Health Behaviors in Target Population and the Health Problems

Posted on: 27th May 2023


The directions are attached. This is part of a health infographic project that is broken up into 4 essays. This is part 3. This part is about identifying the health behaviors with my target population and the health problem.

My health problem is Liver Cancer. My target population is Asian Americans. (Men)

I have attached my two previous essays. The first was better than the second one, so that is why I need help.

Health Infographic Project

Step 3:  Identify the health behavior

In this part of the assignment, you need to identify your health behavior or what behavior you want to change in order to address the health problem identified in Step 1. Start by doing some background research on your particular health problem in terms of what behaviors you might want to change. You need to research behaviors related to your specific health problem. I suggest starting with a simple Google search like “behavioral causes of X.” From here, you will likely be able to identify more scientific sources that support your specific health behavior.  

When thinking about your health behavior, you need to think about your target population.  The behavior needs to be related to your target population. Think about what your specific target population can do (or not do) to prevent the development of your health problem. It may help to look at your answer to question #5 in Step 2.  

Example:  In the example described above, my health problem was infant mortality.  After doing research, we found out that there are multiple behaviors related to infant mortality (prenatal and postnatal deaths). All of these behaviors are known factors that increase the likelihood of an infant death: poor prenatal health care, incorrect infant sleeping position, alcohol and other drug abuse, and diet. I found out that young African-American women (Step 2) were more likely to have infant death (Step 1) because they did not have access to adequate prenatal health care. I then did focus groups with young African-American pregnant women to discover the behavioral obstacles related to receiving prenatal health care. I found out that women would not access Medicaid because there was a myth that this would cause the state to pursue the father for child support. Thus, I decided to attempt to change the health behavior of accessing Medicaid benefits through informing them that this was just a myth (Step 3).

Be careful in identifying your behavior. Your behavior needs to be very specific. This is because the infographic that you develop to change the behavior is going to be based on which behavior you choose. If your behavior is broad, the infographic will be very difficult to create. The narrower the behavior, the better the infographic.  

Also, pick something that is a behavior or something that you do. For example, feel happy is an emotion; not a behavior.

**Remember your overall focus is to select a behavior that you want your target population to do or refrain from doing to decrease the likelihood that they will develop your identified health problem.

Instructions for completing the paper:

After you have decided on the specific health behavior that you want to change, write an ESSAY (including an introduction and conclusion) that describes the behavior and why you chose this behavior. Provide at least two references in the information that answers the questions below.

1. Restate the health problem - Briefly restate your health problem and target population. This could be part of your introduction.

2. Describe the specific behavior – that you want your target population to do or refrain from doing in order to reduce the chance of having the health problem identified in Step 1.  

3. Explain how this behavior is related to the health problem identified in Step 1. Answer the question, “What behavior is related to my health problem?”

4. Explain why people practice this behavior or why they refrain from the behavior.  If the behavior is something that you want your target population to do, you need to answer the question, “Why doesn’t my target population practice this behavior?”  If the behavior is something that you want the target population to refrain from doing, you need to answer the question, “Why does my target population do this behavior?”

5. Provide a specific statement explaining why you picked this behavior.   

 Helpful Tips:

• This part of the assignment should only address the health behavior that you want to change. Do not discuss how you will change this behavior.  Do not describe the infographic. You will do this in Step 4. 

• Make sure that your behavior is related to health problem identified in Step 1 and to the target population identified in Step 2.  Why one group of people do something could be completely different than why another group of people do that same thing.

• Make sure that the behavior is something that you do.  It needs to be a behavior.

Be sure to provide at least two references that supports the information provided in the above questions.  Do not forget to include in-text citations and a reference list to document your citations. Both of these should be written using APA formatting.

Remember you may have no more than ONE sentence that is a direct quote. Papers with two or more direct quotes/sentences will receive a grade of 0.  This means that your ENTIRE paper/assignment may have no more than one sentence that is copied from a source.  A direct quote is generally three or more words copied from another source. 

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Health Behaviors in Target Population and the Health Problems

Hepatitis B is strongly linked to liver cancer among Asian Americans. Chronic HBV infection is more common in those who get the virus early in life. Asian Americans are 10 percent more likely to be infected with HBV. However, the incidence and prevalence of the disease vary widely across Asian American populations. Mother-to-child transfer during birth is the most common method of transmission. HBV is more common among Asian Americans because of chronic infections in children and young adults. Some behaviors are linked with the transmission of HBV seniors among the Asian American population.

