Unleashing the Power of Prevention

Posted on: 17th June 2023


Please read the handout/report below. On the third page of this report, entitled “Grand Challenges for Social Work Initiative”, there are 12 youth social challenges listed and discussed throughout the report. Choose three of those social challenges as goals to make improvements in and summarize two interventions, for each goal/challenge, and why you feel these interventions would be important in helping to improve each of the youth social challenges you have chosen

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Unleashing the Power of Prevention

Goal: To stop family violence

Violence within the family lines remains one of the significant social concerns within the United States. It is estimated to have affected approximately more than 20 million annually in the United States. The issue is a national concern, and most healthcare professionals have at one time treated victims of family violence. The effects of family violence are so severe that, in some instances, death manifests as the immediate aftermath (Shea et al., 2010). The significance of any family is to bring up mentally and emotionally stable children. However, research reveals that children raised in families experiencing violence have traumatic episodes, poor socialization skills, and reduced self-esteem, which can negatively affect their future lives.

Interventions to reduce Family Violence

Education and Creation of Awareness. Research has revealed that we beings are mostly affected due to our lack of knowledge in several instances. Educating the families on the importance of peace within the family setup makes it easier to effectively manage issues that can translate to violence  (Shea et al., 2010). Awareness can also instill informed consent in the families on the rights of the different family members, the different forms of family violence and the recommended step if any member experiences such miserable treatments.

Encouragement of behavior change. Research has identified men to be significant determinants whenever family violence emerges. Therefore, the behavior change strategies are directed to the men to reduce their triggers towards family violence. The few instances of the negative behavior manifested by the women can also lead to family violence (Shea et al., 2010). In conjunction with the behavior changes strategies, complementary preventive strategies for the youth can also be enacted to instill behavior change among the youth and uniformly reduce family violence.

Goal: To end Racial Injustice

Racial injustice remains among significant social concerns in the United States. Racial injustice refers to unequal treatment based on racial differences. Research has revealed that the African American population is the population that has been affected by this social phenomenon (Burt et al., 2018). Racial injustice among the "minority" is witnessed in all the social sectors from education, employment and even the provision of amenities.

Interventions to reduce Racial Injustice

Promotion of Racial Justice Programs. The program's main intention is to create a "world of all of us". The perspective will dismantle all the systematic racisms activities while working to change and rectify the activities meant to discriminate and abuse people of other races, such as people of color (Burt et al., 2018). Additionally, the racial justice programs initiate lawsuits and federal court agents within a country that can design a wide reach effect within the communities and all other social classes, and the aftermath is a reduced marginalization of different groups based on their racial differences. 

Respect for Different Cultural Implications and beliefs of different racial backgrounds. It has to be noted that cultural differences have been paramount in promoting racial injustice. Key Jackson, who is a senior member of a body that fights against racial injustice, states that if an individual cannot be in the street to demonstrate against racial injustice, then there are other ways they can do it, and one of the ways is through respect of the different cultural implications that come with different races and cultures (Burt et al., 2018). Additionally, respect for the different cultures will call for recognition of the different races in employment and job opportunities, and the aftermath of such is racial justice.

Goal: To Reverse Extreme Inequality

The global stratification has resulted in the arrangement of societies, nations, and even communities and social classes. The social classes are hierarchical, and the highest social classes form the leading group (Andreas, 2020). The arrangement based on the stratification levels often leads to mistreatments of the lower social groups. The mistreatment of the lower social groups translates to inequality in terms of social amenities, distribution of resources, and employment opportunities.

Interventions to Reverse Extreme Inequality

Better access to education. Research has for a long time revealed that better education is related to higher income, and the aftermath is higher mobility. Upward mobility is an insinuation of movement into the higher social class, and the treatment will be equal. Education also instills knowledge in individuals towards understanding the social systems (Andreas, 2020). Therefore, an understanding can initiate innovative mindsets as people may start getting involved in businesses that can improve their status and reduce unequal treatment.

Establishment of minimum wages. In countries with heavy manpower provisions in the labor market, the employees are often mistreated and exploited by paying peanuts. The establishment of minimum wages creates an average employee income reducing exploitation and having a long-term effect on reducing global inequality (Andreas, 2020). Additionally, minimum wages create a leveraged income upon which employees are employed, thus reducing the extreme inequality. 


Andreas. (2020, May 21). Causes, Effects & Solutions for Global Inequality. E&C. https://environmental-conscience.com/causes-effects-solutions-for-global-inequality/

Burt, C. H., Simons, R. L., & Gibbons, F. X. (2018). Racial Discrimination, Ethnic-Racial Socialization, and Crime. American Sociological Review, 77(4), 648–677. https://doi.org/10.1177/0003122412448648

Shea, B., Nahwegahbow, A., & Andersson, N. (2010). Reduction of Family Violence in Aboriginal Communities: A Systematic Review of Interventions and Approaches. Pimatisiwin, 8(2), 35–60. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2970596/

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