Tech $ Opps Management: Supply Chain Management

Posted on: 15th June 2023


Reflection Paper. Class Name: Tech & Opps Management

One article of your choosing on supply chain management. Summarize the article and then discuss the technical operational management implications. Reflection papers may also focus on the impact of the coronavirus on information technology services. For example, how has the coronavirus pandemic affected the delivery of information technology services? Or, how has information technology stepped up during the coronavirus pandemic to be a required partner? What can we learn from this article to help make us better managers of IT resources?

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Tech $ Opps Management: Supply Chain Management

The article I have selected discusses supply chain management. It has explained how the outbreak of Covid-19 has contributed to redefining global chain management. For instance, the article has indicated that traditional ways of managing the supply chain could have changed forever due to the pandemic outbreak. Also, it has shown which strategy business needs to take going in the future to maintain their supply chain management. With the effect of pandemics on the economy of various countries, every logistics, carrier and shipment manager would appreciate that due to Covid, things have changed, and businesses have to embrace digital supply chain (Supply Chain Management, 2020). Due to the consequences of the pandemic, it has been shown that global suppliers and retailers will need to consider adequate contingency and network integrity. It has also been indicated that the pandemic outbreak significantly affects consumers and businesses because it always affects the revenue stream. Given the effect business have experienced during the pandemic, some importers and retailers may revert higher sales to inventory ratios with multiple suppliers because having suppliers closer to consumption markets will help to offer business continuity and protect corporate valuation during the pandemic. Although supply chain management is an important factor in business, the article has shown that there is a need for retailers to immediately implement digital supply chain so that they can manage any future disruptions. What seems to be more important about the article discussion is that it has shown digital supply chain can be a solution to mitigate the impact of any pandemic going in the future if suppliers and retailers can establish it strategically. Looking at how Covid-19 ravaged the business across the globe, it is true that embracing a digital supply chain was an important factor for the organization's growth and the future handle of the pandemic.

 After the outbreak of Covid-19, information technology played a significant role in helping organizations continue with their businesses in the market. It is clear that the effect of the pandemic derailed the supply chain, disrupted the electronics value chain and even contributed to inflationary risk on products. Although the pandemic disrupted people's lives, it created a positive impact on information technology because it accelerated the rapid use of technology not only in business but also in supply chain management. Also, the pandemic had a significant impact that caused an immense impact on businesses, the economy, hospitals and supply chain management. The increased cases of Covid-19 made many institutions rely on information technology as a way of service delivery and communication (He, Zhang & Li, 2021). For instance, the organization embraced the use of information technology to hold meetings due to strict rules put in place by the government to help mitigate the continued cases of the pandemic. From the article I selected, it has clearly shown that after the pandemic, information technology stepped up to help companies across the world continue doing business and thus maintain their revenue collection. In fact, I can say that after the pandemic outbreak, the world recorded a significant revolution in information technology as every sector in the world had the mandate of embracing technology to remain relevant in terms of brand awareness and growth in the market. In addition, the pandemic generated rapid demand for innovation because each organization desperately needed to remain relevant after damage from Covid-19. Therefore, it is true that the pandemic not only made information technology step into people's lives but also raised opportunities to study its importance in supply chain management.

From the article I have selected, we can learn various things that can help us be better managers of IT resources in the future. For instance, having from the article, we can learn the importance of the digital supply chain because it helps the retailers and suppliers run their businesses smoothly in the current world. The use of a digital supply chain is also important because it automates processes and improves decision-making capabilities. Thus, from the view of the article, it is true that with the use of the digital supply chain, we can learn how effectively we can manage IT resources within the organization. We say this because, in the article, it has been indicated that retailers and suppliers can mitigate the impact of pandemics in the future (Supply Chain Management, 2020). Another significant thing that we can learn from the article that can help us be better managers of IT resources is that we can improve transparency and visibility of our business by using technology. It has also been clear from the article that companies can use a digital supply chain to collect data on the consumers' needs and ensure that they focus on implementing a plan that would be effective for the organization's positive growth in the market. Therefore, from the argument in the article, we can learn that understanding how retailers and suppliers can establish effective use of the digital supply chain within the organization can make us know how to better use IT resources within the working environment. I have also learned from the article that a significant understanding of how retailers used digital technology to run their business during the pandemic can help to understand managers going in future can use this kind of technology to better manage their resources and improve the productivity of their companies through positive reinforcement of IT resources. 


He, W., Zhang, Z. J., & Li, W. (2021). Information technology solutions, challenges, and suggestions for tackling the COVID-19 pandemic. International journal of information management, 57, 102287.

Supply Chain Management, S. (2020). Covid-19 Supply Chain Resources & Strategies. Retrieved April 4, 2022, from

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