountability is also a key point that was learned from the system.
The experience relates with several other activities that I have taken part in because the interpersonal skill that I gained in those previous projects was a similar environment that I faced. Therefore, the experience of these projects, as well as the dynamics, were completely similar.
Lessons learned
It came out clear that there is always the need to achieve big goals. There is the need to have a plan and a team to help make the project successful since one cannot do it by themselves. The only aspect that I could change in the project is ensuring a stipulated time frame that can help the team set individual targets and motivate them.
Describe what you found to be the easiest and most difficult parts of creating your e-Portfolio pages
The part that was the easiest in creating the e-portfolio was in the identification of the skill key values. That is because I could easily relate to the question, and I fully understand my strengths and weaknesses. But, on the other hand, the hardest part that I had was that it was difficult for me to explain the previous project that I had conducted as a wheel as to how they related with my previous ones.
How I could use the E-portfolio after graduation
The E-portfolio has all the previous records of the projects you have worked on and how they relate to my area of specialization. That could help whenever one is applying for a job to push their skill by showcasing what they can do. The evidence of that they already have one.
His research and analysis and the writing about the topic have helped change my perspective on problems regarding the biased understanding that they get each day.
The interdisciplinary approach of the different problems has helped me understand that any solution is achievable and realistic other than a plan.
The interdisciplinary approach is applicable beyond the classroom in the sense that there are also other situations outside school that will need to
By the virtue that the students work in a team, they get the chance to express their strengths and weaknesses where they get the chance to rectify their challenges and work on better ways to improve their skills. The skills and abilities gained include the idea that one can relate and work with others as a team. The skills that I found useful in and those that were gained during the whole activity was the fact that that I gained resilience and as well as a level of skill that can help me work successfully with a different team as well as offer leadership in a team that is even outside school.
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