Building Design(Future Transport)
TOPIC: Transport Speculation- future scenario Design of building is always based on future predictions and forecasts of future needs. As a prompt or starting point for the adaption of this building you are asked to consider changes and developments that might occur in the near future (10-20 years). These projections will frame your design proposal for the adaption of the existing building. EXAMPLE: In the future, no petrol, therefore, the mainly transportation is bicycling/public transit. Think about the design of building, if people use bicycles to work, will be get sweating/wet/dust, thence, maybe need to build a room for shower. expansion this possibility. Or any other ideas
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Design Proposal: Integration of Nanotechnology within the Building Industry
Due to the constant mining activities and deforestation at the peak of current activates, there is a possibility that there will be minimal or even no petrol for transportation. Moreover, global warming will be at the peak and temperatures around the world will be very high. Therefore, the consequences will be increased sweating and dust that might make it challenging to leave under the current buildings. Therefore, this proposal recommends the integration of nanotechnology within the building industry to help improve the change in environmental both in the present moment and in the future. Arora (2014, p. 234) asserts that nanomaterials are substances that have been modified to have multiple dimensions that make them have unique features. Since they have a large surface area compared to their minuscule mass, they portray a change in both physical and chemical properties. If nanotechnology is widely accepted and implemented within the building industry, there are possibilities that its integration will lead to improved aesthetic, mechanical, hygienically and more importantly energy conservation building materials.
One of the most significant aspects of nanotechnology is the fact that it facilitates clean and antimicrobial surfaces. Therefore, there is a need for future buildings to coat building materials with these substances since a substance such as nanoscale titanium dioxide has the ability to actively breaking down dirt through the principle of photocatalysis. Due to the increasing global warming, nanoporous materials can be employed in minimizing and even eliminating scents thus making indoor designs more comfortable (Feldman, 2014, p. 210). Since there will be reduced energy sources due to current mining activities, nanotechnology provides an imperative platform for enhancing the field of solar energy generation. Nanoporous coatings enhance solar installations thus improving energy generation from sun rays.
Arora, S. K., Foley, R. W., Youtie, J., Shapira, P., & Wiek, A. (2014). Drivers of technology adoption—the case of nanomaterials in building construction. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 87, 232-244.
Feldman, D. (2014). Polymer nanocomposites in building, construction. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A, 51(3), 203-209.
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