Using Voice Thread

Posted on: 9th May 2023


1. Back in 2010, the website WikiLeaks released over 250,000 classified State Department documents. Topsecret information about everything from Iran’s nuclear status to concerns over China’s growth as a superpower to the potentiality of a united Korean peninsula suddenly became public knowledge. Secretary of State Clinton is mad. President Obama is cracking down with a zero-tolerance policy for anyone caught leaking information. Congressman Pete King (R-NY) is calling for the government to declare WikiLeaks a foreign terrorist organization, in order to “seize their funds and go after anyone who provides them help or contributions or assistance whatsoever.” WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange claims that total transparency is in the public’s best interest.

2. On another front, January 25, 2011 marked the birth of massive protests in Egypt demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak. The movement started as a popular discussion among young Egyptians on Facebook and Twitter. Demonstrations grew very quickly and resulted in unprecedented worldwide alarm. The Egyptian government quickly cut off all Internet and cell phone communication throughout the country in an effort to prevent demonstrators from communicating and planning further demonstrations. The demonstrations have a significant impact on the Egyptian economy as well as the U.S. economy (Egypt has been a very important U.S. ally in the Middle East playing a major role in the stability of that region).

3. Where did Apples come from? Let the pictures speak for themselves. Comment as you see fit! After researching both WilikLeaks and the Egyptian revolution, discuss the following from a management information systems view (you may select a couple of points to discuss):

  • How did 250,000 classified State Department documents leak into the hands of Julian Assange?
  • What steps should the government take to prevent such leaks from happening in the future? (consider the breach in information systems) 
  • Should the use of “leaked” government information amount to a criminal act? How about information leaked from privately held corporations and individuals? 
  • Should governments have the right to monitor/censor activities on Internet websites? Should governments have the legal authority to shut down the Internet and cell phone services completely as it sees fit? 
  • What are some of the economic consequences for shutting down Internet and cell phone services in an entire country? Julian Assan
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Using Voice Thread

From the picture, it is evident that Apple is made up of different products which are made for communication and internet accessibility. Because the products are made in high quality, they fill a role in the market of providing consumers with premium computing services and products. Also, if the market had no Apple, thereby no products such as iPhones, smartphones and tablets, as they are

The documents leaked into Julian Assange's hand because a government insider was trying to share secret information about the government with a journalist. It is evident that the breach of the internet led to Julian Assange's access to the documents, thus leading to his arrest.

In order to prevent the leaking of information in the future, the government has to implement different measures to avoid big security breaches. This is an evidence that the government has to take its data and document seriously to avoid leaking vital information to the public as that tarnishes the government's reputation. For instance, the government should limit access to the most valuable document and data to minimize access to documents by many people. Also, the government should consider conducting employee security awareness training to know the importance of safeguarding vital data.

Yes, because it leads to exposure of government information to the foreign power; thus, it should amount to a criminal act. Moreover, like government leaked information from private or individual should be a crime as that act as disclosing vital information to unknown individuals, which can harm private companies in terms of competition or individuals' lives (Papandrea, 2014). Consequently, the leak of vital documents like the case of Julian is injuring and aiding the United States to the foreign nations, thus amounting to criminal acts at any capacity. 

Yes, the government should censor and monitor activities on the internet website to help the cases information leaking. Even though that can be an important factor, monitoring the internet website can be a double-edged sword because public safety is on one side and an invasion of privacy. The monitoring of the internet by the government could also prevent atrocities (Deniz, 2020). No, because that will be infringing people's fundamental right to receive and impart information. Therefore, the government should not be given legal authority to shut down cells and the internet, violating human rights access to information.

In addition, the shutdown of internet and cell phone services affects the economy in terms of revenue collection. For instance, the internet shutdown led to a significant loss of revenue for telecom operators and the country at large. Also, it affects the overall investment image of a country by slowing down economic growth and disrupting the value chain of the digital economy.


Deniz. D. A (2020, June 24). The laws that let internet shutdowns happen. Access Now. Retrieved November 30, 2021, from

Papandrea, M. R. (2014). Leaker traitor whistleblower spy: National security leaks and the first amendment. BUL Rev., 94, 449.

Prof. Jordan

Prof. Jordan

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