Performance Appraisal
All instructions are included in the files. Textbook (Chapter 3.4 attached) and 2 additional scholarly sources are required. Textbook reference: Kopp, D. M. (2014). Human resource development: Performance improvement through learning. Bridgepoint Education.

Performance Appraisal
The main reason employees remain in an organization is that they satisfy and meet the employer's expectations. Progressive companies will engage workers on real terms that they must offer their optimal. Therefore, companies lay out strategies that tell and monitor the worker's performance over time. Performance appraisal, therefore, instructs the employer on the level of ability of each employee while identifying areas that may need improvement. There are several tools useful in assessing an employee's work; many are costly, others time-consuming, and others intimidating workers. Interviews are preferable because it is more inclusive, offer more confidence to employees and yield more information for improvement for the future for both parties.
Appraisal instrument
An interview is a valuable tool for measuring an employee's performance in the workplace. It is used against predetermined standards while the appraiser evaluates the employee (Kopp, 2014). The performance tool is crafted around the company's philosophy, activity, and expectations. They entail a perusal of the employee's working against an earlier appraisal and in tandem with the organization's goals. The company continuously prepares assessments to upgrade processes, procedures, and employee output (Belsito et al., 2019). Therefore, the review becomes a tool for assessing loopholes hindering or thwarting employees' functions and eventually limiting overall organization production. The employees similarly get time to showcase their prowess and understanding of what they do. It is also an opportunity to explain their difficulties in the job. Many will also take the chance to identify and poke holes in the processes in the organization. Ingenious employees will also moot better ways to solve internal problems.
Advantages of interviews
The best part of the interview appraisal tool is that both parties sit for a discussion about the work. Both parties have a chance to engage in deliberation to enhance the job in the future. Consequently, interviews necessitate objectivity and candidness in pointing at both weak points and strengths (Mandere et al., 2017). It becomes a time for empowerment, a time for disclosures, and a moment to build trust in each other. Usually, management never has personal time for the junior officer, especially on matters not precisely relatable to their line of duty. Interviews open room for a broader discourse, all aimed at enabling future enhanced productivity. When interviews are done, especially with the guidance of a prefilled questionnaire entailing the interviewee's objectives, both parties can justify ratings per section until a final score is attained. The worker will discuss how they could achieve or not achieve specific goals in awarding scores; both go ahead to identify the hindrances for future rectification.
Appraisal interviews require skill and precaution. They need not become a tool to demean, fight or disapprove workers. They should not also be a one-sided overture. The workers should have time to engage the employer on the limitations they encounter in the job, the needs, inefficient processes, and areas they deem possible to enhance. Unfortunately, managers take that chance to pour scorn and reprimand that demoralize workers. In cases where the management seems to target individuals, the result would become disastrous, so many people are unwilling to use this method (Lin et al., 2019). In addition, interviews require a lot of time. Each member of staff will require their particular time with the management. They will need to stop their work and engage for some time in the interview.
Interview appraisal and the implementation of the ADDIE model
An interview tool is one of the coordinative measures to plan and manage an evacuation. The interview content analyses the staff assignments, roles, behaviors, and attitudes in the workplace. Most such appraisals will issue a copy to the interviewee before the interview. Both parties will rate the worker in different vote heads. The interview will then be on the explicit discussion of the emerging issues (Mandere et al., 2017). As a result of such analysis, the organization will have a clear understanding, apt metrics, and reasonable allocation to all departments and staff.
Retrospection of interview appraisal will enable the management to view and organize the employee's work accordingly. It will allow setting clear lines, goals, and expectations for the employee (Mandere et al., 2017). The working template and design will base their existence on the expectations as laid in the staff roles. The resultant effect would be a clear role, duty, assignment, expectations, and work for the workers.
The development of the interview questionnaire is also a development of the organization. In setting organizational goals, each staff will play a uniquely pivotal role. The sub-goals in each department and subsequently for each member will become pillars to create the essence of the organization (Kopp, 2014). Incorporating staff expectations into the organization's design would ensure that only the staff with specific characteristics gets engagement.
The thought of expectations as would be implemented through interviews is similarly fundamental. Both parties will go into the contract understanding that an interview is in the offing. They will work on gathering ideas that would be part of the answers, justification, and implementation, setting grounds for clear understanding (Iqbal et al., 2019). In such a way, the appraisal interview is an incentive for the proper performance of projects. The implementer of policies will envisage the staff's fair play in their roles. The team will anticipate functionality in mind that questions linger for any move they make.
Lastly, appraisal interviews are essential for evaluating the worker's part of the job and the process involved in the organization. It is an enabler, a data collection tool, a facilitator of new ideas, and an injection of new vigor. The essence of appraisal is to evaluate the past to enhance production in the future (Iqbal et al., 2019). It enables the parties to single out loopholes and the grey area that could be remediable. They identify training opportunities and possibilities for fostering the growth of both the staff and the company.
Performance appraisals are essential exercises for a visionary organization. These activities have been built into the objectives and missions of the organization since its inception. In creating offices, departments, and job vacancies, management specifies what these entail, functions and expectations. It is based on such background the interviews would base. Interviews offer equal chances for both parties to intermingle out of the routine jobs and re-establish relations for the sake of posterity. It would be like a new job leave, a new contract, and a renewal of company tenets. Appraisals, especially interviews should be a time to reengage and smoothen communication, realign goals, foster goodwill, and clarify processes. It is a boon to both the organization and the staff, availing requisite information, especially about jurisdiction, borderlines, and the limitation of the job at hand.
Belsito, C. A., & Reutzel, C. R. (2019). SME employee performance appraisal formalization and trust in leadership change. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.
Iqbal, M. Z., Akbar, S., Budhwar, P., & Shah, S. Z. A. (2019). Effectiveness of performance appraisal: Evidence on the utilization criteria. Journal of Business Research, 101, 285-299.
Kopp, D. M. (2014). Other Data collection methods. In Human resource development: Performance improvement through learning. Bridgepoint Education.
Lin, Y. C., & Kellough, J. E. (2019). Performance appraisal problems in the public sector: Examining supervisors’ perceptions. Public Personnel Management, 48(2), 179-202.
Mandere, E. N., Githinji, M. M., & George, G. E. (2017). Evaluation of Performance Appraisal Tools on Employee Performance: Case of National Bank of Kenya Limited. European Journal of Business and Management, 9(15), 206–214.

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