Eating and Weight
Students will choose a full-length and professional documentary from the choices in the pdf file. Use only one of the choices from the links.
- The logical review of the material: Is it interesting and informative? Does the video do a good job of helping us understand this issue? Does the video relate to the material we are discussing in the course? Use your reference material here.
- Explaining the psychological aspects of the Documentary. Does your video cover issues that relate the Documentary to Chapter 14? You must be able to explain the Documentary in terms of some of the theories, models and research from Chapter 14.
- These also factor into the grade. Your communication skills. Is the paper well-organized? Do you make good points and back them up with evidence? Do you use good grammar? Do you give an informed opinion of the Documentary?
Eating and Weight
Recent medical research reports that Anorexia is one of the major eating disorder conditions affecting most of the world's population. It is important first to understand the background information about Anorexia. Brannon (2013) describes the condition as an eating disorder depicted by low body weight, fear of weight gain, and the wrong perception of weight loss. Biological, psychological, and environmental causes mainly cause Anorexia. Change of genes is a major contributor to Anorexia biologically, existence, and persistence of compulsive personality traits. At the same time, environmental causes are founded on the western beliefs that thinness is a better figure.
The documentary; Living with Anorexia involves an individual diagnosed with Anorexia. This documentary is informative. This is because it involves an interview, where the interviewer dialogues with an Anorexia patient and gets responses related to the condition. The interview has vital questions that are closely related to the questions in Chapter 14. The responses deliver the exact information and cover the aspects of psychology. As a result, the documentary effectively ensures that the students understand the issue. The documentary is also keen to reflect the content taught in the course—this content cuts across; psychological aspects, causes, and effects of having Anorexia.
Psychological aspects incorporated in the documentary include social support and social status. Social support is evident when the parents of the patient and the friends are all concerned with the patient's well-being. These results support the management of the condition and treat the condition. The social status of the patient was also evident in the documentary. This factor was illustrated by the activities the patient did. They go to the gym and work out.
The main model is the positive incentive model. This model affirms that there must be a positive reinforcement of reacting to important consequences for maintaining the state. The documentary shows the patient is motivated to live a healthy life.
Brannon, L., Feist, J., & Updegraff, J. A. (2013). Health psychology: An introduction to behavior and health. Cengage Learning.
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