Leadership and Management Attributes for Nurse Leaders

Posted on: 28th May 2023



Evaluate leadership and management attributes that support critical decisions for nursing practice.


You have recently started a position as a department director with five managers reporting to you. Earlier today, one of your managers reports that a client expired on her unit. She suspects that a factor that may have contributed to the client’s demise may be related to the actions of a nurse on her unit. This nurse has several notes in her personnel file that reflect potential client abuse. You and the nurse manager both have concerns that this sentinel event must be investigated.

Later in the day, the Chief Nursing Officer asks you to speak to new nurse managers to share attributes of leadership with the plan of enhancing their leadership skills. You see an opportunity to combine the situation of the client with a bad outcome, due to the alleged influence of one of the nurses, while building information to share this real-life situation with new nurse leaders.


As a follow up to the investigation of the client’s unexpected death, generate an internal memo to your managers to reflect leadership and management attributes and include steps taken to investigate this unfortunate situation. As you create this memo, keep in mind that you should include:

At least five leadership and/or management attributes for nurse leaders, as well as how they can improve client outcomes.

Steps you would take to ensure the collection of data regarding this incident.

Describe how transformational leadership style may influence the process of investigating this professional nurse colleague that reports to one of your unit managers.

Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar.

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Leadership and Management Attributes for Nurse Leaders

The unfortunate incident occurred due to inefficient leadership and management attributes by the nurse manager in the department. Generally, nurses should collaborate with their teams to identify areas with problems that urgent solution is needed. In addition, nurse leaders provide sound direction and leadership to all their team members to ensure effective patient outcomes (Heinen et al., 2019). Therefore, leading and managing nurses in their teams will require nurse leaders to possess making-decision, emotional intelligence, resolution of conflict, guidance, and effective communication attributes.

First, nurse leaders are responsible for their juniors' stressors at work by working closely with them to develop emotional intelligence. As a nurse leader, you will be required to assist your team members in dealing with different challenges they face during their routine operations (Iqbal, Fatima, & Naveed, 2019). Some nurses find it challenging to deal with challenging situations; instead, they neglect their patients and cause their death for lack of care. Therefore, nurse leaders should possess emotional intelligence skills to help their peers cope with different challenges. Secondly, nurse leaders require conflict resolution attributes to deal with some cases of negligence and ineffective practice that results in the death of patients (Ingvarsdottir & Halldorsdottir, 2018). Therefore, nurse leaders should think critically about the best way to resolve conflicts without causing uproars among nurses, patients, and their families.

Thirdly, decision-making is an essential aspect of nurse leadership that every nurse leader is required to possess. After analyzing a particular situation, such as the cause of a patient's death, a nurse leader should provide sound direction about the next course of action to avoid future incidents (Heinen et al., 2019). Generally, decisions made by nurse leaders should provide short-and long-term solutions. In addition, nurse leaders should guide their teams. Nurse leaders are staff with exceptional working experience that is evidence-based (Iqbal et al., 2019). Their advice and direction to their nursing team should be coherent with the best nursing practices. Finally, as a nurse leader, you should possess effective communication attributes. Nurse leaders must communicate policies and regulations in the best nursing practice manual to their team members (Heinen et al., 2019). Effective communication plays the role of enhancing collaboration between team members.

Steps for Data Collection in Incident Investigation

Data collection involved several steps in establishing the root cause of the patient's death and who should take responsibility. The first step will involve the identification of the nursing assistant who was on duty at the time of the incident (Ingvarsdottir & Halldorsdottir, 2018). The nursing assistant will provide real-time information about the events that led to the patient's death. The second step will involve recording what was seen at the site of the incident. The patient probably laid lifeless on the bed without anyone at the site (Heinen et al., 2019). The third step will be to collect information on the number of visits made by the patient's nursing assistants prior to death. Fourth, statements made by the patient prior to death will be recorded in order to determine whether the patient also contributed to the negligence (Heinen et al., 2019). Lastly, the entire site data, time, visitors, and witnesses will be collected and recorded.

How Transformational Leadership May Influence Investigation Process

Transformational leadership aims to establish an amicable solution to various situations at the hospital that results in patient death caused by nurses (Ingvarsdottir & Halldorsdottir, 2018). Transformational leadership breeds some elements of positive organizational culture where everyone feels they are part and parcel of the hospital and patient care (Iqbal et al., 2019). Nurse leaders, patients, and nursing assistants participate in critical decision-making to ensure that every incident is investigated to a convincing conclusion. Team spirit exhibited by transformational leaders influences the willingness of all parties at the hospital to participate in the investigations by providing accurate information needed (Heinen et al., 2019). The nursing leaders also consider suggestions of everyone involved in the investigation without discriminating them based on their status and positions at the hospital. Furthermore, transformational leadership will avoid apportioning blames on an individual and encourage every team member to share the responsibility for the incident. 


Heinen, M., van Oostveen, C., Peters, J., Vermeulen, H., & Huis, A. (2019). An integrative review of leadership competencies and attributes in advanced nursing practice. Journal of advanced nursing, 75(11), 2378-2392.

Ingvarsdottir, E., & Halldorsdottir, S. (2018). Enhancing patient safety in the operating theatre: from the perspective of experienced operating theatre nurses. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences, 32(2), 951-960.

Iqbal, K., Fatima, T., & Naveed, M. (2019). The impact of transformational leadership on nurses’ organizational commitment: A multiple mediation model. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 10(1), 262-275.

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