Media Violence Annotated Outline 

Posted on: 28th May 2023


LR: Annotated Outline

On or before ..., submit via the appropriate D2L Assignment folder an annotated outline for your Literature Review. This document should delineate the strategy / structure you are using to summarize your sources and introduce readers to the research question(s) that you are developing. Assignment length will vary based on the number of sources you are using, but I imagine approximately 4-5 pages is a reasonable target length. This assignment is worth 8/50 points of your LR grade.

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Media Violence Annotated Outline 

I. Background

A. Media violence explains aggressive behavior by considering biological, social, and environmental influences.

a. Two possible mediating elements should be considered: internal emotions and the results of evaluation and decision-making processes.

b. Various aspects of brain development, as well as the development of feelings and social behaviors that might lead to aggression, are influenced by repeated exposure to violent media.

B. Anger levels rise across all three internal state channels that assess it when people are exposed to violent media.

1. Using the GAM framework described in this article, it is possible to explain a wide range of harmful effects generated by violent media.

Fiske, J., & Dawson, R. (2018). Audiencing violence: Watching homeless men watch Die Hard. In The audience and its landscape (pp. 297-316). Routledge.

2.  GAM has been expanded and clarified during the past 15 years due to the substantial research conducted.

Anderson, C. A., & Bushman, B. J. (2018). Media violence and the general aggression model. Journal of Social Issues, 74(2), 386-413.

C. Statement of Problem

a. While horror films have been around for over a century and are still a popular entertainment choice, few studies have examined the psychological and physiological effects of being terrified by an imagined threat.

Ferguson, C. J., Copenhaver, A., & Markey, P. (2020). Reexamining the findings of the American Psychological Association's 2015 task force on violent media: A meta-analysis. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15(6), 1423-1443.

b. Moreover, there has never before been such an inter-disciplinary effort to consolidate the empirical literature on the psychological effects of horror films as this one by scholars in clinical psychology, psychotherapy, communication studies, and both media and developmental psychology.

Gerbner, G. (2018). The hidden side of television violence. In Invisible crises: What conglomerate control of media means for America and the world (pp. 27-34). Routledge.

c. Of course, clinical psychology, psychotherapy, communication studies, and developmental psychology are just a few of the many subfields of psychology.

Gupta, S., & Jawanda, M. K. (2020). The impacts of COVID-19 on children. Acta Paediatr, 109(11), 2181-2183.

D. Purpose of Statement

a. what draws them in.

b. what keeps them away;

c. what influences their reactions and preferences;

d. what effects it has on their behavior;

E. Research Question and sub-questions

a. How does media violence make children fear certain types of stimuli?

F. Nature of Study

1. Qualitative Research

a. The research strategy offers a thorough account and interpretations of the phenomena examined.

Huesmann, L. R., Eron, L. D., Berkowitz, L., & Chaffee, S. (2019). The effects of television violence on aggression: A reply to a skeptic. In Psychology and social policy (pp. 191-200). Taylor & Francis.

2. Ethnography

According to Jonathan L. Freedman's research, children and teenagers who watch more violent television have a higher likelihood of turning violent in real life. It is one of the reasons given by Freedman for discrediting the results of the laboratory. 

G. Rationale, Relevance, and Significance

a. The topic of the study is "media violence."

b. Freedman said he was primarily interested in natural settings and justified the exclusion of laboratory studies.

Family is not a concrete entity. Imran, N., Zeshan, M., & Pervaiz, Z. (2020). Mental health considerations for children & adolescents in COVID-19 Pandemic. Pakistan journal of medical sciences, 36(COVID19-S4), S67.

c. Researchers have offered several definitions of media violence.

H. Definition of terms

1. Communal unit: It is a priority for academics to avoid intrusive assessments of demand effects since the very first studies on the issue of cinematic violence were done.

I. Assumptions and Limitations

1. The experiment conducted by S. Milgram and R. L. Shotland is Freedman's selective bias in favor of the undesirable results.

Literature Review I


A. Overview

1. The researchers in this study examined the hypothesis that people who watch a televised robbery are more likely to commit robbery themselves.  

2. If the correlation between early aggression and later aggression is stronger than the correlation between early aggression and later aggression, it would be highly suspicious in the context of developmental theory.

