Lifelong Learning
Course Project: Journal Analysis You will write an essay (800–1000 words) in which you compare 3 scholarly journal articles with different points of view on the same topic/issue you select on some issue related to higher education. The articles must be current (5 years or less). The journal analysis will include a title page, a reference page, and have a minimal of 800-word limit. Your analysis must thoroughly interpret and examine the articles for perspective, validity, and significance of the findings. You should support your discussion with relevant facts, arguments, examples, and details from your review of article; your analysis should be well-reasoned, indicating substantial breadth and depth of thinking. There must be a clearly identified Discussion section in which you describe the practical application to the broader industry of higher education at large. You must identify relevant scriptural principles and perspectives from a biblical worldview, including at least 1 relevant Bible verse. In composing this section, please ensure that you fully explain how your chosen verses and scriptural principles relate to your chosen topic.
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Lifelong Learning
The article Lifelong Learning Through a Higher Education Lens by Roger Mitch Nasser shows that higher education administrators and faculty have cited lifelong learning as its central focus. Nasser shows how high education institutions have included lifelong learning in their study to determine the student outcome. In contrast, the article Lifelong Learning at Universities: Future Perspectives for Teaching and Learning by Cendon has different views related to lifelong learning. It shows that lifelong learning has shifted the focus of learning from the institution's perspective to students centered as it has included a lifelong learning process. Consequently, the article Evaluation of Lifelong Learning Centers in Higher Education: A Sustainable Leadership Perspective by Osman Titrek and Taşçı's argument was based on technological development as a critical influence in the recent world and has been of higher impact education institutions. The article has shown how technological attention on learning can be significant on individuals in universities institutions as that has become beneficial in educating others to achieve the 21st-century need of learning.
Additionally, Roger agrees through research that lifelong learning is a skill that high education faculty may develop to develop skills in students. Therefore, it is clear from the article that the significant goal of higher education is to foster lifelong learning in students. For example, lifelong learning is a skill that can be developed over time to make an individual possess beliefs related to learning (Roger Mitch & Holly, 2017). Similarly, Cendon was significant on lifelong learning, apart from being a skill, as argued by Roger, has shed light on teaching and learning given that its emphasis on the institutions to continue with the study programs (Cendon, 2018). Moreover, the articles have helped to build togetherness by making education to be understood from different perspectives. Learning that lifelong learning is a skill is vital to have the ability and skill in the topic and an inborn motivation to make you feel engaged in learning throughout your life. Besides, Titrek had an opposite view on how technological changes in the new century have brought higher education changes that led to obligations towards lifelong learning (Taşçı & Titrek, 2019).
In addition, Roger has expressed how lifelong learning has been able to evolve into a significant component of education policy. He has shown how individuals may take lifelong education as formal graduate studies and informal learning opportunities. For instance, educational institutions like universities have educational programs that are meant to provide wealthy learning opportunities. In contrast to Cendon's view, lifelong learning has shifted the focus of higher education from the institution view to the learners by improving the learning process (Cendon, 2018). Therefore, in my opinion, for the growth of certain competencies, the higher learning institution has to adopt a more holistic view that aims to aspire the individual positively upon the development of a person as a whole, and this has to include ability development and characteristics related to lifelong learning (Roger Mitch & Holly, 2017). Consequently, the Osman article compared to the two had a different view regarding the learning improvement process. As per Taşçı and Titrek, lifelong learning has provided opportunities for individuals interested in technological explosion to participate actively in all areas of life regardless of age and socioeconomic status (Taşçı & Titrek, 2019).
Furthermore, Rogers focused on a different view regarding the importance of reflection. Through reflection, students can be challenged to develop multiple understandings prior to decision making, thus showing that learning occurs with different structures and circumstances. In contrast, Cendon's had a different view that I saw as significant to students' learning. It suggested that the future of learning and teaching be valid on digital technology. For instance, from classroom-based teaching, things changed to digitization, which helped make learning and teaching online where the entire learning occurs via the digital platform (Cendon, 2018). Similarly, Titrek's findings were significant on the opportunity provision that technology gives individuals through lifelong learning. For instance, from his findings, I can say lifelong learning has undoubtedly been an essential component of learning provided that it helped bring sustainable leadership in higher education.
The insignificant argument, the three articles have shown that learning needs to be a process and not the outcome of the result. From the discussion by different researchers in the articles, I found that students' learning models include reflection and experience, which were connected to the development of lifelong learning. Additionally, sustainable leaders in higher education learning can improve positive growth, thus changing high education institutions into sustainable facilities.
Additionally, in the bible, the book of Job 32:8-9 shows that "wisdom does not come automatically with age." This indicates that someone can be old but full of foolishness. The saints who were aged with gray hair and good head were thought to be wise as that was taken to be hand in hand, but it was different from others whose lives were full of stubbornness and carelessness in thinking. Therefore, based on this scriptural principle, lifelong learning inevitably comes with age; as a Christian who follows the teaching, you can cultivate a lifelong learner's holy curiosity and mindset. Teaching and learning are the very heart of biblical learning that keeps everyone focused on the earthly guidance of our heart's teachers.
Cendon, E. (2018). Lifelong learning at universities: future perspectives for teaching and learning. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 7(2), 81–87.
Roger Mitch, N., & Holly, K. (2017). Lifelong learning through a higher education lens. Retrieved from
Taşçı, G., & Titrek, O. (2019). Evaluation of lifelong learning centers in higher education: a sustainable leadership perspective. Sustainability, 12(1), 1-1.
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