USD Essay - Option 1
USD Essay - Option 1
Option #1: What contribution have you made to your current school and/or local community that best exemplifies your awareness of and commitment to creating a diverse, inclusive and equitable community? Here at USD, we believe that our campus community and the communities we engage with are integral parts of who we are as a university. Our newly launched Horizon Project is a call to action, ensuring that we are dedicating the time, energy and resources necessary to build an ever more diverse and inclusive campus community. We value the fact that our students come from all walks of life, have experienced different realities and bring with them an array of unique perspectives, including some that have often been underrepresented and underserved by higher education. (1200 characters)
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Option #1: What contribution have you made to your current school and/or local community that best exemplifies your awareness of and commitment to creating a diverse, inclusive and equitable community? Here at USD, we believe that our campus community and the communities we engage with are integral parts of who we are as a university. Our newly launched Horizon Project is a call to action, ensuring that we are dedicating the time, energy and resources necessary to build an ever more diverse and inclusive campus community. We value the fact that our students come from all walks of life, have experienced different realities and bring with them an array of unique perspectives, including some that have often been underrepresented and underserved by higher education.
Throughout my educational career, I have always been passionate about giving back to the community. I have witnessed the value of building a diverse, egalitarian, and inclusive community through my involvement in neighborhood volunteer projects and my time commitment to assisting others. I want to share how my contributions have helped promote these values and create a more meaningful connection between individuals from different backgrounds.
One organization that has allowed me to contribute to the local community is Armenia Tree Project (ATP). By working with ATP, I can help promote Armenia’s economic and social growth by developing community service activities where individuals help plant trees. This experience helps improve the environment and teaches us how collaboration among people can benefit everyone involved.
In addition, I have participated in Paros Foundation's activities, allowing individuals from the local community to come together and share their stories. Through these activities, we raised awareness of the importance of education and gave financial support to low-income families who otherwise would not be able to afford it. Moreover, we educated the youth about their cultures and ways of living together as a community. These experiences created a greater appreciation for different cultures and an understanding of how important it is for us all to learn from one another for our society to progress.
Contributing towards creating an inclusive and equitable society starts on an individual level. Small contributions such as volunteering or participating in events can significantly promote diversity and understanding among different groups of people. Through my efforts, I am taking small steps to help create a better future for everyone around me.
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