Life-Long Learning in Higher Education
Course Project:
Media AnalysisYou will compare coverage of your selected higher education topic in 3–4 different types of sources (newspapers, magazines, academic journals, books, professional association website). Students determine what perspectives are present or absent and assess sources for bias. This assignment must be 800–1000 words and requires citations from 3-4 sources in current APA formatting. This media analysis will include a title page, a reference page, and have a minimal of 800-word limit. Your analysis must thoroughly interpret and examine the articles for perspective, validity, and significance of the findings. You should support your discussion with relevant facts, arguments, examples, and details from your review of article; your analysis should be well-reasoned, indicating substantial breadth and depth of thinking. There must be a clearly identified Discussion section in which you describe the practical application to the broader industry of higher education at large. You must identify relevant scriptural principles and perspectives from a biblical worldview, including at least 1 relevant Bible verse. In composing this section, please ensure that you fully explain how your chosen verses and scriptural principles relate to your chosen topic. In addition to submitting the Course Project: Media Analysis, you must integrate your findings in the final part of the Course Project.
This relates to the subject of Lifelong learning and attached is the first part of the project if needed for reference.

Life-Long Learning in Higher Education
Learning is something that requires effort and hard work, which in the long run, definitely pays off. For instance, a good student set in foundation standards can become a better student after lifelong learning. In my personal view, I believe that learning never ends, and someone can continue to learn new things as long as they live. Based on different articles I have analyzed through the research; lifelong learning is a process that is focused on expanding an individual brain and the potentiality of recalling information if it is reviewed.
In the article Global Education Magazine, lifelong learning is a continuous process of education and training from the cradle to the grave involving informal and formal learning (Global Education Magazine, 2021). The article views that as an individual, you are born with an amazing computer in your head, which did not come with an instruction manual. With your brain as a computer, it needs to learn different skills such as learning from mistakes, concentration, and creativity to boost your lifelong learning. The skills acquired can be developed through practices and purposeful study. On the other hand, the article on lifelong learning and professional development by Eric R. Carlson argues that lifelong learning is a continuous supportive process that stimulates and empowers individuals through learning. It shows that there is the acquisition of knowledge and understanding that everyone requires throughout his lifetime.
Furthermore, the article shows that lifelong learning helps higher institutions realize their human potential by incorporating knowledge, skills, and values. In short, higher education should not regard education as a finite entity where learners only acquire education to perform their vocational skills. But rather make learning occur through life and even view learning as part of life. Consequently, the journal of information technology education by Stefan Cronholm had a different perspective on lifelong learning. The article showed how long-term learning promotes formal learning through a technological development strategy that makes colleges broaden causes learned in school (Cronholm, 2021). For instance, higher education needs to come up with a change strategy as proposed by the article. This should include changing their tactics from only targeting exclusive groups of younger students to coming up with a mixed students' population that will consist of both groups of young and adult students. Similarly, the article on the evaluation of lifelong learning centers in higher education was significant on transformation through technology as it validly showed that high education institutions that kept change and transformation have been raising sustainable leaders with skills and long-term knowledge (Taşçı, & Titrek, 2019).
In addition, the global education magazine shows how lifelong learning impacts higher education. For instance, the article shows that most successful people learned through mistakes, and for that case, students in higher education should take mistakes as learning opportunities and feedback for their continued improvement and enlightenment. As through mistake learning more people have been successful. Therefore, the article significantly shows that by higher education, making learners creative will turn their problems and challenges into opportunities and solutions in their long-term learning. Similarly, the article on the evaluation of lifelong learning centers shows that the impact of a sustainable leader is to incorporate leadership characteristics that have a specific vision and value associated with the learners. Therefore, the sustainable leader who has undergone a life-long process brings people together and creates opportunities for them to explore, design, and learn.
Consequently, the journal of information technology had a different overview from the two as it insisted on e-learning at the higher education and its role to students that can help reinforce knowledge to the students. For instance, the article reviewed the best practices to promote effective continued professional development. It stated that effective professional development for the students should contain three quality components: professional improvement that focuses on personal learning related to the population changing needs. In addition, the article on lifelong learning and professional development argues significantly that by virtue of intrinsic motivation, lifelong learning in higher education is primarily self-directed to learners to take the initiative of increasing their social awareness of new things (Eric R. Carlson, 2016). Through lifelong learning, learners in high education are permitted to critically analyze and reflect on one's situation.
Additionally, the biblical worldview on life-long learning was wide and focused on enhancing imperative today's current life. For instance, Jesus, in the book of Mathew 11:29, informed his followers on what they should do "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, as being gentle and humble in the heart makes someone find rest in his soul." From the verse, Jesus was focused on changing the lives of his followers through mentorship, which compared to my topic of discussion; mentoring is part of God's inspiration that is adopted through learning to bring success in human life. The scripture showed that lifelong learning required an individual to be determined and focus on applying to acquire knowledge to change society. The scripture view depicts learning as orientation and daily adventure that seeks to improve our learning from Jesus and walk in his presence. For instance, due to lifelong learning, an individual can attend a high education institution to study as an engineer and attains the skills to serve society in the long run. After acquiring the skills through lifelong learning, an individual can find the meaning of life, which helps you become an active contributor to the world and church. Through changing people's lives, the individual pleases God and transforms earth for the benefit of humanity.
Cronholm, S. (2021). Lifelong Learning: Principles for Designing University Education. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 35-60.
Eric R. Carlson, DMD, MD, 2016. Lifelong Learning and Professional Development. DEFINE_ME. Available at: [Accessed July 25, 2021].
LIFELONG LEARNING. 2021. Global Education Magazine. Available at: [Accessed July 25, 2021].
Taşçı, G., & Titrek, O. (2019). Evaluation of lifelong learning centers in higher education: a sustainable leadership perspective. Sustainability, 12(1), 1-1.

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