Department Reorganization

Posted on: 7th June 2023


Paper 5 instructions

In a two-page (500-word) memorandum to your employees, announce a management change that will cause some “disruption in the force.”

You have met with senior leadership and the extensive deliberation that resulted has led to the need for you to announce the reorganization of your office. Effective in three days, you will have three departments instead of four (with eight employees each):

The duties of the Accounting Department functions will be split between the Procurement Department (John Stowe) and the Sales Department (Henry Mazzel).

The Operations Department (Miles Johnson) will not gain any new employees.

The eight employees in accounting will be assigned four each to the other two departments and the former chief of Accounting (Harry Plume) will be promoted and re-assigned to the Staff Advisory Council in another location by senior management. Harry Plume, the outgoing chief of the Accounting Department, is quite popular with his eight employees.

There likely will be a nasty scene when his employees discover that they are being split up as a team and lose their popular leader.

Counter the anticipated negative reaction in the wording of your announcement, remembering that the other three departments are also being affected. (An EFFECTIVE manager PRIORITIZES the presentation of information to control employee reaction through reader-focused writing. Accentuate the positive!)

Grading criteria:

Uses memorandum format

Is written to your employees

Contains all four components, appropriately addressed and with Subject line that will calm the readers

Is positive and upbeat, explaining the positive value to employees

Follows standard "bad news" memo process, with buffer, bad news, background, and "good will" conclusion

Minimizes negative impact on employees

Contains no grammar, construction, or paragraph issues

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Department Reorganization

To: All Employees

From: VP Finance and Administration

Subject: Departmental Reorganization

Date: March 31, 2022

Effective three days from today, I am pleased to announce that we will be reorganizing into three departments: Procurement, Sales, and Operations. As all of you know, we are about to be assigned to new departments in a new organizational structure. You may also have heard that I am being reassigned as well. I wanted to take this opportunity to share some thoughts with you on the new structure, the future of our work, and my plans. We have sought to improve our department’s ability to work with our customers. As the customer is our number one priority, we believe this change will enable us to serve them better.

First, let me say how much I have enjoyed working with all of you over these past two years. I have learned more from you than I could ever hope to teach you and have come to depend on each one of you in countless ways. It has been an honor to lead such an outstanding group of people, and I feel confident that we will continue to grow and succeed in the new organization. As you know, our work will be split between two new departments, Procurement and Sales. This reorganization aims to streamline operations and better serve our clients by dividing accounting duties between two departments rather than having one central department responsible for these functions. We believe that this change will help us achieve our goals of cutting costs and increasing efficiency, resulting in a more profitable company for which we can all take pride in working. Your new assignments have been discussed with your supervisors, who have worked with you individually to ensure that you are assigned to a position where you can best utilize your skills and talents. In some cases, there may be some minor reassignments within your department due to this reorganization; however, we have made every effort to ensure that your new position is consistent with your current job description and provides opportunities for growth and advancement. Please note that there are no changes.

The need to reorganize our department was prompted by the volume of work in the Accounting Department and by the desire of senior managers to align the departments more closely with their existing functions. Therefore, Management has decided to reorganize the office into three departments with eight employees each. The duties of the Accounting Department functions will be split between the Procurement and Sales Departments. The Operations Department will not gain any new employees. The eight employees in Accounting will be assigned four each to the other two departments. Harry Plume, the outgoing chief of Accounting, will be promoted and re-assigned to a new position on the Staff Advisory Council in another location. Please note that all supervisors and managers have been notified of these changes and will notify you individually of your new assignments. We are confident that this change will allow us to expand our business opportunities through greater efficiency at a lower cost, and we thank you for your cooperation during this transition period. Any questions about this or other matters should be addressed to your supervisor or me. Next month, you will be reassigned to either the Sales or Procurement Departments.

In the meantime, please join me in welcoming our former colleagues from Accounting as they transition into their new roles with Procurement.

I am confident that this restructuring will bring more opportunities for all of us as employees, and I thank you again for your hard work!

Thank you for your cooperation.

Prof. Jordan

Prof. Jordan

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