Chosen Career Path on Allied Health
Research Paper Assignment
For this assignment, you will write a research paper (~1,000 words) about your chosen career path (the field you hope to work in after graduation), documenting all sources in MLA style.
Organize your essay as follows:
Introduction: What is your chosen field (i.e., criminal justice, early childhood)? What type of position do you hope to obtain in this field (i.e., state trooper, preschool teacher)? Provide a thesis statement indicating your reasons for choosing this field.
Body paragraph: What are some examples of specific jobs someone in this field might be able to obtain? What kinds of duties would a person in this field likely perform on the job each day?
Body paragraph: What education, training, and/or certifications does an individual need to find employment or receive promotions in this field? Are there any specific personality traits that a person needs to be successful in this field?
Body paragraph: What is the job outlook in this field? What is the average starting salary/hourly wage for an entry level position? Does pay vary depending on the environment in which an individual in this field works? What is the potential for advancement?
Conclusion: What are the advantages of this field? The disadvantages? Why did you choose this profession?
✓ Start your research with a quick Internet search for the Occupational Outlook Handbook and/or O*Net online. These sources will provide you with most of the information I am requiring you to include in your paper.
✓ Search websites of professional organizations in your field such as the American Nurses Association. They contain a wealth of information about requirements and trends in the field.
✓ Search for relevant articles on Galileo or other databases available via the library's webpage.
✓ Steer clear of any website that has "Ad" next to the name of the site or that has several advertisements on the website.
✓ Your Works Cited page should begin on a separate page at the end of your paper. Your list of sources should be organized alphabetically by the author's last name or the first keyword of the title if the source has no author listed.
✓ Use CiteFast (link provided in research folder). Just make sure the format style is set to MLA 8 at the top, and then you can copy and paste a URL from a website directly into it to get the correct citation format for your source!
❖ You must cite at least four sources.
❖ All your information should be obtained from credible sources. You cannot use Wikipedia, blogs, a dictionary, or any website with a .com or .net domain name as a source.
❖ You may count an interview with a respected professional currently working in the field as one
❖ You must format your paper and correctly document all your sources in standard MLA style (with both parenthetical citations within your paragraphs and a Works Cited page at the end of your paper).
❖ See Chapters 25-28 of Everyone's An Author for instructions and examples of how to document sources in MLA style.
❖ Papers without MLA formatting and documentation will automatically receive a failing grade. Any evidence of plagiarism (failure to give proper credit for another's work or ideas), intentional or unintentional, will result in a grade of zero for the assignment.
❖ If you have any questions about whether a source is appropriate for this assignment or how to document a source correctly, please let me know.
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Chosen Career Path on Allied Health
The field I have chosen is Allied Health because it is essential when you venture into it as a professional. As allied health professionals, you aim to treat, prevent and diagnose illness and conditions by working as a health team to provide the best patient outcomes. The main position I hope to obtain in the field is RN Nurse because going in the future, I love to help the community to live in good health. As RN-Nurse, my responsibility is to assess patient health problems and implement nursing care plans that show the sign of love to people. Therefore, this paper aims to discuss my chosen field, Allied Health, and the position I hope to obtain from the field. The significant factor in why I chose the allied health field is that it involves working with people and helping to ensure the good health of patients, which to me as an individual is something I would like to achieve. This is because I take it as a very satisfying way to have a significant and direct impact on someone else life.
The allied health field focuses on preventing and diagnosing medical conditions. This indicates that as an individual who is interested in supporting other people's health needs, you may consider pursuing a job related to the field. There are numerous opportunities in this healthcare field that can help you decide which job best suits your interest and skills. Because of numerous opportunities in this field, individuals interested in pursuing this can get several types of degrees in allied health. In this field, there are various jobs that someone can obtain, including medical assistant, medical technologist, Surgical technician, Prosthetist, Occupational therapist, Physician assistant, and Dental hygienist. Looking at the available jobs in the allied health field, it is clear that choosing a job in this field is an indication that you care about humankind (Wainwright, 652). As allied health professionals, the main duty you need to accomplish is to use evidence-based practices to prevent and treat various illnesses and conditions. Being a professional in this field, your main job is to support clients' healthy lifestyles, whether cognitive, social, or psychological. Another duty you have to perform when working in this field is providing essential services that prevent and promote the delivery of healthcare services to communities and families based on a primary health care approach. Also, as RN nurses, my daily duty when working in this field is to ensure that I treat, rehabilitate, and improve patients' lives. When working in this field, your duty as RN-nurse is to provide services that promote health and achieve optimal recovery from health problems.