Huesmann, L. R., Eron, L. D., Berkowitz, L., & Chaffee, S. (2019). The effects of television violence on aggression: A reply to a skeptic. In Psychology and social policy (pp. 191-200). Taylor & Francis.

B. Overview of the research question

1. As a result of their parents' high anxiety levels, these children face various additional challenges, including social and physical isolation.

C. Overview of literature

1. As a result of this Pandemic, people must understand how people feel and react to meet their needs.

2. Many resources and therapies are available to support children's mental health in these challenging times, and this article focuses on children's susceptibility and common indicators of distress across age groups.

II. Theoretical Framework

A. Reactions from the community to the COVID-19 The pandemic should concentrate on children's and teenagers' mental wellbeing.

Gerbner, G. (2018). The hidden side of television violence. In Invisible crises: What conglomerate control of media means for America and the world (pp. 27-34). Routledge.

III. Overview of Literature

A. History

1. This meta-analysis was challenging to reproduce since it included papers that did not appear to have relevant data and because many other pieces of research were not included in the meta-analysis process.  

B. Diversity and Multi-Culturalism

1. Playing violent video games was found to have a weaker link to aggressive behavior, as well as a weaker link to cognitive processes.

C. Issues in family research

1. Non-best practices and researchers' expectations appear to lead to overestimated results, especially in experimental investigations, according to this study.

2. The results show that the technical report or resolution statement about the impact of violent video games on hostile behavior should be treated with a grain of salt.

D. Research Methodologies

1. The studies are qualitative

2. Review of literature

E. Evaluation of viable research designs.

1. The study would fit several research designs

a. Case study

b. Ethnography

F. Summary

Research Design and Methodology

I. Overview of Research Design and Rationale

A. Ethnography

1. The COVID-19 outbreak might devastate millions of young people, especially those from low-income families. There is a silver lining to this global disaster, though. A pandemic's different ramifications are the subject of this study.

B. Symbolic Interactionism

1. Since its inception, television has been viewed as the only one among various mediums available to help children learn and grow.

2. Since global marketing is so pervasive, it is hard to build a system where there is no violence on television in today's culture.

II. Sampling Design

A.    Random purposeful 

III. Data Collection

A. Observation

B.  Interviews

IV. Data Instrumentation

A. Genograms

V. Data Analysis Plan 

A. Analyze for essential themes

B. Present the findings in narrative form

IV. Limitations of Research Design

A. A small sample may not be representative

V. Internal and External Validity

A. Acknowledgment of assumptions

B. Use of independent review

VI. Ethical Considerations

A. Researchers' impact on the family system

B. Awareness of issues of privacy and confidentiality

VII. Conclusions

Even though it is disliked by people worldwide, it is slowly taking over more and more TV screens these days. 


Anderson, C. A., & Bushman, B. J. (2018). Media violence and the general aggression model. Journal of Social Issues, 74(2), 386-413.

Ferguson, C. J., Copenhaver, A., & Markey, P. (2020). Reexamining the findings of the American Psychological Association's 2015 task force on violent media: A meta-analysis. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15(6), 1423-1443.

Fiske, J., & Dawson, R. (2018). Audiencing violence: Watching homeless men watch Die Hard. In The audience and its landscape (pp. 297-316). Routledge.

Gerbner, G. (2018). The hidden side of television violence. In Invisible crises: What conglomerate control of media means for America and the world (pp. 27-34). Routledge.

Gupta, S., & Jawanda, M. K. (2020). The impacts of COVID-19 on children. Acta Paediatr, 109(11), 2181-2183.

Huesmann, L. R., Eron, L. D., Berkowitz, L., & Chaffee, S. (2019). The effects of television violence on aggression: A reply to a skeptic. In Psychology and social policy (pp. 191-200). Taylor & Francis.

Imran, N., Zeshan, M., & Pervaiz, Z. (2020). Mental health considerations for children & adolescents in COVID-19 Pandemic. Pakistan journal of medical sciences, 36(COVID19-S4), S67.

Martin, G. N. (2019). (Why) do you like scary movies? A review of the empirical research on psychological responses to horror films. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 2298.

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