Case Study: Adaptive Leader
Initial Post
Each week, copy and paste the questions associated with the case study you have chosen to address.
A) The initial post should begin to connect the appropriate concept to each question and even the potential framework for the answer. So, it becomes less about “giving away your answer” and more about “uncovering the framework of and rationale behind” your answer.
B) What we are trying to do is to involve our colleagues in thinking through a possible answer (before we give the answers in our Case Study assignment) to ensure that we are each on the right track. Again, this provides an opportunity to think critically, to critique and support your arguments and analysis.
Northouse, P. G. (2020). Leadership: Theory and Practice. SAGE Publications.
Criteria |
Exemplary |
Accomplished |
Developing |
Beginning |
Word Count Requirement Weight 20.00% |
90.00 to 100.00 % The initial post is 250-500 word count or 2-3 minute video recording. Responses to classmates 100-200 word count each or 1-2 minute videos. |
80.00 to 89.00 % The initial post is 200-249 word count or less than 2 minute video. Responses to classmates 80-99 word count or less than 1 minute video. |
70.00 to 79.00 % The initial post is 150-199 word count or less than 1 minute video. Responses to classmates 60-79 word count or less than 45 second video. |
60.00 to 69.00 % The initial post is less than 150 word count. Responses to classmates are less than 59 word count. |
Initial Question Response Weight 20.00% |
90.00 to 100.00 % The weekly learning (reading and video) was referenced in the post. There was a logical continuity between the topic sentence and that of the body of the document. The conclusion was based upon relevant information presented. |
80.00 to 89.00 % Some of the weekly learning (reading and video) was referenced in the post. There was a logical continuity between the topic sentence and that of the body of the document. The conclusion was based upon relevant information presented. |
70.00 to 79.00 % None of the weekly learning (reading and video) was referenced in the post. There was a somewhat logical continuity between the topic sentence and that of the body of the document. The conclusion was somewhat based upon relevant information presented. |
60.00 to 69.00 % There was no logical continuity between the topic sentence and that of the body of the document. The conclusion was not based upon relevant information presented. |
Response Rationale Weight 20.00% |
90.00 to 100.00 % The student demonstrates, through personal reflection, an understanding of the initial question response. |
80.00 to 89.00 % The student somewhat demonstrates, through personal reflection, an understanding of the initial question response. |
70.00 to 79.00 % The student minimally demonstrates, through personal reflection, an understanding of the initial question response. |
60.00 to 69.00 % The student did not demonstrate, through personal reflection, an understanding of the initial question response. |
Response to Classmates Weight 20.00% |
90.00 to 100.00 % The student responds to peers and furthers the conversation in a significant way. The student either constructively agrees or disagrees by providing evidence from course materials. 100-200 word count. |
80.00 to 89.00 % The student responds to peers and furthers the conversation. The student either constructively agrees or disagrees. |
70.00 to 79.00 % The student responds to peers. The student either constructively agrees or disagrees. |
60.00 to 69.00 % The student responds to peers. |
Spelling, Grammar, & APA Weight 20.00% |
90.00 to 100.00 % Spelling, grammar, and APA format were without error. |
80.00 to 89.00 % 1-3 spelling, grammar, or APA formatting errors. |
70.00 to 79.00 % 4-6 spelling, grammar, or APA formatting errors. |
60.00 to 69.00 % 6 or more spelling, grammar, or APA formatting errors. |

Case Study: Adaptive Leader
What changes were Dominic and Harrison trying to make? How did these changes affect the beliefs, attitudes, or values of the players?
The co-captains were trying to make several changes in the ultimate team, including converting the team’s priorities and culture from prioritizing drinking and partying to prioritizing being a competitive team. Similarly, Dominic and Harrison were trying to turn the team into a program that operated at a higher competitive level. To play at a higher competitive level, the co-captains knew they needed to find someone to guide the team and teach them skills and strategy (Northouse, 2019).
In the beginning, some team members were resistant to changing the long-standing team culture of fun. As a result, they were quite angry and suggested that the co-captains leave. However, when the co-captains brought Mario O’Brien to coach the team, their attitudes changed as they began to realize that the co-captains had the foresight in the team they were attempting to build (Northouse, 2019).
Were the challenges the team faced technical, technical, adaptive, or adaptive? What examples can you give to explain your answers?
The team faced technical and adaptive challenges due to several reasons. Foremost, while the team’s challenges were clearly defined, they did not have a distinct straightforward solution that could be implemented. For example, Dominic and Harrison wanted their team to be competitive. However, this required them to first change the team’s culture, find a reputable coach, make the team members commit to the same goals and respect each other. Secondly, the responsibility for overcoming the challenges the team faced required all stakeholders to come together, offer support, and learn to change and adapt. For example, the two captains brought in a coach that would help the team implement a strong program, the captains organized a team dinner to increase team cohesiveness. Finally, after addressing numerous issues, the team members became committed to the same goal (Northouse, 2019).
Citing examples, explain how the captains engaged in each of these adaptive leader behaviors
(1) get on the balcony,
The two captains brought in a reputable, experienced and knowledgeable coach, Mario O’Brien, who would be able to see what the tea required to become competitive.
(2) identify adaptive challenges
The two captains knew they were required to change the team's beliefs, attitudes, and values. So, first, the captains and coach organized a team dinner and created a conducive environment for each team member to pubic speak without feeling embarrassed. Similarly, Harrison, who played the offensive line, made himself available to improve other players by playing on the defensive line (Northouse, 2019).
(3) regulate distress
To regulate distress in the team, the co-captains organized social events where team members could engage in other constructive activities to build cohesiveness.
(4) maintain disciplined attention
To maintain disciplined attention, the two captains had multiple meetings to discuss their concerns. They also discussed the team’s objectives before and after each practice.
(5) give the work back to the people
The two captains created direction and structure in the team by increasing active participation whereby the experienced players could mentor the new players to improve their skills.
(6) protect leadership voices from below
During the team dinner, the co-captains created an open forum where all members of the team were given a voice to share their thoughts regarding the team and their expectations.
Describe the holding environment that the co-captains created for the team. Do you think it was successful? Why or why not?
The holding environment that the co-captains created for the team comprised of the team dinner, where the team members were allowed to share their thoughts. Similarly, the team had another meeting before and after each practice whereby they could talk about their concerns and discuss the team’s goals. I think the team meeting was very effective since it enabled the team to understand, identify team members that were not committed to the team’s objectives and become dedicated to going to the national competition (Northouse, 2019).
Northouse, P. (2019). Adaptive Leadership. In Leadership: Theory and practice (6th ed., pp. 286–314). Sage Publications.

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