To be one of the professionals in allied health, there is significant training and education needed to be employed. But education and training needed in this field depend on your professional choice. The main route to be employed in this field includes having a degree in a post-graduate course approved by the Health and Care Professions Council. Apart from having a degree in a health-related course, you also need to have at least A-levels or equivalent qualifications at level 3 plus supporting GCSEs. In addition, to get into the position of RN-Nurse in the field, I need to obtain an Association Degree in Nursing, followed by successful completion NCLEX-RN exam. In order to receive a promotion in this field, you need to be competent in your previous position. It is also important that you remain competitive when in your current position as that will raise your profile, thus making you get a promotion. Yes, apart from being competitive, there are other personality traits that individuals need to remain successful in this field, including being curious and interested in learning and having great communication skills (Coyne College,2020). As an allied health professional, you need to be interested in learning because, as a professional in this field, you are exposed to new situations that give you the opportunity to learn new things and expand your mind, thus becoming successful in this field. Another important personality trait that individual needs to be successful is excellent communication skills. With great communication skills, the individual will be able to kindly and patient and their family effectively. Having good communication as a professional in this field will help explain to patients their health conditions effectively, thus making your work successful.
The job outlook in allied health is highly satisfying because professionals in this field work together to ensure patients' good health. It is a very satisfying field to work in because it gives individuals the opportunity to have a significant and direct impact on someone else's life (Solomon et al., 4). Given the demand for healthcare professionals, there is a projected increase in jobs in this field. The number of populations around the globe is continuing to increase; thus, they increase positions for jobs in this field. The average starting salary for most allied health care ranges from $36,000 to $64,000, indicating that the hourly wages for starting employees in the field are $1,803. Yes, in the United States, the allied health professional is paid based on their working environment because of the condition in the workplace and the risk they take in ensuring that patients in the community get quality healthcare treatment. From the analysis of the field, it is significant that there is a vast opportunity for advancement in the allied health field because what you need is to go back to school and earn an advanced degree like a doctorate and get a transition to the next position.
In conclusion, having done a significant analysis about allied health, it is significant that this field has wide advantages, such as enabling healthcare professionals to work together as a team. Another advantage of this field is that it helps healthcare professionals to provide critical support for the patient, thus increasing their overall quality of life. Also, this field has helped healthcare practitioners to make a significant contribution to ensuring that there is quality healthcare delivery. It has also helped healthcare professionals such as RN-Nurse provide services to patients that are essential in promoting health and preventing them from infectious diseases. The disadvantage of allied health is that it at some point makes healthcare practitioners feel undervalued. It always makes health practitioners' working conditions difficult as not all the patients are easy to work with, making it challenging to work in this field. I choose this profession because it helps me develop special skills in RN-Nursing, thus helping the patient get effective healthcare treatment. I also choose this profession because it enables me to learn how to deliver quality healthcare to the patient as RN-Nurse.
Work Cited
Coyne College, "Reasons to Consider an Allied Health Career - [Facts Only]." Trade School Programs in Chicago, 20 Aug. 2020,
Solomon, Daniela, Nicholas Graves, and Judith Catherwood. "Allied health growth: what we do not measure we cannot manage." Human Resources for Health 13.1 (2015): 1-6.
Wainwright, Thomas W. "The Quality Improvement Challenge—How Nurses and Allied Health Professionals Can Solve the Knowing-Doing Gap in Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)." Medicine 56.12 (2020): 652.
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