Response to Mary On Polycystic Syndrome In Women
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Response to Mary On Polycystic Syndrome In Women
Mary, your article is an informative aspect delving into polycystic syndrome in women for women who have abnormalities in androgens and the metabolism of estrogen production. PCOS leads to abnormal functions of hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian. The research question commensurate with your article's elucidation is how women diagnosed with PCOS can be treated or how the condition can be averted. It is factual that polycystic ovary syndrome is contextualized as a hormonal condition affecting women during childbearing years, as supported by Patel (2018). Moreover, PCOS can also affect the child's ability, contextualized as fertility by a doctor.
Additionally, the research could have explained why PCOS results in unpredictable periods or even stoppage. PCOS increases the risk of getting other health problems such as high blood sugar and diabetes. It is possible to get treatment for PCOS symptoms, and a woman can also get pregnant, but it requires taking medicines for improving fertility.
The differential diagnosis of PCOS symptoms is such as Cushing syndrome and pregnancy. The plan for averting PCOS is to modify lifestyle by taking a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise. Weight loss can cause a decreased level of androgen and reduced hirsutism. Lifestyle modification can also improve menstrual function and increase the pregnancy rate (Khan et al., 2019). Therefore, the informative research has adequately explored PCOS conditions like hormonal imbalance caused by ovaries producing excess male hormones.
Additionally, women with PCOS have high levels of androgen that cause reproduction hormones to be imbalanced. As a result, they have erratic periods or menstrual cycles, unpredictable ovulation, and missed periods. Lack of ovulation causes the development of fluid-filled sacs. However, it was essential to note that politics does not infer that one must have cysts in their ovaries.
Khan, M. J., Ullah, A., & Basit, S. (2019). Genetic Basis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Current Perspectives. The application of clinical genetics, 12, 249–260.
Patel, S. (2018). Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) an inflammatory, systemic, lifestyle endocrinopathy. The Journal Of Steroid Biochemistry And Molecular Biology, 182, 27-36.
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