tesl603-Discussion Thread: Providing Effective Corrective Feedback

Posted on: 14th May 2023


**For this assignment you would need to already own these TWO books: Teaching Grammar in Second Language Classrooms -2011- By Hossein, Nassaji. Please read chapters 4-5. Perfecting Your English Pronunciation 2nd Edition 2018 By Susan Cameron. Please read chapters 8-11, Appendix B.

**For this assignment you are just doing the discussion part, you would have to write in First-Person, using -I- or --me-, etc. Use the two books provided above along with one other reliable source that has to do with this assignment. Please make sure the sources are reliable. *I uploaded the instruction to the assignment so that you can have a better understanding on what you need to do, and the rubric so that you know what is expected. Also remember this needs to be in APA 7th Edition format. *Just as a side note, I am an American and English is my first language, so this would have to be from my point of view, thank you.

Discussion Thread: Providing Effective Corrective Feedback

Part 1: Based on the “Suggestions for Teachers” on pp. 82-83, and the rest of Ch. 4 of Nassaji and Fotos (2011), what do you think are the three most important principles governing how/when/what type of corrective feedback to give? Be sure to cite Nassaji and Fotos (2011), and at least one other source.

Part 2: Based on your answer to Part 1, how would you go about correcting the following hypothetical ELL student written submission? What error(s) would you focus on, and what strategies would you use to give feedback? Why? “I have visited family last weekend. We have saw movie, and we have go to store. I have think this movie was bored. I not like movie."

Part 3: Your student reads her submission aloud and pronounces the word 'visited' as [fisiteɪ̆d], along with making other pronunciation errors. What advice/strategies would you use to help her improve her pronunciation? What would you focus on, and what would you ignore for the time being? Make sure to cite Cameron (2018).

 Discussion Assignment Instructions


Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. In order to foster this collaboration, you will create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion. Each thread must demonstrate course-related knowledge and graduate-level writing with regard to content and style. Additionally, you will respond to at least two of your classmates, offering constructive feedback, encouragement, and asking questions to generate additional reflection on the topic.


You are required to provide a 400–500-word thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion. The prompts for each discussion can be found in the Discussion; they can also be found in the module that corresponds with the assigned prompt. For Discussion: The Changing Views of Grammar Instruction, the initial thread must be supported with at least 2 sources cited in current APA format, including the Nassaji and Fotos (2011) textbook. For Discussion: Providing Effective Corrective Feedback, the initial thread must be supported with at least 3 sources cited in current APA format, including the Nassaji and Fotos (2011) textbook and the Cameron (2018) textbook. 

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Corrective Feedback Discussion Thread

Part 1: Important principles

English language learners learn and advance their behavior based on underlying experiences in a school setup.  English language being their secondary language, guiding these learners to adjust their learning requires teachers’ effective corrective feedback. Consequently, this feedback motivates learners while gauging their growth based on the set objectives. For teachers to effectively provide feedback to English language learners, several principles regarding corrective feedback must be embraced. For instance, feedback provision is guided by targeted content, distinction, and the balance of corrective feedback (Nassaji and Fotos,  2011).

Targeted Corrective Feedback

The kind of feedback teachers ought to give is consistent and goal-oriented to highlight whether a student is on the right track or not. Generally, students are unaware of language, literacy goals, and the entire content. Therefore, it is beneficial to develop goals, assess and let students know during the commencement of each class activity and discussion. Teachers upon providing targeted corrective feedback ensure student’s self-assessment in ascertaining their progress, level of performance, and areas for improvement (Nassaji and Fotos,  2011). On the other hand, consistent corrective feedback implies that offering directions and feedback that is reliable and accurate. Using a well-designed grading continuous assessment and grading rubric pave the way for the goals identification and steps to be employed rather than providing general comments like “A+” (Nassaji and Fotos,  2011).

Distinct corrective feedback

For any feedback to be effective, it has to be specific in a way that is actionable, transparent, and reliable. Student’s knowledge is crucial while offering corrective feedback in a manner that probes quicker understanding of the feedback (Nassaji and Fotos,  2011). Therefore, it has to be descriptive and concrete enough to enable a learner to rectify and develop steps for alleviating the recurrence of the error. The principle of distinctiveness aids in the elimination of judgmental language. For example, elaborating on detected areas for improvement specifically will encourage a learner to act on them with no delay (Hashemifardnia, 2019).

Balanced corrective Feedback

The balance feedback provision is anticipated by English language learners; therefore, encountering language acquisition through effective corrective feedback in a balanced manner tends to be a primary role. Because it is tied to the targeted corrective feedback balancing the form of error identification, significance, and appropriateness becomes easier. For instance, teachers focus on grammatical compliance, attention to usefulness, and students’ communication competence (Hashemifardnia, 2019).

Part 2: ELL Student Written Submission

During feedback provision, I will target grammatical errors like sentence fragments, punctuations, and tenses. Due to the student’s lack of primary background in the English language, I will appreciate the student for the written submission before giving specific and target feedback. Additionally, I believe stressing teamwork will enable the learner to get rid of cultural effects on the English language (Hashemifardnia, 2019). I will respond to the written submission on time by sharing a corrected text with other guidelines meant to improve on these specific errors.

Part 3: Pronunciation Errors

Pronunciation is a process practice that requires specific grammatical concepts. The learner incorrectly pronounces the consonant “V”.  Therefore, word pronunciation practice must be prioritized. I will advise the student to conduct a mirror demonstration concerning the placement of consonants and vowels for the best pronunciation strategies. Presentation of vowels and consonants is done in three steps. First, any English learner should feel the placement by examining the position of the upper teeth and lips before the mirror. For instance, the correct pronunciation of the “V” consonant is achieved by placing the tip of the tongue against lower teeth, keeping the upper lip completely still while pronouncing consonant “V”.  Secondly, hold a mirror closely, place the tip of the tongue against the lower teeth and pronounce consonant “V” then contrast the two events.  Finally, apply the concept to other English words as the student advances to phrases and sentences (Cameron, 2018). 


Cameron, S. (2018). Perfecting Your English Pronunciation, 2Nd Edition. McGraw-Hill Education.

Couper, G. (2019). Teachers’ cognitions of corrective feedback on pronunciation: Their beliefs, perceptions, and practices. A system, 84, 41-52.

Hashemifardnia, A., Namaziandost, E., & Sepehri, M. (2019). The effectiveness of giving a grade, corrective feedback, and corrective feedback-plus-giving grade on grammatical accuracy. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 8(1).

Nassaji, H., & Fotos, S. S. (2011). Teaching grammar in second language classrooms: Integrating form-focused instruction in a communicative context. Routledge.

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