social media

Posted on: 27th May 2023


Decide on an issue and question you would like to focus on for your Researched Argument assignment. It can be the same as what you posted for the Chapter 6 Discussion or a different one, as long as it is relevant to an article or essay which appears in Chapters 1-6 of the book. Then create a “working thesis” based on this question as described in Chapter 6. It can be any one of the thesis types described in the chapter.

Once you have established your working thesis, begin searching for sources which will provide support and also offer other perspectives of your issue and question. One of your sources should be the article or essay from the book which prompted your thesis (use the ML A style guide located in the Appendix of the course textbook or the additional MLA resources I have posted here to see how to correctly cite a work within a textbook). Then search for additional credible online and/or print popular and academic sources such as well known magazines and websites as well as articles from academic sources such as books and journals.

Keep in mind the purpose of your research is to find sources which will both corroborate your thesis statement as well as provide counterarguments for your issue.

After you have located at least seven sources, create an annotated bibliography. See pages 212-213 in From Inquiry to Academic Writing and the following link for instructions about writing an annotated bibliography in MLA format:

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Social Media

Thesis Statement: The paper will discuss social media and how it has become a necessary activity. Also, it will explain the value of social media as a communication tool that connects people with others locally and worldwide since its establishment in the early days.

Standage, Tom. "History Retweets: How Ancient Romans Created Social Media." The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, 3 Dec. 2013,

This article shows that the invention of social media was not because of Facebook or Twitter founders but rather as a tool of exchange within networks of friends and acquaintances. From the author's argument, it is clear that social media is much older than the internet in terms of existence. As a tool of effective communication, the social media environment requires two things: the ability to deliver messages and a certain literacy level. From the two concepts, social media existed early in the ancient period than the internet as people could communicate, making the information reach the farthest corners of the world within a few days. The author indicates that even though people today view social media as current, it has a surprisingly deep and reach history that dates back to Caesar. 

Business Ethics Law and Public Policy Global Focus North America. "The Impact of social media: Is It Irreplaceable?" Knowledge@Wharton,

From the standpoint of the article, social media has progressed from being an additional enjoyment to becoming fully integrated into our daily routine. This indicates that social media has become a part of our everyday lives, from politics to home life and the workplace. With the ever-changing nature of social media today, the essay predicts that predicting its evolution will be difficult. According to the article, Facebook had 7.3 million users in 2006 but had 2.38 billion active users with a market capitalization of around half-trillion dollars ten years later. The development of social media has made Facebook a place where people communicate with each other and where political power is wielded. While the ancient world had utilized social media as a primary means of obtaining knowledge about the globe and interacting with others, it has negative consequences on today's youngsters, such as increased mental illness.

Rachel Ehmke. "How Using Social Media Affects Teenagers." Child Mind Institute, 1 Mar. 2022,

Based on the article, Rachel says that social media has made young people today grow up with more anxiety but less self-esteem. The first technological growth has given kids access to the internet, which leads them to communicate while looking at a screen and not other people. This has affected many of them mentally because they cannot control themselves due to their low self-esteem. Given the significant growth effect of social media to the kids, Rachel suggests that parents and other stakeholders need to ensure kids get involved in something that builds their healthy self-esteem by getting them involved in something they are interested in, like sports, as that will help minimize their exposure to the media. Therefore, it is clear from the article's view that even though social media help kids to communicate with each other without being worried about the distance, it has lowered the young generation's self-esteem.

Montag, Christian, and Simon Hegelich. "Understanding detrimental aspects of social media use: will the real culprits please stand up?" Frontiers in Sociology (2020): 94.

This article shows that positive advancement in technology experienced today has made many people embrace the use of platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and Instagram to communicate with each other. Looking at the social media effects on humanity, the article has tried to answer a significant question about media by giving reasons people use it to communicate. For instance, the author shows that the advancement of technology has made social media the first way people reach each other today. But its effect on humans has not been looked at social media will continue to be a risk to humans as long as social companies continue to make a profit from the addiction and depression of people on social media.

Rees, Katie. "What Is the Future of social media? plus How It Will Affect You." MUO, 26 Nov. 2021,

This article shows that social media and its future have been marked with continuous evolution since its creation. It has made humans change the way they view the world, mainly in terms of industrialization and communication. Compared to the ancient time when social media was used as a tool for communication alone, this article indicates that advanced technology has made social media take new functions such as reading news, gaming, and marketing. The advanced use of social media has made many people in today's world embrace social media in everything they do, something that has created addiction among people today. From the article's view, social media has become part of people's daily lives because it has dominated every aspect of human life.

Khan, Saira. "Social Media: History Retweets Itself." Spiked Social Media History Retweets Itself Comments, Spiked, 31 Oct. 2013,

This article gives reason we can learn a lot about Twitter and Facebook through offline ancestors. According to Tom Standage, an economist, social media is an environment in which information is being passed from one individual to another along with connections, thus creating a distributed community. It is clear from the view of the author that the exitance of the internet brought democratization of social media, something that has led to widespread abuse. But all the negative effect of social media on humanity has always been blamed on the technology itself, acting as an amplifier for human tendencies. Although the argument in the article indicates that social media today has affected humans, he recognizes its fundamental differences today and in Roman times. In today's society, unlike the ancient period, the author shows that social media has made people connect faster with the view that was going on in the future; there will be more social media growth given the first advancement of technology.

Published by Pichpanharath View all posts by Pichpanharath. "'History Retweets Itself', by Tom Standage (80-86)." The Flip-Side Blog, 2 May 2018, 

The article's author has focused his argument on two individuals, Sherry Turkle and Zeynep Tufekci, who have different views about social media and its effect on humans. For instance, Sherry worries that social media may affect relationships among people, something that Tufekci has contradicted by giving the view on benefits of social media by giving reason he thinks social media is not harmful. Apart from the view of the two individuals, the article's author has provided useful information and the history of social media by showing that it is a new thing since it has existed for centuries. The article shows that the revival of social media in today's internet era stands for a fundamental transformation of how things used to be in the past.

Works Cited

Business Ethics Law and Public Policy Global Focus North America. "The Impact of social media: Is It Irreplaceable?" Knowledge@Wharton,

Khan, Saira. "Social Media: History Retweets Itself." Spiked Social Media History Retweets Itself Comments, Spiked, 31 Oct. 2013,

Montag, Christian, and Simon Hegelich. "Understanding detrimental aspects of social media use: will the real culprits please stand up?" Frontiers in Sociology (2020): 94.

Published by Pichpanharath View all posts by Pichpanharath. "'History Retweets Itself', by Tom Standage (80-86)." The Flip-Side Blog, 2 May 2018,

Rachel Ehmke. "How Using Social Media Affects Teenagers." Child Mind Institute, 1 Mar. 2022,

Rees, Katie. "What Is the Future of social media? plus How It Will Affect You." MUO, 26 Nov. 2021,

Standage, Tom. "History Retweets: How Ancient Romans Created Social Media." The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, 3 Dec. 2013, 

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