Myers-Briggs Personality Test

Posted on: 30th June 2023


Unit 7 Assignment

Take this Personality Test, modeled after the Myers-Briggs Personality Type.

Results - Results of the personality test in the following site

Virtuoso personality test result : VIRTUOSO!

Once you get your results, be sure to click “Start Reading” to read an introduction to your personality type, followed by your strengths and weaknesses, romantic relationships, friendships, and so forth. Pay close attention to the section on “Career Paths.”

In a 2-page essay, answer the following questions:

Describe your results from the test. Do you agree with your results? Why, or why not?

What, if anything, surprised you while reading about your personality type? What did you learn about yourself?

In what ways does your personality fit with your chosen career or Career Pathway? How might you approach your chosen career a bit differently now that you have a greater understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of your personality?

How do your results fit in with our unit readings this week? (Be sure to cite the readings using APA-formatted, in-text citations and include a reference page.)

Results of the personality test in the following site

Virtuoso personality test result : VIRTUOSO

Unit readings -

Career path - Social worker

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Myers-Briggs Personality Test

Social work is a breeze that I noticed when I did this personality test. As someone who enjoys learning and delving further into topics, I my results show that I would make a great social worker because I can come up with fresh perspectives and help clients see things from new angles. Learning through doing, rather than hearing or talking about something, is another one of my talents. My fault for making this blunder is that objective reasoning does not rely on feelings. Instead, it depends on a rational method.

I was surprised that I was drawn to particular professions because I have characteristics in common with people who work in the social work field. It is simpler for me to work in one line of work because of my tastes and personality, whereas it is more difficult for me to work in another because of my interests and nature. As a result, this test is more likely to place me in certain occupations and work environments that I might not know well.

My personality and my background as a social worker are unbeatable. Using this software, I have noticed that my communication with clients is more accessible, more pleasurable, and more comfortable. I chose this employment path due to my need for a regulated, predictable, and organized lifestyle. Social work works well for me when things are under control because I exude confidence and make people feel at ease with me. The characteristic I have is that I am an introvert, which gives me the energy I need to do my work as a therapist. Because of my outgoing personality, I am confident that I will get along well with clients. Additionally, I am an excellent observer who prefers to learn by observing people rather than actively participating in discussions. This would allow me to develop new ideas for my clients and help them find what is not immediately apparent. Multitasking, structured, predictable, and orderly lifestyle are also some of the personality traits that have led me to select this career. I would have to perform a lot of analysis and judgment-making when working with clients. Social workers would be a great career choice because of my self-assurance when things are under control. When making decisions, I have difficulty relying on objective logic that does not rely on emotional impulses. To achieve the desired outcome in social work, I prefer to use my values and beliefs rather than rational reasoning.

This week’s reading expounds on how cover letters should include information about my interests, personality, and skills relevant to the job. Because I already know what I enjoy and excel at, it would be helpful to understand more about my professional interests and personality type to locate the best career for me. In an interview, I would be able to demonstrate my talents in line with my personality and passion in a way that would impress my potential employer. As a result, it would be easy for me to relate to, and I would have the skills required for this situation. Social and communication abilities are essential for a social worker, among other things. When a person has good communication skills, they will be more comfortable talking to others on the phone, which will lead to better relationships. My results and this week’s readings are more likely to be fruitful if I communicate clearly and relate to everything I have learned during interviews.

Prof. Jordan

Prof. Jordan

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