Psychology Question
1. Select two Asian religions and/or philosophical worldviews for comparison. You will be asked to elaborate on several tenets of each one.
2. Moses revolutionized the religious orientation of his people by persuading them to acknowledge that there is just one God. Who were these people, and what impact did the "belief in the one true God" have at this moment in ancient history? How does this religious perspective set the stage for the continuation and development of the other two Abrahamic religious traditions?
3. A central tenet of Christian belief about Jesus' divinity is his resurrection, and ascension. How did these beliefs mold Christian doctrine, and what role did the eschatology of Jesus play in relation to the Kingdom of God at the time?
4. Are there any similarities between the proliferation of Christian sects or religions and the various sects in Judaism? Are the same processes operating when variations of one religion develop?
Extra Credit
If you were the professor of this course, what would be your opening lecture? What are three (3) main points concerning religion that you would transmit to your students, and why? You must discuss each of these points in your response.
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Psychology Question
Question 1
There exists diverged coordination and conduct of the various religious groups in the world. Main differences appear in the beliefs of the supreme beings or forces, the historical background of the religious groups, the emergence of the religion, and how the religious groups observe holy or sacred particulars in their settings. The selected Asian belief in the Asian continent includes Hinduism and Buddhism. They are the most predominant religious groups in Asia. And have a well-developed and preserved system of doing their religious activities that influence even their way of life.
Question 2
The bible states that Moses served as a prophet of God who led Israelites from the long period of slavery in Egypt. Moses led Israelites from the slavery land and took them near the promised land, Canaan. Moses is the most mentioned individual in the old testament, with over 750 mentions. The role Moses played in Israel makes the people regard him as the founder of the strong nation of Israel. He revolutionized religion by authoring the first books of the bible. Moses brought God’s commandment to the people of Israel for them to acknowledge the existence of one supreme God since the first commandment acknowledged the presence of one God. The Jewish religious traditions have many borrowings from the practices that Moses initiated while on their journey from Egypt to Israel. The three Asian religious groups, Christianity, Buddhism, and Judaism, regard Moses as the greatest prophet to ever exist the society.
The various acts of Moses prove he believed in one God and that he proclaimed supremacy of Yahweh. When he returned from the mount Sinai and met Israelites worshipping idols as their God. Moses took the mantle and destroyed them, and undertook to cleanse ceremony to ensure the people of Israel were pure before Yahweh. The act of proclaiming the existence of one God brought unity to Israelities, considering they would observe essential rituals pertaining the Yahweh. The historical act of destroying the idols worshipping the altar, and offering sacrifices to God provided continuity in the Abrahamic religious activities. The act of destroying idols offered a continuation path for having faith in one God as Israelites got asked to observe the sabbath. Also, declaring one God of Israel provided ground for continuity of worship of one God, who was the father of Abraham. The Israelites prayed about the God of Abraham and Israel, meaning the Israelites and Christians have acknowledged the existence of one God who existed even in the times of Abraham.
Question 3
Death and the resurrection of Jesus are critical milestones in the growth and development of Christianity in the world. Christians have a strong belief in the existence of life after death since Christ, the founder of the church, rised from the dead. The ability to conquer death gets regarded as the beginning of the next phase of life, where Christians get reunited with Jesus. Christian means followers of Christ, and being a Christ-follower is viewed as the only way people can have the privilege of acquiring new life. Belief in resurrection and ascension helped form the Christian codes that people believe if one observes will die and rise when Christ comes for his church. The moral conduct of Christians gets framed by the belief that Christ will come to earth and come for his followers (Moss,2019). The escatology of christ strengthens the Christian faith through the impression that the present time world sufferings will end with the coming again of Christ. During the eschatology, Jesus will come to pass judgment on those who went against his teaching and take the rest of the church to God’s Kingdom. Through eschatology, the belief in eternal happiness and getting reunited with christ gave hope to the disciples of Jesus.
Question 4
Both in Christianity and Judaism, people believe in the existence of a supreme God. The supreme God has sovereign powers to govern his people and exercise absolute authority upon them. The two religious groups have faith-based in God, and there is a belief in the forgiveness of sins from God. The two religions have believed to be descendants of Abraham, making them universal religions. There is general acceptance of the old testament in the beliefs, but Judaism disregards the new testament and believes in ancient testament teachings (Ramos et al., 2019). The same processes of Christianity believe in the old testament, and the New Testament continues to grow even with random changes in Christian belief. Judaism keeps evolving as Christianity keeps growing and suppressing some practices regarding them being Abrahamic and lacking space in the modern world.
Extra credit
I would give them a lecture involving the three approaches to learning religion. The first point consists in criticizing religion, where students need to know how to criticize the concept of the religion instead of the various religious groups. The second point involves upholding the religion, which deals with the ease of the presentation and the normative objection. Finally, the third point would apply disaggregating religion as an attempt to attend to the needs of the given religion and have sensitivity to the beliefs and ensure the regarded norms remained observed.
Moss, C. R. (2019). Divine Bodies. In Divine Bodies. Yale University Press.
Ramos, M. R., Bennett, M. R., Massey, D. S., & Hewstone, M. (2019). Humans adapt to social diversity over time. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(25), 12244-12249.
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