The Role of International Organizations in World Politics

Posted on: 27th May 2023


Assignment 1 – Research Proposal


To complete this assignment you are asked to:

(1) Identify a research topic that analyzes the interactions of state, non-state, and supranational actors to examine for your 15-page research paper that is due at the end of Week 8

(2) Identify a specific research question that your paper will address. The question should be analytical, and not descriptive, in nature (The question should examine why something happened, not describe how it happened).

(3) Offer a brief explanation of the topic and your planned research

(4) Write a preliminary literature review of at least 6 sources. You must watch this video before doing the literature review. It explains how to do a literature review as opposed to an annotated bibliography. Do NOT provide an annotated bibliography.

The total length of this assignment will be approximately 3-5 pages. Detailed instructions for each of these components are outlined below:

Research Topic and Question:

Your proposed research question should be direct, succinct, and to the point. In most instances, it should not be longer than 15 words or so. To conceptualize your question, think about the relationship between two variables. For instance, if you are interested in Great Power politics and the international system your question could be "How does Great Power politics affect the incidence of war in the developing world." A direct and succinct question will allow you to look precisely and analytically at the relationship between a dependent and independent variables. Your hypothesis should also be direct and succinct, so in the question above, your hypothesis could be "Great Power politics increases the likelihood of conflict in the developing world." You can then gather data and case study information to make your case.

You will have considerable leeway in choosing your topic, although it should center on patterns of conflict and cooperation in the international system. Examples of appropriate topics are, for instance, the relative success and failure of regional integration efforts, but you could also look at one particular instance of regional integration. You may want to explore the causes and nature of war, or peace. Make sure to identify your general topic, but also a concise research question that can be answered in the space and time that you have available.

Of course, you can always message your instructor with any questions about a relevant paper topic.

Purpose Statement:

The purpose statement should be approximately 1-2 pages in length and outline (1) why you chose this particular topic and (2) what your preliminary findings or hypotheses are. It is, of course, quite likely that your hypotheses and conclusions may change over the course of the four weeks of doing research. The purpose statement should be considered a rough map towards the eventual paper.

Submission details:

The research question/topic, purpose statement, and Literature Review should be assembled in a single Word Document. The document should be approximately 5 pages in length, and submitted through the Assignments tab under Week 2, Research Question/Purpose Statement/Literature Review Assignment. Name your file LASTNAME#1.

General Instructions for Assignments

All assignments should be written in Word and uploaded as attachments within the Assignments section of the classroom. Use 12 pt. font and double-space. Be sure to put your name and class information on the document and put your name on the file. Insert page numbers. Assignments will be graded using a rubric appropriate for your class level.

Not that you need this, but the link to the video is above.

Please don't hesitate to ask questions.

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The Role of International Organizations in World Politics

The world has changed a lot in the past two decades. The Cold War had ended, and with it came the fall of the USSR. The U.S. then developed as a major superpower, with no other country challenging its position. However, with this role came responsibilities, many of which were not clearly defined. The role of institutions is important in any country because it helps them maintain their economy and avoid conflicts between countries. For instance, the U.N. is one of the most important institutions in the world, with 193 member states and over 2000 employees working for this organization.[1] This institution has several functions that help people around the world. These functions include peacekeeping, development assistance, and human rights promotion. However, there are some problems with this institution, such as lack of support from some countries and lack of funds from others, making it difficult for them to perform their duties efficiently. In this paper, I will examine how institutions such as international organizations have come to play a greater role in world politics just after the Cold War in terms of cooperation, human rights, and economic development.

I chose this topic because I am interested in how international organizations play a role in world politics. My preliminary findings are that these institutions are necessary for countries to work together, but they have many benefits and drawbacks. They allow countries to work together but can also create conflicts between countries. For example, NATO has been fighting against ISIS for years, but it does not seem like things are getting better anytime soon. Every country has its schedule and doesn’t want to compromise with others. The U.N. is another example of an institution that has been around for decades, which has helped many countries come together but has also caused some problems. The Cold War was one example where the U.N. played a big role in helping both sides agree on ending their conflict peacefully. However, multiple conflicts worldwide have caused major damage to people’s lives and property, such as civil wars or terrorist attacks by groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

Research Question: What is the role of institutions like international organizations in world politics?

This is a research question that has been asked by many people and has been answered in various ways. It has been asked by philosophers, sociologists, economists, and political scientists. In this paper, I will try to provide a comprehensive answer to this question by using theories of international relations. The concept of institutions was first introduced by John Locke, who believed that people created governments and it was their duty to obey them. The government was supposed to protect the rights of its citizens while providing them with opportunities to pursue happiness. Later, the concept of institutions became more complex, especially when more than one society came together to form an organization or group for a common cause. For example, United Nations was formed after World War II in 1945 as an institution for peacekeeping (United Nations). In modern times we see many organizations, such as NATO, UNICEF, and WTO ( which were formed to help people worldwide achieve better lives through cooperation among nations.[2] The E.U. is another important institution in international politics today because it promotes democracy by encouraging its members to respect human rights laws when dealing with each other or other countries around the globe. The E.U. also promotes economic growth by encouraging free trade between its members, which allows them to benefit from each other. These organizations are usually made up of member states committed to upholding certain principles such as human rights and political freedoms, among others, so all members can benefit from their operations. However, the organizations have come under criticism in recent times for their failure to fulfill their objectives.

