The Effect of Human Development on Groundwater Sustainability

Posted on: 17th May 2023


Title: The Effect of Human Development on Groundwater Sustainability  

 Instructions: In Part I of this form, record the data from the Unit 1 Lab: Groundwater Sustainability. In Part II, follow the steps of the scientific method listed below to complete this lab report form. When this form is complete, please submit it in the submission area of the classroom.

Part I: Using the time progression of industrialization and human development, fill in the data table. You will use this information to complete your lab report in Part II.

Time Period

Impact to Forest

Groundwater Levels

Saltwater Intrusion


Industrial development



Large Forests

Lots of groundwater

No salt water intrusion

Small farms

No cities

Limited Housing


Decreased by 50%

Decreased by 50%

Ocean moved into groundwater

Farms are larger, but there are fewer

Exceptional growth of cities and industrial development

Substantial increase in housing


Decreased by 90%

Decreased by 90%

Greater movement of ocean into groundwater

Same number of farms, but size decreased by 20%

Industrial development decreased by 10-15%

Housing development decreased by 10-15%

 Part II: Write a lab report using scientific method sections below:

Title: The Effect of Human Development on Groundwater Sustainability

  • Purpose
    • In 2-3 sentences, state the purpose of the Groundwater Sustainability Lab.
  • Introduction
    • In a detailed paragraph, summarize what is currently known about the impact of human development on groundwater sustainability. Use the background information provided in the Unit 1 Lab: Groundwater Sustainability.
  • Hypothesis/Predicted Outcome
    • In one sentence, state what you expect the results of the lab procedure will be.
  • Methods
    • In a detailed paragraph, summarize the steps you performed to collect the data in this lab exercise. The goal of the methods section is to include enough information that others can duplicate your process and obtain the same results.
  • Results/Outcome
    • In a detailed paragraph, summarize your data.  
  • Discussion/Analysis
    • In a detailed paragraph, discuss whether you obtained the expected results and what you learned from the lab.
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Part II: Write a lab report using the scientific method sections below:

Title: The Effect of Human Development on Groundwater Sustainability


The purpose of this lab is to show how ground sustainability is affected by current human development practices. Also, it highlights some of the human development factors that have contributed to groundwater not being sustainable in the current world compared to the early 1800s.


Groundwater sustainability has been highly affected by human activities such as industrial development, saltwater intrusion and population as from the early 1800s they were a lot of groundwater, but towards the 2000s, they were a decrease in the amount of water due to an increase in human activities, which decreased accessible of freshwater that is safe for a human to consume. As from my data, saltwater intrusion indeed played a significant factor that affected groundwater sustainability.

Hypothesis/Predicted Outcome

The decrease of forests in the 1900s with an exceptional increase in industrial development and population caused the decrease in groundwater, thus indicating why people should take care of the environment. People do not understand the importance of environmental conservation because that has been the contributing factor to the reduction of groundwater.


In the first part, I did google research to find out how factors like saltwater intrusion started to move to the ground in the 1900s and 2000s as compared to the early 1800s. Additionally, I relied on the collected primary data on the slide and other authentic sources to know how industrial development and population affected groundwater sustainability in the 1900s compared to other years.


The results of my analysis show that saltwater intrusion was one of the highest factors that contributed to the decrease of groundwater sustainability. In the early 1800s, there was no saltwater intrusion in the ground, but between the 1900s and 2000s, ocean water movement was greater into groundwater. Also, factors like forests were largest in the 1800s, but with time, forests decreased by 50 percent in the 1900s and 90 percent in the 2000s; this leads to a reduction in the water cycle, thus reducing groundwater level. Also, an increase in the factors such as farming, industrial development, and population in the 1900s contributed to a reduction of grounder water. For instance, the increase of the three led to climate change that led to a decrease in freshwater for human consumption on the ground compared to the 1800s. 


Based on my analysis, I can conclude that humans need to be keen on the factors that lead to climate change, such as industrial development. This is because the development of industries and population increase played a key factor in the decrease of groundwater; thus, the need to mitigate the activities to regain more fresh groundwater for human consumption. Therefore, it is my pleasure to advise every government stakeholder to find a way of reducing industrial gas emissions into the air to reduce climate change.

Prof. Jordan

Prof. Jordan

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