Reflection: Integrity
The literature review paper should be based on the PIO/clinical question
PIO Question is: What is the most effective way of ensuring medication compliance in psychiatric patients post-hospital discharge?
The paper must use APA format and should be 15 pages (this does not include title page, references or appendices).
The paper should be organized with the following headings: Introduction, Literature Review, Summary, and a References page
Use the following criteria to assist in your paper:
Introduction (15%)
- Introduce your topic (PIO Question). Describe the problem and provide background on the problem (support with citations).- develop a problem statement
- Discuss the significance of the clinical problem and why it is important for nursing and advance practice
Literature Review (30%)
Literature search methods, inclusion/exclusion criteria, databases used for search, time frame for articles, keywords
Literature review;
- Your literature review should be comprehensive in nature,
- Each article should be described in its entirety—do not group or combine the studies into a whole, or categorize according to the research process.
- The majority of your articles should be primary research articles (minimum 4-6), preferably published within the past 5 years. You may also use meta analyses, integrative/systematic reviews, etc., however it is critical you use reports of primary research. You may use subheadings to differentiate the intent of the studies you reviewed. For example if you were focusing on depression in young adults, you may have studies that focused on depression and suicide; depression and substance abuse, etc.. In the Literature review section you also want to provide a succinct analysis of the studies and address those areas where you identified limitations related to. research design, sample and setting, data collection process, research instruments, data analysis, findings.
- The flow of the literature should be logical and support your question and problem statement.
- Remember, in this section you are reporting on the literature and findings.
- Organize your literature on the Literature Review table (Course Documents) and include your table as an appendix to the paper (do not insert into the body of the paper). WRITER – DO NOT DO THIS. I WILL DO THIS.
Summary (35%)
- Synthesize the overall literature reviewed and provide a summary statement on what the research indicates about the problem/topic of interest. In other words, what is the ‘take home message’ about the problem/topic. You may use an introductory phrase such as “overall, the research reviewed indicates…..” . You can elaborate here on significant findings, compare/contrast the studies as they related to your topic. In this section you are making sense of the overall findings from the literature discussed in the previous section.
- Discuss what is known and not known scientifically about the problem (identify the gaps), strengths and feasibility of using this body of knowledge in a new practice setting.
- Discuss implications for advanced nursing practice and areas of further research need...
Written Organization/APA format (20%)
- This is a formal scholarly paper. APA format is to be followed (use of headings, intext citations, appendices, etc.)
- Written flow should be organization
- Quotations should be limited to essential content only; narrative should be paraphrased, not quoted.
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Reflection: Integrity
Integrity is the primary issue that will get discussed in this paper. Generally, integrity refers to the ability of an individual to stand on ethical principles that define what is right and wrong in society. In most cases, people are expected to be consistent with their stand regardless of their circumstances (Mayasari et al. 178). Therefore, integrity can be considered the art of doing the right even if no one is watching. The paper describes the need for integrity in society and the pros and cons of practicing it in our daily businesses. Before commencing the research study on integrity, I argued that integrity is needed for four reasons. That is to build credibility, pave the way for trust and inspiration, help one face future challenges, and be an essential virtue for success.
Building credibility, especially in leadership, is the primary reason for integrity. For example, investors in a particular project will appoint a manager that demonstrates a high level of integrity in the financial reporting. The integrity of a person entrusted with the organization's affairs will do better than the general principles laid by the organization for managers to follow (Alam et al. 3). Secondly, integrity gets considered a gateway to trust and inspiration. Apart from the usual accuracy and credibility required from a leader, trust and inspiration also play a significant role in a leader (Mayasari et al. 178). The purpose of integrity is to create trust among followers in society and motivate them to do the right thing at the right time. Good leaders ensure that they stand with their words regardless of the different circumstances they get exposed to.
In addition, integrity equips individuals with challenges ahead of them. Integrity allows people to face inconveniencing situations where they must stand by the truth or lose their trust with the people (Bafadal & Nurabadi 4). Of course, there are situations where one might get forced to cheat or falsify figures to please their masters. However, individuals who operate in integrity cannot fall victim to such circumstances. Unfortunate circumstances like forced cheating leave one with an opportunity to learn and continue to grow in integrity for future challenges similar to that they have experienced. Conclusively, integrity gets considered virtue of commitment to success (Alam et al. 3). Leaders with integrity are committed to the success of their assignments regardless of who is supervising them. Integrity in this situation anchors on the personality trait of honesty and openness, which help people find a way of fixing mistakes they realize they would have committed.
Integrity is a form of ethical practice required from all individuals in society. Every law-abiding citizen must demonstrate some level of integrity in their relationship with others in society. However, ethical compliance comes with its advantages and disadvantages. Some pros of practicing integrity include enhancing the understanding of right and wrong and creating a better workplace culture (Mayasari et al. 179). First, integrity builds the culture of ethical compliance in society that originates from leaders charged with the responsibility of offering direction. It is easier for people to be law-abiding citizens when they see their leaders truthful to their assignments (Bafadal 1). Generally, integrity demonstrates the ability to go beyond the legal requirements and take responsibility for every action.
In addition, another pro of integrity is the promotion of better workplace culture. Leaders who practice integrity automatically inspire their followers to follow the same sequence in everything they do (Mayasari et al. 180). A workplace with a commitment to integrity becomes a learning ground where all individuals purpose to uphold the rights and the wrongs that guide their work. Integrity in the workplace help in creating a positive relationship between employees and their leaders. Ethical standards generally make an organization outstanding in its industry.
Nevertheless, integrity also has some cons when it must get followed to the letter in some situations. Generally, integrity can be costly for some leaders and lack management support. First, one would wish to uphold the culture of integrity throughout their career, but implementation becomes a challenge in some situations (Bafadal 2). When an organization stands its ground on integrity issues, most people would probably lose their jobs, and management is forced to hire other employees. The need to practice integrity as an ethical standard prescribed in society might cost the company extra resources than it had budgeted for.
Secondly, integrity practice might lack management support, thus, making its enforcement challenging. Sometimes management team members decide to apply their different versions of ethical compliance in controversial circumstances, which can confuse a workplace (Mayasari et al. 182). An organization or society might have clarified what they stand for, but when an issue arises that might cost them their business, they tend to coil away and leave one person with the burden. Therefore, a lack of management support is a significant threat to the practice of integrity.
In conclusion, my understanding of integrity was based on learning to do what is right and desist from wrong. I thought in the past that integrity is a general ethical principle that applies to everyone in society. However, there is a distinction between ethical principles prescribed by an organization or society and integrity practice. My research on integrity has established that it is an ethical virtue that requires an individual's commitment to getting developed. After researching integrity, I realized that it is an ethical principle needed in society, but its implementation depends on individuals' commitment. Therefore, the outcome of my research got guided by knowledge acquired from various sources to deliver precise facts and opinions about integrity.
Works Cited
Alam, Md Mahmudul, Jamaliah Said, and Mohamad Azizal Abd Aziz. "Role of integrity system, internal control system and leadership practices on the accountability practices in the public sectors of Malaysia." Social Responsibility Journal (2018). Pg 1-25.
Bafadal, I., & Nurabadi, A. Efforts to Improve the Integrity of the Principal with the Moral Debate Model. In The 4th International Conference on Education and Management (COEMA 2019) (pp. 1-4). Atlantis Press.
Mayasari, Iin, et al. "Leadership Integrity Measurement Development." (2020). (Pg 177-186).
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