Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act

Posted on: 17th May 2023


Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act

Write a 2-3 page paper describing how Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act compares to your own state’s act, if they have one. If your state does not have one, then describe if you believe your state should follow Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act. The paper should be done in APA format. Title page and reference page not included in page count. Must include at least 3 scholarly sources

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Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act

The handful of states adopting a death with dignity legislation has increased considerably. These laws, also known as “assisted suicide” or “right to die” legislation, permit terminally ill patients to end their lives quietly rather than suffer a painful and prolonged death (Simmons, 2018). One of the most widely used terms to define the practice of a lethally sick person ingesting prescribed medication to expedite death is “dying with dignity.” In truth, Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act stipulates that terminating one’s life in conformity with the Act is not regarded as suicide.

However, many oppose this practice. I believe that Oregon’s death with dignity Act is unethical and unprofessional. Therefore, the state that I live in should not follow the practice. Such actions claim to diminish the importance and respect for all human rights. I am concerned that the established rules will fail to prevent the “slippery slope” from leading to the use of this Act involuntarily and, as a result, the intentional depreciation of the lives of those closest to us (Sperling, 2018). Legalizing it will put pressure on terminally ill people to comply, relieving their families and friends of the financial and emotional load of having to care for them and worry about them.

Taking another person’s life should never be justified, regardless of the context. Under any event or situation, human life must be safeguarded. Medication has progressed in recent years to extend man’s life span; nevertheless, the same medicine cannot be used to take the lives of those designed to protect and heal. If Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act is permitted and administered at our institutions, the same ones supposed to deliver health care to the public, it would have been a conflict of ideals and purposes (Girald, n.d).

No doctor can predict when a person or a patient will die with certainty. Therefore, legalizing this Act will result in many unjustified deaths of patients who could have been saved if sophisticated treatments had been available. Furthermore, legalizing it will embolden lawbreakers and, as a result, increase the public’s suspicion of medical professionals. Apart from these considerations, abiding by Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act would reduce our hospitals’ quality of medical care (Sulmasy et al., 2016). This will happen because research businesses will no longer see the need to investigate better treatment options. After all, they will have become complacent in their work.

Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act is immoral and may be the most significant disadvantage. Most major religions across the globe believe it ethically wicked to end one’s own life regardless of the situation. For example, Roman Catholics believe that this is murder and that neither the church nor society should condone it. Although Hindus believe that assisting in the death of an individual may be the best way to alleviate their suffering, they also believe that this will disrupt the balance of life. Reincarnation and compassion killing are prohibited in Islam (Girald, n.d). Some religions, however, are not entirely opposed to mercy killing.

Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act should not be acceptable since it will add to many societal issues. Many cultures around the world consider human life to be sacred. As a result, it should be taken into account. Many cultures around the world consider human life to be sacred. As a result, it should be taken into account. Legalizing this Act will only reduce the sanctity of human life and prove it ineffective. It may also lead to individuals pretending to be sick to partake in death given to them. Many religions discourage people from taking on God’s obligations. As stated in the preceding arguments, this Act must not be legalized. 


Girald, R. Arguments for and against assisted suicide and euthanasia | CARE. CARE. Retrieved from https://care.org.uk/cause/assisted-suicide/arguments-for-and-against-assisted-suicide-and-euthanasia.

Simmons, K. M. (2018). Suicide and death with dignity. Journal of Law and the Biosciences, 5(2), 436.

Sperling, S. K. (2018). Oregon’s death with dignity act. JAMA oncology, 4(5), 747-748.

Sulmasy, D. P., Travaline, J. M., Mitchell, L. A., & Ely, E. W. (2016). Non-faith-based arguments against physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. The Linacre Quarterly, 83(3), 246-257.

Andrea Gibson

Andrea Gibson

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