“The article Life, death, or zombie? The vitality of international organizations”, by James M. Gray, is an attempt to explore the role of international organizations in world politics. The author describes the three phases of the evolution of international organizations through history. He argues that international organizations have played an important role in maintaining peace and security for humanity; however, they are also vulnerable to changes in geopolitical conditions. Gray argues that international organizations have three types of evolution: birth, life (stabilization), and death (destruction). The first phase occurs when states and non-state actors form new organizations to deal with global issues such as economic growth, environmental protection, and human rights. These organizations are usually created after a major war or crisis to ensure that future wars do not occur again. For example, after World War II, various countries came together to form the United Nations to prevent future conflicts between countries on a global scale.[3] However, these institutions are fragile at this stage because they lack strong support from member states due to their recent creation or because they have just emerged from a conflict. International organizations are not new. They have been around since the 19th century, since the time of the League of Nations, and even before. But over the past few decades, a proliferation of international organizations has outpaced any previous period in history. The article by Weiss and Wilkinson (2018) discusses some of these new organizations and why they have emerged. It also looks at how these organizations relate to each other and how they operate in an increasingly interconnected world.[4] There are many reasons why there has been such an increase in international organizations in recent decades. First, there are more countries today than when the League was created a century ago. Second, many countries had become more powerful and influential than they were when the United Nations was founded 70 years ago. Third, technology has made communication easier than ever before, so it is easier for people to solve problems together without going through nation-states.

Moreover, the article by Tallberg and Zürn (2019) provides an overview of the legitimacy of various international parties in the universe’s politics. The authors argue that international firms are important in world politics because they create expectations on how states should behave, which can affect state behavior. They also argue that international organizations have become more legitimate over time as their legitimacy has been based on shared norms, rules, and procedures. They note that legitimacy is often understood as the acceptance of authority by those subject to it. This acceptance can be understood as consent or acquiescence, but it can also be derived from the fact that an institution has characteristics associated with fairness and justice.[5] The United Nations is the most important international institution for promoting cooperation among nations. It has succeeded in some areas, such as peacekeeping and disaster response operations, but it has failed to promote cooperation on many other issues, including economic development and human rights. Moreover, the United Nations originally intended to promote human rights worldwide. However, its record has been mixed at best. The Security Council has failed to prevent genocide in Rwanda and Darfur, allowing oppressive regimes to remain in power for decades in countries like Saudi Arabia and China. In addition, the U.N. has not always been willing to use its power to enforce its resolutions when they conflict with those of powerful member states like Russia or China.[6] Lastly, the IMF was created to promote international economic development through policies such as loan packages and trade agreements. However, critics argue that these policies often have negative consequences for developing countries because they require nations to follow strict rules that may not be appropriate for their situations. For example, many countries have struggled under IMF conditions because they required them to cut spending during economic downturns rather than encouraging government investment.

In conclusion, this paper has presented a literature review on the role of international institutions in world politics. I believe that we should not forget the role of institutions like international organizations in world politics because they help solve conflicts peacefully by stopping warring parties from fighting each other directly. This is especially important because many conflicts today involve non-state actors who do not recognize borders or other forms of authority. Moreover, the role of institutions is important because if you look at what has happened in the past, it seems like some institutions have played a big role in shaping world history. For example, if we look at the League of Nations and how it failed to prevent World War II, we might be able to learn from it and make sure that similar mistakes do not happen again. 


Bjørnskov, Christian, and Martin Rode. “Regime types and regime change: A new dataset on democracy, coups, and political institutions.” The Review of International Organizations 15, no. 2 (2020): 531-551.

Gray, Julia. “Life, death, or zombie? The vitality of international organizations.” International Studies Quarterly 62, no. 1 (2018): 1-13.

Hickmann, Thomas, Oscar Widerberg, Markus Lederer, and Philipp Pattberg. “The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat as an orchestrator in global climate policymaking.” International Review of Administrative Sciences 87, no. 1 (2021): 21-38.

Hooghe, Liesbet, Tobias Lenz, and Gary Marks. A theory of international organization. Oxford University Press, 2019.

Tallberg, Jonas, and Michael Zürn. “The legitimacy and legitimation of international organizations: Introduction and framework.” The Review of International Organizations 14, no. 4 (2019): 581-606.

Weiss, Thomas G., and Rorden Wilkinson. “From international organization to global governance.” In International organization and global governance, pp. 3-19. Routledge, 2018

[1] Weiss, Thomas G., and Rorden Wilkinson. "From international organization to global governance." In International organization and global governance, pp. 3-19. Routledge, 2018.

[2]Hooghe, Liesbet, Tobias Lenz, and Gary Marks. A theory of international organization. Oxford University Press, 2019.

[3]Gray, Julia. "Life, death, or zombie? The vitality of international organizations." International Studies Quarterly 62, no. 1 (2018): 1-13.

[4]Ibin, Weiss, Thomas G., and Rorden Wilkinson. "From international organization to global governance." In International organization and global governance, pp. 3-19. Routledge, 2018

[5]Tallberg, Jonas, and Michael Zürn. "The legitimacy and legitimation of international organizations: Introduction and framework." The Review of International Organizations 14, no. 4 (2019): 581-606.

[6]Hickmann, Thomas, Oscar Widerberg, Markus Lederer, and Philipp Pattberg. "The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat as an orchestrator in global climate policymaking." International Review of Administrative Sciences 87, no. 1 (2021): 21-38.

Andrea Gibson

Andrea Gibson

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