Lifetime Exposure and Ignorance of the Impact of the Disease

The reported prevalence of HBV infection is higher among Asians who are already infected, which puts Asians in general and Chinese at an increased absolute risk of HBV-related chronic illnesses and mortality. Chinese babies are more likely to be infected than any other ethnic group. They may have HBV for the rest of their lives if exposed to infected mothers or unprotected intercourse with sharing needles (LaFee, 2022). The high number of carriers in this and other Asian communities may be attributed to the prevalence of early infection. Even though HBV may be detected and modern treatments can prolong life, most Chinese Americans are ignorant of the disease’s long-term effects on their health. According to research, approximately half of this group is unaware of the link between HBV infection and liver cancer, and they also have poor rates of HBV screening.

Sharing of Cutting Material

The social environment is a key contributor to the spread of Hepatitis B. A few decades ago, many nations in Southeast Asia either didn’t use disposable needles in the hospital or were located in a distant place that wasn’t properly sterilized, making it difficult for patients to get the proper care. The use of complementary and alternative medicine to treat sickness. The disease is spread by the use of outdated methods of treating patients (Hyun, Ko, Kim, & Ventura, 2021). Acupuncture is something that many Asian Americans are familiar with, and it is still widely practiced in Asian America. The failure to use a properly sterilized needle might transmit Hepatitis B.

Unprotected Sex

Sexual contact is the most prevalent transmission of the hepatitis B virus among Asian Americans. A significant percent of Asian American Seniors have two or more sexual partners. This might be the major cause of transmission. Most people having sexual contact with an HBV-infected individual get the virus (LaFee, 2022). In addition, many people seeking treatment for STIs have evidence of HBV infection. Consequently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises that individuals at risk for HBV infection, including those at risk from a sexual encounter, be vaccinated (Maxwell et al., 2018).This would reduce Liver cancer emanating from HBV infection.

Health Barriers

As a result, the vast majority of Asian Americans are unable to buy private health insurance or qualify for Medicaid. Due to racial and cultural differences, Asian Americans may have difficulty accessing health care. Some people cannot acquire the medical care they need because of society’s traditional attitudes and beliefs. Due to cultural conventions, it is possible that Asian Americans are not aware of how important it is to get modern treatment.

As their medical histories are compiled, and treatment suggestions from Western physicians are accepted, Asian patients’ health beliefs may substantially affect how they are treated in the United States. Acupuncture, medicinal herbs, and Yoga are all traditional Asian medicines used by Asian Americans (Hyun, Ko, Kim, & Ventura, 2021). As a result, seeking counseling for mental health difficulties is seen as a sign of weakness. Reproductive health is another area where this unhappiness spreads. Women of Asian origin are more reluctant to get a pelvic exam or Pap test since discussing reproduction is considered taboo in their culture.

The Language Barrier and Health Screening

Due to a lack of English language ability, Asian Americans have challenges communicating with medical professionals in the United States. This affects the quality of care delivery to this population and increases the risk of liver cancer due to a lack of timely medication (Hyun, Ko, Kim, & Ventura, 2021). Additionally, in most households, the father or the oldest male child decides on HBV screening and immunization (Maxwell et al., 2018). Therefore, if the head of the family is against health screening, one cannot argue about it. While Asians are unlikely to hide their condition from a doctor, patients seeking a personal remedy via yang are less likely to return to the same doctor, distorting the patient’s health history. Additionally, there exist distinct subgroup disparities in the usage of Western medicine among Asian American communities, particularly among new immigrants creating disparities in health choices among the members of this group.

In summation, inadequate medical information, psychosocial problems, health barriers language are all connected with never getting tested. Most people Among the Asian Americans who do not know about HBV are more likely never to get tested. 


Hyun, S., Ko, O., Kim, S., & Ventura, W. R. (2021). Sociocultural barriers to hepatitis B health literacy in an immigrant population: a focus group study in Korean Americans. BMC public health, 21(1), 1-11. 10.1186/s12889-021-10441-4

LaFee, S. (2022, June 6). Causes of Liver Cancer are changing around the World: Some Up, Some Down. UC Health - UC San Diego.

Maxwell, A. E., Bastani, R., Glenn, B. A., Taylor, V. M., Nguyen, T. T., Stewart, S. L., ... & Chen, M. S. (2014). Developing theoretically based and culturally appropriate interventions to promote hepatitis B testing in 4 Asian American populations, 2006–2011.

Andrea Gibson

Andrea Gibson

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